AITA for asking why I was left off a family photo collage?

A Redditor shared their experience of being excluded from a family photo collage gifted to their in-laws for their anniversary. Despite other spouses and even a fiancée being featured, they were notably left out, sparking frustration and an argument with their spouse. Read the full story below to weigh in on whether they’re overreacting or have a valid point.
‘ AITA for asking why I was left off a family photo collage?’
My in-laws are celebrating their 30th anniversary. My wife & all her siblings decided to get a large framed photo collage for them as a present.
The collage, of course, has their wedding pictures & and pictures of my wife & her siblings as children. The collage also includes the most recent group photo of their whole family together at our wedding back in April. Additionally, the collage also has (seperate) pictures of her 3 married brothers with their wives & children, & a picture of her recently-engaged brother & his fiancée.
However, there is no picture of me & my wife, nor do I appear in any of the group pictures, not even in the family pic from our wedding. I brought this to my wife’s attention, & her immediate & annoyed sounding response was, “It’s not about you. It’s about my parents and my family & the grandkids.”
I said, “I understand, & I’m not saying it’s about me, but I’m wondering, if there’s pictures of your married brothers with their wives, shouldn’t there also be one of us?” Her response was, “It’s not about my married brothers & their wives, it’s to show off the grandkids!” “Okay. What about the pic of [newly engaged brother] & [fiancée]? There’s no grandkids to show off there…”
At this point my wife gets upset. “You know, you’re really annoying me right now. My siblings & I worked really hard to put this together, & now you have to make it ALLLL about you & the fact that you’re not on it. Grow up. You’ll be in other pictures in the future.”
Now truthfully, I don’t really care that much about not being in the collage, but I am feeling very hurt and frustrated by my wife’s response.. AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
RaeKn47 − NTA. Seems like an intentional decision. Multiple people put thought into the photo selections. Surely, your name came up during the selection process. Surely, photos you were in were available for selection, yet vetoed from the collage. Why? Your wife isn’t telling you why. She knows the reason. I’m guessing either you kinda know the reason too, but she doesn’t want to get into it or confirm your suspicions.
SoImaRedditUserNow − Feels like your wife went from 0 to 60 really really fast. And she obviously didn’t like you pointing out all the flaws in her defense. This doesn’t look good. There is obviously a reason you were left out. And make no mistake, you were left out on purpose. And your wife knows why. She needs to tell you.
The cynic in me believes that you might not be a member of this family in time, and your wife is ensuring that there is no permanent reminder of you in something that will obviously be on display in prime location.. NTA.
RandomReddit9791 − NTA. Maybe she’s planning a divorce and doesn’t want a reminder if you in the collage.
Aware_Welcome_8866 − Make sure you give her parents an 8×10 picture of just you for Xmas. NTA.
Snapdragon5180 − NTA, and I think the way you approached the topic was totally fine. I think your wife is being defensive because she knows she messed up and doesn’t want to own it.
MaximumReflection886 − UPDATE: Thank you, everyone, for your responses.. A few things to clarify:
– We are a straight white couple, so homophobia/racism is not a factor here as some comments have speculated. Additionally, our families are in similar social standing & I’m about 3 years older than her, so social status/ageism aren’t factors either.
– To the best of my knowledge, her parents like me. They’ve always treated me great, & have even stood up for me a few times when she acted up while we were visiting them. There is a wedding photo of us in their home already, just not in this collage. Her siblings & I have always gotten along great too, I’ve hung with her brothers on many occasions & never came away feeling like there was any animosity there that would lead to me intentionally being left off.
– My main issue here wasn’t that I was left off the collage. I’m not thrilled about it, but I don’t really care. My issue & reason I posted was because I was hurt & upset about the way she reacted when I mentioned it. I felt I was being yelled at & falsely accused of being self-centered, just for asking some simple questions. I felt like the way I brought it up was respectful (complimened the collage first & the hard work she & her siblings put in before I asked why there was no pic of us) , & her response was completely unwarranted.
Later last night, she apologized to me for her response. She says she didn’t even realize I wasn’t in the group photo from the wedding (she has a very large family & there were group pics with me in them) & when she was sending pics in for them to put on the collage she must’ve accidentally chose one without me without realizing. She says she’s gonna reach out to her siblings to see if we can open up the frame & add in a picture of us.
dresses_212_10028 − NTA I’d be surprised too, especially when the recent “whole family” picture was at OUR wedding and I wasn’t in it. My husband would absolutely be getting asked the same thing.
luvsaredditor − NTA, but before jumping to your wife and her family hate you, I wonder if your wife has self-esteem issues? If she was involved in putting this together and chose not to include a picture of you two amongst other couples, could it possibly be she doesn’t like displaying photos of herself?
i_am_snoof − Bro im so sorry but they dont like you. She also knows they dont like you, and shes annoyed because youre getting close af to finding out.. Again, sorry but its the truth.
Fantastic_Mechanic73 − She just showed u where u stand with her and her family . Clearly your not as welcome nor accepted.