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Park Ranger Comforts Orphaned Gorillas Who Just Lost His Mom

Searching for the story about the orphaned gorillas? There’s nothing stronger in this world than the love felt for parents. And that doesn’t apply only to human beings, but all beings as well. Therefore, losing a parent is the most tragic experience for any creature on Earth. And wildlife photographer Phil Moore captured some touching photos, to prove that.

#1. The orphaned gorillas lost his mom

orphaned gorillas

After loosing its mom, because of poaching, for this gorilla the pain is all too real. And since the moment is so overwhelming, the poor creature finds support in one of the park’s rangers, Patrick Karabaranga, whose compassion for the orphaned gorilla is touching as well.

orphaned gorillas

The photo was captured at Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A place where orphaned gorillas like this one are find comfort and protection from the cruel poachers.

As a result of mass deforestation, the mountain gorillas, like many other species, have become a critically endangered species. In the last years, their numbers have dramatically declined. Beside that, poaching is the other human activity that threats the wildlife.

Some great conservation efforts have been made in order to restore the gorilla population and Virunga National Park can be a very positive example in this way. Here are living around 200 individuals, about a quarter of the world’s mountain gorilla population. However, there is still much to be done!

Source: Majesticanimals

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