AITA For asking my GF to pay for a new prosthesis?

A Redditor shared a shocking incident involving their girlfriend hiding and damaging their prosthetic leg to prevent them from going on a planned guys’ trip. After finding the prosthesis broken.
They demanded she pay for a replacement, leading to an argument about priorities and fairness. Was the Redditor right to hold her accountable, or did they overreact? Read the original story below to find out more.
‘ AITA For asking my GF to pay for a new prosthesis?’
I (M24) had an auto accident over 2 years ago that resulted in a left leg knee amputation, I thought that would been the end of my active lifestyle, I loved all kinds of sports as a kid and I still do. I had a very hard time adjusting to my new normal,
my parents were able to get me a prosthetic leg that allowed me to get back to running and going trips with my friends like we always do every summer. The guys were planning an RV trip on the weekend, we had already chosen a destination which was spending some time out in nature and getaway from stress.
My girlfriend asked if she could come along, I told her no, this is a guy’s trip, Told all my buddies’ girlfriends wanted to go but they were firm and put their foot down, she laughed at me for this Then tried to convince me to let her come cause she was feeling stressed out from being at home 24H, I already made up my mind,
I wasn’t going to ruin the trip just because she wants to be on a guy’s trip, I promised her a trip when I get back, she got upset and didn’t like the idea.
Later on, before I went to sleep, I took my prosthesis off as I do every night, this is my second prothesis,
I’ve already completed a wearing schedule during first year and had to get another prothisis to accommodate any physical changes I had. I woke up in the morning and I couldn’t find my prosthesis, I looked where I put it but it was gone, I asked my girlfriend who was doing heavy cleaning around the place, and she said she didn’t see it,
I was confused it was near my bed, I asked her to stop being childish and playing games and give back my prosthesis because I knew she took it. She’s a bad l**r couldn’t even deny it, she said she wanted to hide it so that I won’t go on that trip and leave her alone.
I got mad at her for this, I was stunned to find my prosthesis hidden underneath an auto part in the garage, it had been damaged, it was placed in a possession where it had a crack, it was abvious it no longer functions properly, I mean I could still wear it but can’t put my whole weight on it cause it would break.
I yelled at her and showed her what she did, she said she didn’t mean it, I told her she did mean it because she was being childish and jealous over a trip and now she caused me 7000$ worth damage, I told her she ruined everything, that she owed me a new one and that she needed to pay for a new one.
She got mad and left, I basically had to use my old crutches it felt absolutely horrible, I called the guys and told them I wasn’t coming, it’s been a few days, she’s mad that I’m still asking her to pay for a new prosthesis and called me an a**** for not apologizing and preferring a “plastic leg” over her.
I had to call my parents today to tell them they told me she should at least help pay half the expense of a new prosthesis since she caused damage to it, and then consider my relationship with her.. Have I been an a**** to her?
Check out how the community responded:
C0pper-an0de − NTA. She’s being extremely controlling and refusing to pay for something she broke is a huge red flag. 🚩 You’ve been way nicer to her about this than I would be. She should be begging forgiveness not accusing you of being an AH.
mercifulalien − WTF? This is not only abusive but so f**king low that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around it. This is demented.. NTA. She needs to pay for it in full and you need to take your parents advice and really re-examine this relationship.
She degraded you, disrespected you and fucked with a *medical device* in her attempt to control you. This is so f**king far from okay and the biggest, brightest red flag that I have seen in a long time.
Melange-Witch − NTA AT ALL! It was detestable of her to take your prosthesis from you in the first place, like who TF does that?!? AND THEN placing it carelessly somewhere and damaging it!?!
1) Please reconsider being in a relationship with a person who would do something like that. 2) If she doesn’t pay, I would look into suing her! $7,000 is A LOT of money PLUS the pain and suffering of not having a freaking leg until you can get a new one custom made and paid for!
Vixen7-9 − NTA what the absolute f**k is wrong with her??? She took your leg. She took your f**king leg so you wouldn’t leave her for 2 days. Just a single weekend with your buddies. Even when you told her you have one with her alone, but later.
In my eyes what she did is unforgivable. By doing what she did, she damaged your quality of life because you wouldn’t give in to her demands. She HAS to repay for the damage she’s done. And I encourage you to reaccess your relationship with her, seriously.
rammy3314 − NTA Dude. Get out of that relationship. Stealing and damaging your prosthetic so you wouldn’t leave her is abusive and m**ipulative. Acting like you have to apologize to her for wanting her to pay is g**lighting.
_Better_Each_Day_ − NTA. She has a lot of psychological issues. As for advice on how to end this, limit communication, focus on getting whatever you can from her financially if you’ll get anything at all,
do send her text messages that you screenshot where you get her to admit what she did by basically repeating the events back to her and saying “So how much responsibility are you going to take?”
And then whatever she admits, you can use that against her if needed. But just focus on compensation, and now just be done and ready to block and move on when a resolution, if there is to be one, is made.. Sorry this happened.
[Reddit User] − NTA, you are in the right here, mate. I don’ think she ruined your prosthesis on purpose, but she was acting very childish regarding the whole thing. You are entitled to go on a lads trip as she is entitled to go on a girls trip. You can still have a trip together later on.
If she has any issues with you going, she could discuss them with you, but hiding your prothesis, wow, I’m speechless. Good thing she didn’t tie you up and chuck you into the basement at this rate.
DJT4Prison − NTA. D**p her and sue her.
sarahohimesama − NTA. Have the damages evaluated and threaten legal action. And please d**p her.
Dszquphsbnt − Assuming you’re not pulling our leg with this story, this is a very easy **NTA**.
Do you think the Redditor’s request for his girlfriend to pay for the prosthesis was reasonable, given her actions? Was her behavior justified by her feelings, or did it cross a line? Share your thoughts and opinions below!