AITA for not making my sister a sandwich for my sister for when she gets home from school?

I went shopping for my wedding dress last weekend and picked a dress. I brought my two best friends and my two grandma’s. My stepmother saw our photo on the bridal store’s page and she was upset I didn’t ask her to come.

Two of her son’s are married and their wives didn’t invite her either and her third son is gay so I was her only chance to experience this because she has no daughters. She told me she wanted to come and wanted to know why I wouldn’t invite her.

She claimed she became my mom when I was 10 (which is when she married my dad) and she had no other girls so having me leave her out was extra hurtful. She vented about her DILs not including her in that process either and how one went solo even though she was free and close by to go with her.

‘ AITA for not making my sister a sandwich for my sister for when she gets home from school?’

My younger sister (15f) is the golden child of our parents. I (16m) hate it. My sister is s**tty to be around and we hate each other. Sometimes she goes out of her way to prove our parents prefer her to me. My parents deny they love her more or see her as the favorite but other people around us see it. She gets bigger and more expensive gifts, she gets to do more stuff than me, they invest a lot into her because she’s really into gymnastics.

While they scoff at my interest in game development and refuse to support it. And they raged at my grandparents who did support it and pay for me to go to classes on Saturdays. They accused my grandparents of favoritism because they paid for that for me but wouldn’t pay for my sisters gymnastics.

My sister calls me a l**er, a nerd and she tells me her friends think I’m disgusting and would never date me. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t like girls, my sister doesn’t know this. But she always brings up girls to me and how gross and repulsive I am to all the girls in school. She bullied a girl who said I was cute and the school came down hard on her because the other girl left school in the middle of the day because of my sister.

My grandparents won’t let my sister come to their house anymore because she won’t be nicer to me and they refuse to let it slide. My parents told me I should stick up for my sister more. I asked why she gets to say s**t about me but I have to stick up for her and they said she’s my little sister (we’re 11 months apart!!).

I get home from school before her every day because of her gymnastics and I make myself a sandwich or a quick n**dle bowl. My sister gets home and she’s hungry and she’ll tell me to feed her and I say no. She mentioned it to our parents last week and they told me to make her a sandwich for when she gets home. I said no. They told me I don’t get to say no when I’m eating their food.

So I asked my grandparents if I could go to their house after school and get something at their house and they said yes. My parents are pissed that I won’t do this for my sister and they say I should be a better big brother and overall a better sibling.

My grandparents called them names when they heard what my parents said and took my side saying they need to teach their disrespectful little girl manners because the way she talks to and about me is not okay. My parents told them to stay out of it and I should still help my sister.. AITA?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

SpiralSeduction −  NTA, but honestly, please see a school counsellor about this since it seems like a much larger issue. Maybe they can help facilitate a more holistic solution for you (that I don’t think the internet, who doesn’t know the rest of the story, can).

ReviewOk929 −  NTA – She’s 15 and apparently capable of doing a wide range of things, she can make her own sandwich, no need for you to be doing it.

cometishere −  NTA. I already hate your sister. Wish you luck my friend, wait 2 years until school is over and go to the university. Your sister is a devil

Novafancypants −  NTA at all! Is there any way you could stay at your grandparents?

Smosever6 −  NTA. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. At least your grandparents are on your side.

MissNikiL −  NTA. Are her hands broken? Is she mentally or physically incapable of making herself a sandwich? It doesn’t sound like it.
I’m really glad your grandparents don’t put up with their BS.

Prechrchet −  There is more to this than just a sandwich, this is a dysfunctional family. I agree with the redditer that suggested going to the school counselor and getting some family therapy. Oh, and NTA. 15 yo girl can make her own sandwich.

KingsRansom79 −  NTA. I hope your parents are doing well financially because they will be supporting your sister for the rest of their lives. Maybe you can move in with your grandparents until you go off to college.

aquavenatus −  NTA. I hate to say it, but your parents won’t realize the damage they’re causing until your sister is grown and becomes too obnoxious even for them. I’m glad your grandparents are calling out your parents and are supporting you.

Besides sticking with your grandparents, I’m going to suggest that you continue to focus on school and getting into a college/university that has the program you want to major in. That being said, don’t be surprised to learn that your parents won’t pay for your tuition, so start looking into scholarships.

And, start moving any essential documents and/or keepsakes to your grandparents’ house because you’re still your sister’s target. I hope life gets better for you. Good luck.

TreadmillGangster −  NTA. Don’t do a thing for people who treat you badly. If your parents are ok with that behavior, you need an exit plan for when you are a legal adult.

Do you think the user was wrong for refusing to make his sister a sandwich, or was he justified given her constant mistreatment of him? How would you handle being told to help someone who disrespects you? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below!


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