AITA for getting my brother’s “wife” deported?

A Reddit user shared a controversial story about getting their brother’s “wife” deported. The brother, Andy, had married a woman named Mia, who was struggling after losing her job. He asked the Redditor to help with immigration by lying about being in a relationship with Mia.

However, during the interview, the Redditor revealed the truth, showing proof that the marriage was a scheme. Mia was taken into custody and is being deported, while the brother is furious and facing legal consequences. Read the full story below to decide if the Redditor was justified.

‘ AITA for getting my brother’s “wife” deported?’

My brother Andy 35 is stupid. The is this girl Mia that hangs around him and his friends. My brother comes to me saying he married Mia (24) like two years ago because she desperate after her layoff. My brother has a good job, a house and has been saving his 401k.

I told him he was so stupid for this. He said I need to help him and Mia with immigration and just say we are married and in a relationship. He sent me a pdf of things I should know.

I get called interview about Mia and I tell the truth about her. I have never met her. My brother told me about the marriage and showed them the PDF and said my brother was coerced into the marriage.

My brother and Mia was shocked but I was just thinking of what will happen once they get divorced to my brother’s assets. Mia was taken into custody and she’s being deported back to El Salvador.

My brother thinks I’m the most evil person alive and told my parents who didn’t know about the marriage and they agreed with me that my brother is stupid but will help him pay for his legal fallout over this.

These are the responses from Reddit users:

ashleighbuck −  INFO: I’m confused. Were they, or were they not actually married? (By actually, I mean on paper. I’m not asking if you think the marriage was a farce.). Also: but I was just thinking of what will happen once they get divorced to my brother’s assets.

Idk, this is just weird to me. Too much info missing for a judgement, but I feel like I’d rather my siblings be concerned with my emotions/wants/needs rather than my *assets.* Maybe I’m not rich enough for these problems lol.

Independent-Wheel354 −  Funny how you call your brother stupid but can barely write a sentence.

HCHLH −  This is an incel fantasy. Next.

Namrahc −  Complete and utter b**lshit. If they’re legally married all he has to do is file for her residency status. They wouldn’t arbitrarily detain and deport her based solely off your phone call and pdf. They would begin an investigation yes, but that would be between your brother, her, and immigration.

DJ_Too_Supreme_AITA −  None of this makes any sense.

CosmicPolaris −  INFO. So was any of this actually true or just your impressions of everything? I find it hard to believe that someone who is asking for help with this was actually coerced.

mm1palmer −  If this is true, what did they charge your brother with? Because if they decided the marriage was a shame then he broke the law and trying to get you to back up his story is also illegal.

BeachHound878 −  Nothing about this post makes any sense what so ever!

survivor0000 −  YTA. No problem with you telling the authorities that you didn’t know Mia. It’s the truth. However you are most definitely wrong to express an opinion as fact that your brother was coerced. You were also most definitely wrong to produce the pdf. Here you are not just sending Mia packing, you are dropping your brother in the do do.

Your brother has to prove that Mia is a genuine wife and if you are not prepared to perjure yourself then credit to you. But without your support, he appears unlikely to succeed.

Regards his assets, talk to him and give your opinion by all means, but you assumed 1. that this woman you’ve never seen is not a genuine wife, 2. that she will leave him at some point and 3. that she sue him for half his assets. Not your business, not your decision. Bet you’re proud to make your brother a criminal.

Comfortable_Mix_8891 −  Incel fanfiction. 2/5 for bad grammar and undeveloped characters.

Was the Redditor justified in telling the truth about the marriage, or did they go too far by getting involved in their brother’s personal choices? How would you handle a family member’s questionable decisions if it involved legal risks? Share your thoughts below!


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