AITA for hiding my snacks and refusing to share with my pregnant step mother until she pays me ?

A Redditor finds themselves in a snack-sharing dilemma with their pregnant stepmother. After generously offering her a few of their beloved snacks, they discover that she has devoured multiple bags without permission.

Frustrated and feeling taken advantage of, the user decides to hide their treats and refuses to share more until their dad compensates them for the lost snacks. Tensions rise as their father insists that sharing is a family value. To see how this snack standoff unfolds, read the original story below.

‘ย AITA for hiding my snacks and refusing to share with my pregnant step mother until she pays me.’

I like certain snacks that you can only get at the Asian food market where I live. They are strange flavors and spices but I think they are delicious. I was at my dad’s house about two weeks ago and his wife said my snacks smelled good and asked to try some.

I said sure and let her have a few. Later that day I went to get some more from the cupboard but they were all gone she had eaten like four bags of them. That’s like $20. Plus now I have to go all the way downtown to get more.

I asked my dad if he could please give me a ride and replace my snacks. He said no and that “sharing is caring”.. B**lshit. So now I only take what I’m going to eat there and leave the rest at my mom’s house.

My father says that his wife is craving the snacks I had before. I told him where to buy them. He asked me to just pick some up the next time I went. I said I would as soon as he paid me for the ones she already ate. He said no that we are family and we share.

I said fine then give me enough money to buy some for her and some for me and we will share. He said that’s not how sharing works. He says I’m being a little j**k since he feeds me at his house I should share the snacks I buy with my own money. That’s a hard no from me. I just think I will stop taking any over there.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

proud_didiย โˆ’ย  NTA “Sharing without asking” is STEALING. Since you ‘shared without giving permission’ last time, it’s time for someone ELSE to buy the treats. He refused to take you to get them, so you gave him the location. He can go get them if it’s so important to him for her to have them.

Creepy_Addictย โˆ’ย  NTA. He says I’m being a little j**k since he feeds me at his house I should share the snacks I buy with my own money.. Um.. WTF?! Also, I assume you are a minor and he HAS to feed you when you are with him, by LAW.

Stepmother cannot eat your snacks without asking and not replace them. If she wants them, her or your father should go buy them.
IMO, I’d not take any over there. Out of sight, out of mind. If dad wants to claim that feeding you = sharing expensive snacks, I’d stay at mom’s and not visit.

Comfortable-Sea-2454ย โˆ’ย  Hard NTA – seems like the sharing is all on your side. “I asked my dad if he could please give me a ride and replace my snacks. He said no and that “sharing is caring”.”

“My father says that his wife is craving the snacks I had before. I told him where to buy them. ” “I said fine then give me enough money to buy some for her and some for me and we will share. He said that’s not how sharing works.”

Your dad expects you to keep HIS pregnant wife in your expensive snacks. Leave them at your mom’s and let dear ‘old dad go to the Asian market and buy for his wife.

KyotoDreamsTeaย โˆ’ย  NTA. This is your dadโ€™s way of saying: but Iโ€™m too lazy to go get it for her. Heโ€™s glossing over the disrespect of your possessions with the sharing caring nonsense.

Special_Respond7372ย โˆ’ย  NTA. If he wants his wife to have some, he or his wife can go get them. They shouldnโ€™t expect you to buy them for her unless theyโ€™re going to pay you for them. Keep doing what youโ€™re doing.

Me_Thinks_Notย โˆ’ย  ORRRR, just stop going all together. You can eat your snacks in peace at your actual house. Before doing that though, I would completely use up whatever your dad specifically likes (snacks, food, shampoo, ect) and tell him, “sharing is caring.” – NTA

Keenzurย โˆ’ย  NTA. Those are your snacks that you bought with your own money. You were already being nice by sharing them with her. It was super rude to take them without asking. I wouldn’t bring anymore if he won’t pay for what she already took. Did you ask her why she thought it was OK to steal them?

Exciting-Peanut-1526ย โˆ’ย  Are you kidding me!? โ€œHe feeds you at his houseโ€ this is his argument!?!? Ridiculous.
Get stepmom some durian snacks. See how much she enjoys the smell ๐Ÿ˜‚ NTA.

akadonisย โˆ’ย  NTA. Sharing is caring applies for perhaps the first bag you got, and letting her have a taste. It does NOT mean you have to consistently give up your snacks for her. It isn’t hard to buy something for yourself if you like it. It’s a real shame that your father is weaponising feeding you, when he is clearly in the wrong here.

femtaktย โˆ’ย  NTA. You did share your snacks with her when you gave her some, then she went and stole the rest. Sheโ€™s rude and so is your dad tbh. And itโ€™s fucked up of him to bring up that he pays for your food when you stay with him.

He is your parent! Itโ€™s his duty to pay for his childโ€™s living expenses and he should never hold that over your head! He can buy his rude, inconsiderate wife those special snacks himself if she loves them so much.

Do you think the user was right to demand compensation for their snacks, or should they have just let it go for the sake of family harmony? How would you handle a situation where your belongings are used without your permission? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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