AITA – Family movie misunderstanding
A Reddit user shared a story about a mix-up over buying movie tickets for a family outing, which escalated into a heated disagreement with her husband.
She believed her mother-in-law’s offer to “treat” them meant the MIL would purchase the tickets, but her husband disagreed, leading to accusations and tension. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA – Family movie misunderstanding ‘
My husband told me his mother texted him and told him she wanted to take us all (me, hubs and daughter) to see Moana when it comes out in theater. He left it up to me to contact her and coordinate so I did.
I let her know it doesn’t come out until the end of the month and sent her a link to purchase tickets for a date and time at a theater and asked if there as good to which she replied yes, we will treat and I said thank you. I assumed this meant she was going to go online and buy the ticket.
Fast forward to tonight my husband asked if I confirmed his mother purchased the tickets to which I responded that I assumed she had but he said I should confirm. So I messaged her asking if she had and she said no, she thought I was buying them and she would reimburse me.
No worries, I told her that showing was sold out and I would find something else. My husband freaked out at me saying it was all my fault for assuming she would get the tickets and that it was clearly me who was supposed to get them and that I was doing all of this because I didn’t like his mom.
I told him that was definitely not clear to me and that I felt he was g**lighting me and trying to make me feel bad. After I had already found another theater with another showing that could accommodate us all and bought tickets, he still thought I was in the wrong and being a b**ch.
It’s the fact that my husband thinks I am in the wrong completely here and I feel completely gaslit by him. I say it was a misunderstanding and it was fine. If anything he owes me an apology for thinking so badly of me. What do you think, AITA for thinking my MIL saying the movie tickets were her treat meant she was going to buy the tickets?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
Humble-Answer1863 − Why couldn’t he have coordinated it with his own mother? Instead he acts like an AH over a misunderstanding
EsmeWeatherwax7a − He “freaked out” and called you a b**ch because you and his mother had a cordial interaction and a slight misunderstanding, and you had to go to a different showing of a Disney movie as a result? Is he always like this? Yikes.
NTA, I would have assumed the same thing you did, but regardless of that it was just an innocent mistake. Your bigger problem is your husband’s reaction, and I hope he doesn’t normally come in this hot for the little issues that crop up in anyone’s life.
Fragrant-Customer913 − Why didn’t he coordinate with his mom and handle purchasing the tickets? This all could have been avoided had he done that.
k23_k23 − NTA. You are right, your husband is the AH – in the future REFUSE to take over and let HIM coordinate with his mom.
Clean_Factor9673 − NTA. If MIL offered to take you to the movie she needs to buy the tickets
Swimminginthestorm − Is MIL upset? Either way, NTA. He needs to apologize. I’m just trying to figure out why he’s even mad.
Apprehensive-Care20z − NTA. go get tickets for another showing. Problem solved! First, does anyone in the family ever talk to each other. Not a ‘how you doing, looking forward to the movie next week’. ‘hey muana got great reviews’, not a ‘were you able to get tickets to that showing?’
Didn’t MIL talk to you about paying you, at all, ever? Like, say she would bring cash to the movie and pay you.
However, you husband is the a**hole, wtf. I’m laughing out loud at how angry he is that he missed Muana. ha ha. Something else is going on here.
tarbearjean − NTA but your husband is. First of all why was it up to YOU to communicate with HIS mother about all of this? Second of all he wholly overreacted and was incredibly rude to you. Does he always treat you like this over nothing?
Fearless_Lychee_6050 − So his mother texts saying she’d like to take you to the movies, but then YOU have to coordinate with her, YOU have to pick the date, time, and place, and YOU have to actually purchase the tickets, and all your MIL is doing is forking over some cash after the fact?
Then your husband is being a massive d**k to you over a kids movie and a minor miscommunication? Which again, YOU did all of the legwork to fix??? You need to have a come to Jesus talk with your husband because you cannot let him disrespect you like this. NTA
PanicAtTheGaslight − NTA. Why did he “leave it up to you”? It’s HIS mother. Why didn’t HE coordinate with her, since she contacted HIM and surely HE can handle buying the damn tickets?. Your husband sucks!
Do you think the Redditor misunderstood her MIL’s intentions, or was her husband overreacting? How should families handle communication in situations like this? Share your perspective and experiences in the comments below!