AITAH for boarding a plane without my sister and leaving her and her kids behind?


A Redditor, 21, shared a story about their decision to board a flight without their sister when her husband, who struggles with alcoholism, caused a scene at the airport. The sister expected the Redditor to stay behind and help with the kids and manage the situation, but the Redditor felt that it wasn’t their responsibility and prioritized their own trip.

This decision led to family conflict, with many calling them insensitive. Read the full story below to see if the Redditor’s actions were justified.


‘ AITAH for boarding a plane without my sister and leaving her and her kids behind? ‘






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Do you think the Redditor was right to prioritize their trip and leave their sister to handle the situation on her own, or should they have stayed to support her? How would you handle a similar situation with a family member in need? Share your thoughts below!

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  1. WenKen61 1 month ago

    You absolutely did the right thing and your sister and parents are wrong. This man will ruin her life, you can’t let him ruin yours as well.

  2. Doris Wagoner 1 month ago

    It’s pretty easy to judge the sister for staying married to an alcoholic, especially if you’ve never been in her shoes. Abusive partners manage to make their abused partners carry all the guilt for the relationship problems. I don’t know how they do it, I just know they do. Hopefully, at some point she will reach the end of her rope and will reach out and get help. Until she does, OP is right to not enable her. The quicker she gets to the end, the better, pray that she is not physically abused to go along with the mental abuse. I don’t have a sister, but if I did, I like to think I would have done just as the OP did – offer to help her on the plane, but refuse to stay behind to help her enable the real AH husband. And when she did get ready to walk away, I’d be available to help.

  3. DontDealWithTheDrama 1 month ago

    This holiday is most likely not the first time her sister has had to bail out and make excuses for him. She is enabling him, then gets mad when OP won’t enable her
    Maybe now that she doesn’t have the support she thought she had, she’ll wisen up.