AITA for bringing my own popcorn to the movies because my mom eats like a vacuum cleaner?

A 24-year-old woman has a monthly movie tradition with her mom, who is known for devouring popcorn quickly, leaving her daughter with none. Tired of this, she sneaks her own bag of popcorn to the theater. When her mom discovers it, she feels betrayed, accusing her daughter of ruining the experience.

The daughter argues that her mom always eats all the popcorn and doesn’t share. Now, her mom no longer wants to go to the movies together. read the original story below…

‘ AITA for bringing my own popcorn to the movies because my mom eats like a vacuum cleaner?’

So, my mom (54F) and me (24F), have this tradition where we go to the movies once a month. It’s fun and I love that I get to spend quality time with her, but there’s this one major issue: my mom is a popcorn monster. The second the movie starts, she’s inhaling the popcorn like she hasn’t eaten in days.

She’s a pretty healthy lady, watches her diet and everything, she just LOVES popcorn. She finishes the entire bucket before the previews are done. And guess who gets none? Me. I tried telling her to leave some for me as well because i’d love a bite or two as well and she just shrugs and says “You should eat faster”.

Ths time, I decided to take the matters into my own hands and so I snuck in a separate bag of popcorn just for myself to enjoy. We got to the theater, she grabbed her bucket, we waited until the lights dimmed, and naturally, she started ravishing her popcorn. I started eating mine as well.

Halfway through the movie, mom caught me munchin on my popcorn and I swear if looks could kill… She gave me this look, leaned over and whispered “Did you seriously bring your own popcorn?” and I just nodded and kept eating. After the movie was done, she told me that what I did was very s**fish, it would’ve been nice to share with her, and that I ruined her experience.

I was a bit shocked, it’s just popcorn after all, and she never leaves me some. Here’s where I might be the A-hole: I told her she eats the popcorn like a vacuum cleaner and that she always eats her portion and mine as well, but she still expects me to leave her some if I bring my own. How is that fair?

She doesn’t want to go to the movies with me anymore. AITA for bringing my own popcorn because my mom can’t control herself?.

Check out how the community responded:

Realistic_Head4279 −  NTA. Hard to believe this is a true account though. What mother acts like that???

davidsyme −  How did it never occur to you to each buy your own bag/box/bucket of popcorn?

TemptingPenguin369 −  NTA. She didn’t share any of the popcorn that was meant to be shared with you. You could also bring in a cup and take what you want before she starts going ham on the rest of it. It’s also more sanitary.

GandalfDGreenery −  NTA. But I honestly can’t believe you missed the opportunity to shrug and say “you should eat slower.”

tapsisdumb −  This all seems way too blown out of proportion. NTA clearly but your mom needs to chill tf out. Shes faulting you for not sharing when she’s alrdy had plenty by herself? And wants to end an entire tradition just because you would also like to snack while enjoying a movie?

I‘m not sure what ticked her off about you getting a separate share? And if you feel bad about calling her a vacuum cleaner just apologise for it but tell her that either she’ll have to share with you or you can just get separate buckets which seems like the simplest solution. Still don’t get why your mom got mad tho. Hope it works out

CleanWholesomePhun −  NTA,  BUT  if I was gonna call you TA, it would go something like: mom NEEDS to see that she’s taken the popcorn away from you and that you didn’t get any.  That’s a huge chunk of enjoyment that she gets from the movies.

The fact that you were able to have some popcorn is an offense to her.  How can she enjoy her kernels if she knows you’re still able to have some?

Mobile_Following_198 −  NTA. Your mom is though. It’s obvious she isn’t eating the popcorn like that because she likes popcorn. She’s doing it so you eat less. My own mom used to do the same thing… I realized later it was 1) partly to control and humiliate me, 2) because she thought I was too fat and shouldn’t be eating popcorn. Your mom *may* be doing it for one or both reasons, too.

Nisi-Marie −  I always get my own popcorn. My ex would inhale a handful at a time, I leisurely enjoy a kernel or two at a time. We get our own popcorn, problem solved.

anaxrosee −  Honestly, NTA! You were just trying to enjoy your movie experience without getting totally shut out by your mom’s popcorn habits XD. It’s a bit wild that she expects you to share when she never leaves you any! It sounds like you were trying to solve a problem rather than being s**fish.

She could have at least acknowledged your effort instead of getting mad about it. You deserve to enjoy your time together too duhh!

OhHowIMeantTo −  NTA. My guess is that your mom feels okay to eat that much popcorn because in her mind you’re eating it too, so she can’t possibly be eating all of it. When she realized that you didn’t eat a single popcorn, she probably felt ashamed for eating so much, and she unfairly lashed out on you.

Without any introspection, she probably thinks you tried to embarrass her on purpose. Your mom has been in the wrong about this issue for a long time.

It’s important to find a balance between traditions and personal preferences. What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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