AITA for disconnecting a car battery?

A person (28M) in a neighborhood is frustrated with a car that frequently sets off its alarm, sometimes 20+ times a day. The car owner takes several minutes to turn off the alarm each time, which is causing a lot of irritation. One night, after the alarm went off again, the person decided to pop the hood and disconnect the car’s battery, leaving it on the driver’s seat.
Some friends and family find it amusing and think it’s a form of justice, while others believe it was an asshole move and may even be illegal. The person is unsure if their actions were justified or if they went too far. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for disconnecting a car battery?’
There’s a car in the neighborhood that alarms frequently – like 20+ times a day. It takes several minutes for the owner to turn off the alarm each time, and it’s incredibly annoying.
Last night, it was late, and the car started alarming again. The owner turned it off, and the alarm started again within 3 minutes. I was able to find the location of the car, and since it kept alarming anyway, I was able to pop the lock, pop the hood, and disconnect the battery. I took the battery out and left it in the driver’s seat.
Friends and family are split on this – some think it’s hilarious justice, and others think it’s an AH move (and possible criminal). Note – I wore gloves and there were no cameras to capture my image. I don’t expect to have any repercussions. So, I ask you all – am I the a**hole?
See what others had to share with OP:
KittHeartshoe − YTA — but I love it.
Sardnynsai − YTA. But no hate lol. Well played.
Darkhumor4u − Maybe he’ll get the message. Obviously, the alarm is faulty.
0WattLightbulb − Sometimes being an a**hole is justified.
lapsteelguitar − I think that, maybe, the car owner will get the point. But then, some people are too stupid to even understand something some so blunt.. NTA.
seven-cents − Lol! YTA, justifiably so!
fgspq − There needs to be a “Totally Justified A**hole” judgement!
V1PER26 − Waiting for the second post AITAH as I stole a high value car I’d been casing for weeks. I could never start the engine and drive off because it had a great car alarm that would activate any time I started to Hotwire it. But tonight the battery was dead so me and some pals rolled it onto a flatbed truck and now we have a new car.
SuddenOutlandishness − NTA. People need to start remind others that intruding with their sounds, their light, their smells, etc is unacceptable. Your car alarm keeps going off and you don’t do anything to stop it? You \*should\* expect to wake up to the battery in your seat.
GonnaBeIToldUSo − Epic!
Disconnecting the battery was the nicest thing he could have done. I’d have taken a baseball bat to the car in frustration. LOL!