AITA for going off at my mom for staining my coat?


A Reddit user shared their frustration after their mom stained a coat she borrowed without permission. What started as a playful comment turned into a heated argument, as the situation unearthed a deeper issue with their mom and sister’s habit of taking their belongings.

Read the full story below to see how it escalated!


‘AITA for going off at my mom for staining my coat?’

Today my mom took my sister and I out to eat, I was already out shopping so the two of them picked me up to go eat together.


When I got on the car I playfully pointed out how my mom had one of my coats on. She said “oh yeah, I just found it and put it on” by ‘found it’ she means it was on the coat hanger we have near the door at home.

I didn’t say anything else about it until we were actually eating because my mom drowned her tacos in red and green salsa, so again, playfully, I said “I’m watching you, don’t stain my coat”. We laughed and I thought that was it, until I realized my mom had no intention of taking it off to eat her tacos. Mind you, we were inside, it wasn’t cold, and the coat is very big and gets in the way.


I tried not to say anything, so I just watched, stressed out while my mom put the sleeves over her plate with every bite. Until it happened, I lift my eyes from my own plate to see that one of the sleeves has green salsa over it. Now I’m frustrated, so I point it out, not being playful anymore. My mom explodes saying “omg, I’m just gonna take it off since you won’t let me eat in peace!”

By this point I am very angry and I ask “what is it with you two always wearing what’s not yours?!”. I said this because my sister and mom have a habit of taking my clothes without permission. My sister is even worse, she doesn’t give back the things she takes, clothes and more.


She brags about the things she ‘successfully’ stole from me since I gave up and don’t ask from them back since they are now worn-out and I don’t want them anymore. She even stole some panties and socks from me. My mom by the way, laughs with her when she does this.

I did went off on my mother, telling her her act of “I’m sorry, If I knew you would react this way I wouldn’t have taken it, I should have in mind not everyone’s the same and some people do not like sharing their clothes” wasn’t gonna work on me.


Now she is crying, literally ctying, on our sofa, my sister consoling her and I dont really feel guilty or the need to go apologize, so what do you think? AITA?

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

mediocre_lady −  NTA. You had every right to be upset since it sounds like your mom has no regard for your belongings.
But a word of advice (which you can take with a grain of salt since I don’t know if you’ve already tried this) – start putting your foot down about your mom and sister taking your things. There’s no need to “playfully” beat around the bush when you see either of them wearing your coat, clothes, whatever. Stand up for yourself!


BeachBumbershoot −  NTA. She took your coat without asking and then treated it as her own, which was rude. If I were you, I’d have a calm conversation about boundaries and ask her to have it laundered for you.

CrazyOldBag −  INFO: How old is everyone?


LettuceOverall976 −  NTA – put a lock on your door and be more forceful about saying no borrowing my stuff. They are walking all over you and know they can get away with it. Set boundaries and keep them. Trust me, one day this won’t just be about clothes.

Ok_Expression7723 −  NTA. I hope you’re not a minor. Your mother is horribly narcissistic. Your sister is a t**ef. Keep your belongings in your room and lock the door. They do not get the privilege of borrowing your belongings. They certainly do not get to take them without permission.


Tell your mom she’s responsible for having your coat professionally cleaned. If she fails to do so, for every gift giving occasion write her a note that says you’re forgiving x amount of money from the amount she owes you.

Do the same for sister. Tally up the cost of all of your stolen items. She owes you that money.. Move out as soon as you can.


Was the Reddit user justified in confronting their mom, given the repeated boundary-crossing? Or do you think the situation could have been handled differently? How would you feel if family members consistently took your belongings? Share your thoughts and join the discussion below!

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