AITA for expressing my anger with my mother after she hugged and was buddy buddy with my sister after my sister falsely accused me of DV and had me arrested?

A Reddit user (32M) is struggling with his family dynamics after his sister (26F) falsely accused him of domestic violence, leading to his arrest in September. The accusations were part of a long history of threats from his sister, who had previously promised to ruin his life. After he was arrested and later released when the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence, he was able to obtain a confession from his sister admitting to the false accusations.
However, when the family gathered for court proceedings regarding the eviction of his sister, his mother hugged and reconciled with the sister, showing no support for the user. He expressed his frustration, and now his mother isn’t speaking to him, leading him to question if he overreacted. To see how everything unfolded, read the original story below.
‘Â AITA for expressing my anger with my mother after she hugged and was buddy buddy with my sister after my sister falsely accused me of DV and had me arrested?’
I, 32, was recently accused of domestic violence by my sister, 26. This happened back in September after a long history of verbal promises of using the police to ruin my life whenever me and my sister would get into a verbal altercation, no matter how small it would be. To give you some context, my sister is a vapid n**cissist and is unable to live with other people in the same living space. She had the same issue with her college roommates.
My sister lived with me, not paying any rent or bills. I was the sole owner of the apartment where we live a three-bedroom where she gets to have a studio for her side business in one room and sleep down the hall in the second bedroom. She works in the nightlife so untaxed money and lives a lavish, luxurious lifestyle without having to pay any bills.
I’m currently an active duty member of the Army National Guard and using my military benefits to go to school BA/MS. She had made promises previously that she would try to call the police to ruin my life, as a police officer would believe any claim from a female, but I try to keep the peace for the sake of my elderly mother, as my sister has burned Bridges with 95% of the family.
In early September, I let her know that I was going to formally start the eviction process to have her legally evicted from my home because I couldn’t live in an environment where I’m constantly being threatened with police. I then came home from school, and she was on the phone with police saying that I was DVing her, and I was arrested as a result and had to spend two nights in jail.
After I came out of jail, I was able to get an entire video of her confessing her entire plan to ruin my life with the false accusation and to get free housing and Section 8 as a DV victim. She even says in the video that if the DV accusations didn’t work, she would try to call my work and try to ruin me that way.
The case fortunately got dropped today after 2 appearances because the ADA didn’t have enough burden of proof to try to convict me because she was lieing. I’ve began family court and housing court in order to formally evict her from my home because I’m currently paying rent (2000) and I can’t even stay there because she could make another false accusation and I would be re-arrested and start the process all over again.
Today was the day of the court, and my mother came in and supported me, but my sister came to court to apologize only because she fears what will happen in housing/family court in early December, and my mom was being friendly and hugged my sister instead of showing solidarity with me.
When I first got arrested, my mother was crying and wailing, but now she seems to be cool with the entire situation and cool with the person who tried to ruin my entire life. I expressed my frustration and anger regarding the situation, and my mother is not speaking to me because she feels like she did nothing wrong. AITA?
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
SacksonvilleShaguar − NTA. And do go through with the eviction of your s**tty sister. LC with your mom too at this point.
Quiet_Village_1425 − Please go no contact with both of them for your own mental heath. That is seriously messed up and she just skips away. Show up at her housing court and let them hear the recording. She is despicable.
HappyEllaa − NTA. Your sister tried to ruin your life and your mom is acting like nothing happened. It’s understandable to be upset that she’s supporting your sister after everything.
Shot_Western_2755 − NTA- and could you also report her for filing a false police report or slander or something since you have her confession?
MethodMaven − NTA. Your sister is a n**ty piece of work. Hope you get free of her.
Ok_Childhood_9774 − I’m sorry you’ve lost both your mother and your sister, but it sounds like you’re truly better off without them. NTA.
UndebateableMom − NTA – And I’d suggest setting boundaries with your mother. 1. Your sister is never to be around when you are around. If she shows up, you will leave.
2. You don’t want your mother to ever mention your sister. If she does, you will leave. If it continues, you will go no contact with your mother. You might also want to consider a restraining order against your sister. Sorry you’re dealing with this.
childishbambina − NTA have you shown your mom the evidence where your sister admits her evil plan?
ShadeRipple − NTA, your sister’s actions are toxic and dangerous. Focus on protecting yourself legally and emotionally. It might be helpful to set firm boundaries with your mom too. Make sure you have support from friends or professionals who can help navigate this tough situation. Stay strong and prioritize your well-being.
joemc225 − Falsely accusing someone of an offense is a crime. Why isn’t your sister being prosecuted? Have you pressed charges? Also, it sounds like she’s been working “on the down low”, and filing false tax returns by not reporting her income. So why not report her to the tax authorities?