WIBTA if I tell my coworker I am not driving her to the Work Christmas Party because she didn’t mention …

A Redditor (27F) is struggling with an uncomfortable situation involving her mom’s coworker, Becky (50+F), who initially asked for a ride to the work Christmas party. The Redditor agreed, but later learned that Becky would be bringing along an additional person, Theresa, whom she had not mentioned.
Now, the Redditor feels uncomfortable and taken advantage of, especially since the drive has become longer and more complicated. The party is today, and the Redditor is debating whether or not to tell Becky and Theresa to drive themselves. Read the full story below.
‘ WIBTA if I tell my coworker I am not driving her to the Work Christmas Party because she didn’t mention she was bringing someone else along we she asked for a ride and I said yes? (Party is today btw)?’
Me (27F) and my mom (59F) are going to our works Christmas Party and I’m driving us there. (we both work in different departments but same company) 5 days ago one of my moms coworkers Becky(50+F) asked if we would take her to the party and my mom not wanting to be rude said yes. They planed that Becky would meet us at our works parking lot and I would drive is to the party location a 5 min drive away.
Yesterday when my mom was leaving a coworker told her it was really nice of her to be driving both Becky and Theresa. My mom asked them who Theresa was and apparently she is Beckys friend that started working with them not to long ago.
Now I’m supposed to pick them up at 5pm today and I really don’t want to take them, especially because I feel like they are taking advantage of the fact it will be awkward if we say no. So will I be the a**hole if I tell them to drive themselves there?
MORE INFO: Becky has a car she is taking to the parking lot and leaving there while I take us to the party. She just claims not to know where the party is and that there is snow on the ground.
I’m going out of my way to drive to work and picking her up instead of going to the location directly from home which adds 15 mins on the drive. I also don’t know where the location is but I’m using the gps. Also Becky is not working today so she is going from home to the work parking lot to catch a ride to the party..
See what others had to share with OP:
MmeVulture − Oh ffs. Becky is in the wrong for not asking and the correct punishment is that you never do a favor for her again. But turning this into some kind of issue is silly and will create more headache for you and your mom. It’s a short drive and (based on your comments), literally nothing has changed except you have one more person in your car. Get it over with and then never go out of your way for Becky again.. ESH
CandylandCanada − YTA. You’re pitching a fit over a FIVE minute drive because you didn’t know about another person. It was impolite of them to assume that it would be fine, but don’t be such a grinch over this. People have real and serious problems this holiday season; don’t be a pain over this minor issue.
BigBigBigTree − INFO: What is the downside or harm to taking Theresa as well, assuming that it requires no extra driving or effort on your part? I don’t understand what the issue is.
There was some miscommunication between Becky and your mom about Theresa being there, but it requires nothing from you. You have an empty seat, you’re still making the same drive, you haven’t mentioned anything objectionable about Theresa as a person.. What’s the problem?
StripedBadger − I don’t see how you’re being taken advantage of – it’s just a miscommunication. Your resentment that your mother agreed to give coworkers a lift is making you blame the wrong person. Seems like YTA. There is no hardship.
MrsNobodyspecial67 − YTA. Just politely mention when you pick them up that you had no idea Theresa needed a ride too, but you are happy to accommodate this time, but in the future please double check as you may not have had room. They can apologize and you can move on and not be an ass about something simple.
Dull-Assistance1910 − Just to make sure I’m clear: The old plan was that Becky meets you and your mom in the parking lot, the three of you get into your car, then you drive to the party. The new plan is that Becky and Theresa meet you and your mom in the parking lot, the four of you get into your car, then you drive to the party.
And you’re seriously considering refusing to allow Theresa to ride with you because you’re bent that Becky and/or your mom just assumed it would be ok?. YTA. Yes, in a perfect world, they would have gone through the motions of asking you first. But since this requires literally zero effort on your part, it is perfectly understandable that they would have assumed this is ok.
IamIrene − INFO: Are Becky and Teresa both meeting you at the parking lot? Or are you being asked to drive somewhere else to pick up Teresa? Also, do you have a car that can easily accommodate 4?
goldenfingernails − YWBTA. I don’t think this is a hill to die on. It’s rude of Becky not telling you about Theresa. That’s an assumption she shouldn’t have made. However, it’s 5 minutes away and these are coworkers.
Privately tell Becky that you need to know if other people are coming. What if a seat had been taken up with boxes, food, etc or you decided to pick someone else up? Theresa would have been SOL. It was thoughtless of Becky but I don’t believe get the sense she was intentionally being rude.
Tiny_Brush_7137 − YTA. It’s a 5 minute drive. As long as you have a seat be helpful and meet somebody new.
VanyelStefan − Yta, if the other person is going to be there with the person you’re already picking up, what does it matter? It’s just a quick ride and it’s not like they’re bringing 5 other people with them.
Is the Redditor justified in feeling upset and considering changing plans, or is she being unreasonable for not wanting to drive Becky and Theresa to the party? How would you handle this situation? Share your thoughts below!
NTA! It’s rude of them to assume you can take another person. They can drive together, problem solved. I’d say sorry that something came up and you’ll be barely able to make it to the party on time yourself, no time to stop.
INFO: Did I miss any mention of how they would get back from the party? I see that Becky’s car will be in the work parking lot so I assume that there will need to be coordination to get the two additional passengers somewhere after the party.
Personally I don’t see the problem with adding a person to the drive from work to the party, though in not checking with you first there was a possibility that the car was already full. This should be mentioned as a . However the issue of what happens after the party ends, or when someone has to / wants to leave seems to need to be addressed. This too can be discussed before going in so that there are no surprises.
The party is five minutes from their work where the cars were left. Assuming they will get dropped off at the end of the party. If OP absolutely couldn’t, I’m sure someone else at the party could give them a ride. Considering it’s so close, there isn’t real a plan needed. It’s not that deep.