Am I (30F) overreacting to my husband’s (34M) words?

A Reddit user shares the emotional turmoil of her marriage, where her husband’s words and actions have left her questioning her self-worth and her decisions. Over years of verbal abuse.
Escalating fights, and moments of cruelty, she now wonders whether she’s overreacting to the pain caused by her husband or if she should take his words seriously. Read the full story below.
‘ Am I (30F) overreacting to my husband’s (34M) words?’
My husband and I have been married for 2 years, almost 3. We dated for two years before we got married, and we have been friends for over 10 years. We have a toddler together, and I have an elementary school aged son from a previous relationship.
We had always been attracted to each other when we were just friends, but we were both always in and out of relationships and the timing never worked out for anything to happen. So fast forward to us getting together finally, me with a small child and him with no children.
Everything was wonderful until I moved in with him after we got engaged, and then I felt like it was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It was basically like he hated me in his space. Anything I asked to change was a huge deal. Anything I asked him to do was a huge deal.
I tried to be sensitive and respect that it was his house originally, but I lived there now, too, and had a bit higher standards of cleaning than he. Anything I said was wrong, though. It was always that I was attacking him. I didn’t appreciate him. This was his house, etc. etc.
I tried to make sure he knew how appreciative I was that he had let my son and me into his home, but it didn’t matter. I kept telling myself that he was just scared, he had never had anyone live with him before, he would adjust.
Well he got better in some ways, but we continued having awful fights. These fights would always end with him telling me it was a mistake that we got together, we shouldn’t get married, I was selfish, I was entitled, he didn’t like me as a person,
I wasn’t who he thought, he could understand why a previous boyfriend had beat me, and on and on. Just really harsh and cruel stuff. All the while saying I should respect him and everything he does for us.
I feel like I’ve been so dumb for continuing on in this relationship. I feel so horrible for putting my kids through this. He screams at me in front of them, calls me names, breaks things. But at the same time, he tells me it’s my fault. That I’m so difficult I make him act this way.
The rational side of me says that no, I don’t force anyone to act this way. People are responsible for their own actions. I know I’m not perfect. I know I can nag and be grumpy and I tend to have some pessimistic and depressive tendencies. But is it my fault that I make someone react so explosively?
Recently he told me that he didn’t give a s**t about my son, very loudly, where my son could have possibly (very likely) heard him. My son has no contact with his biological dad and thinks of my husband as his dad. I can’t imagine how devastating that would be for my son.
There was one time when he spanked my son so hard that he left welts on his leg, when he was just a toddler. I should have left then, and I don’t know why I didn’t. I feel so guilty about it all the time. He hasn’t laid his hands in my son since.
My husband says that all of the things he says are in the heat of the moment, so they don’t really mean anything. To me, they’re unforgivable. Saying he doesn’t give a s**t about my son is unforgivable and telling me what a s**tty person I am for years and making me feel like crap about myself is unforgivable.
He’s been telling me for years that he hates me, and now we’re on the brink of divorce and he is acting so hurt that I don’t like him anymore. Am I crazy? Is he crazy? Am I overreacting to the things he says?
If someone repeatedly tells you what a piece of s**t you are over the years, and that they don’t like you as a person, shouldn’t you take them at their word? Even if it is the heat of the moment? I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for honestly. Maybe just someone to tell me I’m not crazy, because he often makes me feel like it.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
irishgirl249 − You are NOT crazy. This is NOT your fault. You are NOT wrong. You need to get out of this situation. You DESERVE better. That man is emotionally a**sive and you deserve so much more. Your son deserves so much more. You can move on and you can find a better life for yourself.
MikeKM − There was one time when he spanked my son so hard that he left welts on his leg, when he was just a toddler. Not good. Toddlers are the ultimate test of patience. My husband says that all of the things he says are in the heat of the moment.
L**e excuse. I wouldn’t have a wife if I used that line. Maybe just someone to tell me I’m not crazy, because he often makes me feel like it. G**lighting. Verbal abuse. Call it what you want. Get your children out of there.
stink3rbelle − Everything about this screams something REALLY wrong. The split personality thing is an iconic aspect of abusers, they let the mean out, and then they turn up the sweetness to keep you hanging on. Your instincts are right, and you should not be putting up with this.
It’s not just the things that he says to you, the way he demeans you, it’s the picking fights and the being mean in general, the territorialness about “his” home, and everything in between. Get out as soon as possible. Seek help from people you trust (and can trust not to give him access to you again), and do what you need to do to get away.
Upallnight88 − Your husband has so many problems I don’t know if they can be fixed. A**sive, anger, n**cissism, lack of empathy are just a few. Spanking your child and leaving welts would land him in jail in most states. He is going to drive you crazy if you don’t get out of his house.
Heartofnursing − This man is just like my father. You need to leave before you permanently scar your children. My sister and I had therapy for years to get over my Father’s emotional abuse and having to watch him torment my Mum.
My Dad finally went to therapy after he was required to get anger management. But there are days I hate my Mum for staying with him and subjecting my sister and me to his horrid fits of abuse.
neosatus − Run. Run run run run run.
[Reddit User] − He is a**sive. His abuse will escalate. Leave now. Cut your loses and do not invest any more into this relationship.
avicennia − Please please get out. For your son’s safety and your own.
This story reflects the heartbreaking impact of verbal and emotional abuse in a relationship, particularly when children are involved. What would you advise this mother to do to protect herself and her children from further harm? How do you think words spoken in anger affect relationships over time? Share your thoughts below!
For those who want to read the sequel: