AITA for faking an engagement as a prank?

A woman (23F) pulled a prank by pretending to be engaged to a friend (33M) while visiting his old friends. The joke was harmless until a photo of the “engagement” spread to her best friend, who informed her family.
This caused confusion since her parents were excited about the news, especially given her recent breakup with her ex-fiancée. When she explained it was just a joke, her parents were disappointed and stopped speaking to her. Now, she’s left wondering if she went too far. Read the original story below…
‘ AITA for faking an engagement as a prank?’
I (F23) was on vacation with a friend (M33) whom I’ll call Leo (not real name) visiting some of his old friends. Leo’s friends assumed we were dating just because we showed up together while waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Just for shits and giggles I played into it and moved one of the rings that I always wear to my ring finger making them think we were engaged. I played into the joke throughout the visit and my other friends joined in.
What I didn’t realize is that one of Leo’s friends was in a group chat with one of my best friends back home and texted that group chat a picture of us. My best friend asked my family about it without telling me. Background info my ex and I were engaged but she cheated on me.
I obviously broke it off but my dad is her boss and I still loved her so I didn’t tell my parents why so she wouldn’t get backlash at work. My parents still don’t know why and they’re upset about it because they think I just randomly left her after 5 years.
When I got home my parents talked to me about it and seemed rather excited despite the fact that I never even told them we were dating (we weren’t). When I told them Leo and I weren’t engaged they were super upset with me as they’ve met Leo several times before and they really like him.
They seemed really disappointed in me and haven’t talked to me since. I feel like I got their hopes up after years of being single and having flings and now I ruined it for them. So AITA for faking an engagement as a prank..
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
lenajlch − Years of being single? You’re… 23.
Alafair85 − NTA. If Leo was OK with the prank it’s fine. The people that gossiped & sent pics to your friends & eventually family are AHs. Did you write your age wrong? Cause at your age (any age really) there’s no rush to be in a relationship or married, it’s weird your parents are pressing for it.
Silent-Friendship860 − NTA.You’re 23??? Why are they so desperate to marry you off? You’re too young! Tell them to back off and let you have fun.
lilithrosexoxoxo − i don’t understand the comments on this post. you’re NTA. as long as leo was okay with it, i don’t see how this was really all that bad. your parents weren’t even supposed to know about it. why are they so desperate for you to get married this young anyways??
Immediate_Quiet5863 − NTA, not sure why so many people on here are coming for your neck. It was a goofy prank you made on vacation. It’s not your fault someone sent a picture and others made assumptions about it.
TabooTalk_100 − Everyone saying YTA is crazy stupid. NTA, you’re allowed to have a little fun with friends. The fact anyone contacted your family over it is bonkers in my mind.I think a lot of people here have never had close or long term friends that are of the opposite s**.
I (female) joke with my best friend (male), about getting married if we’re not by 40 and we call each other hubby and wifey sometimes. Your family has no right to make you feel bad about a prank that was amongst friends when THEY WERE NOT PRESENT.
silver_413 − Sorry but I have to ask: Is it possible your parents were so excited bc Leo is a dude instead of another female? At any rate, NTA since you never intended for your parents to hear about it, and bc Leo was fine with it and played along.
ConsiderationJust999 − NTA – your parents are upset because you don’t communicate enough in general. But that’s a two way street. Do you as a young adult feel safe and comfortable talking about your love life with them, or does it just feel like constantly dealing with their expectations?
Probably worth a conversation with them about how they want their relationship with their adult daughter to go, and how they need to act to get that type of relationship from you.
[Reddit User] − Ok, but wait, you broke up with your “fiancee” at 19 and your parents are questioning it instead of being like “meh, 19 year olds amiright?” Like you have so much growing ahead of you that it’s statistically unlikely for you to marry or stay with whoever you’re dating at 19 (I literally made that up but seriously power of observation).
They shouldn’t worry about you dating or not, you’re young. Marriage can happen in 20 minutes in a courthouse.
Ok_Syrup_2798 − NTA at all, the person you were pretending to be engaged with was cool and even enjoyed the joke, if they didn’t then you would be TA, but they joked along with you and had fun with it.
You didn’t involve your parents, and even then it has nothing to do with them, they can get over themselves. It was a joke. You’re only 23, there’s no rush to be married, your parents need to chill out
Was this prank lighthearted or over the line? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!