Wife (38F) is convinced that she is pregnant even though that every pregnancy test (store-bought and medical) comes back negative.

A Reddit user is grappling with his wife’s persistent belief that she is pregnant, despite multiple negative pregnancy tests, including medical ones. After years of struggling with infertility, she is convinced that she is expecting twins and is actively preparing for their arrival.
This denial is putting significant strain on their marriage, with the wife accusing the husband of wanting to abandon her and their imagined children. The user is overwhelmed and unsure how to handle the situation, as he loves his wife but is unsure how to approach her denial.
‘ Wife (38F) is convinced that she is pregnant even though that every pregnancy test (store-bought and medical) comes back negative. ‘
My wife and I (M42) have been married for 2 years together for 15. All this time we had either not decided to have kids or had problems getting pregnant. After some medical testing we found out that it was near impossible to get pregnant due to some medical issues with her.
We were thinking of adopting when one day she came home and told me she was expecting. Ofcourse I was super happy . A week later we had an appointment at the gyno and she had some blood drawn. The test came back negative and ofcourse I was devastated but she wasn’t.
She claimed that she was pregnant and that the doctor was wrong. We took some more store-bought ones and they all came back negative. My wife is in complete denial. Now she claims we are having twins. She is buying them clothes and decorations and is pressuring me to start with the nursery.
I am at a loss and don’t know what to do. My inaction is making her believe that I want to leave them and that I am going to doom my wife into the life of a single mom.
What the f is even happening. I love her but I don’t know what to do.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
SocalPizza − Oh dude. She’s going through something very, very serious. You need to contact a therapist. Like turn off Reddit right now and contact one. She’s having delusional thoughts. Her preoccupation with pregnancy and her sadness have overcome her. This is way beyond Reddit’s pay grade.. Good luck.
[Reddit User] − Call the the doctor who did the pregnancy tests and leave a message with the emergency number. They will be able to tell you who to contact. She’s obviously had some sort of mental break.
Just an FYI at 19 weeks you would have had ultrasound pictures and gender determination and she would have had several OBGYN visits. Is she doing practical things like taking prenatal vitamins and reading books or is it all delusional and talk? Just wondering how far she is taking this scenario?
hastdubutthurt − She’s had a stress induced break with reality, get an appointment for yourself with a therapist to get professional advice on what to do next. She may become a danger to herself when she can no longer convince herself she’s pregnant.
[Reddit User] − This is an actual mental illness – she should see a therapist
[Reddit User] − Everyone is saying this is a mental illness, and I agree, but I guess I want to add: diseases of the brain are just as serious as those of any other body part, requiring diagnosis and treatment. OP needs to take this seriously, and get her to the care she needs.
mar1onett3 − Oof, I’ve heard of this s**t before. I remember a case where a woman believed she was more than 9 months pregnant and still believed in a baby that would never arrive. She needs therapy, asap. This is only gonna get worse if let untreated. Edit- she’s claiming you’re g**lighting her? Don’t fall for that.
You aren’t being a**sive and an intervention is needed. The truth might hurt but this has to be treated by a doctor. There was a story on r/letsnotmeet where a woman’s baby was nearly successfully kidnapped by another woman who told the child she was his mommy.
Not to go all c**spiracy, but what happens when your wife is tired waiting for the baby to come out and deludes herself to the point where she take someone’s kid?
chi_lawyer − [Text of original comment deleted for privacy purposes.]
likestoknow − A therapist can’t help- she doesn’t think she had a problem. You need a psychiatrist, and likely inpatient psychiatric treatment, for her. You can take her to the ER.