WIBTA if I got a kid’s parking pass for high school revoked for running the red lights of my bus?

A school bus driver caught two high school students in a car running the red lights of her special education mini-bus while loading a student. Though no immediate danger arose since the student was already on board and the cul-de-sac was empty, the act was illegal.
Filing a report would likely result in the students losing their parking pass. While the driver feels the law-breaking behavior deserves consequences, they’re conflicted about enforcing a punishment that might inconvenience a senior for the rest of the school year. read the original story below…
‘ WIBTA if I got a kid’s parking pass for high school revoked for running the red lights of my bus?’
I’m a school bus driver, specifically a mini bus for special education students of varying levels of ability. I was picking up a student this morning, and a car with two kids neighbor kids in it was stopped at my reds going the other way.
Apparently loading my student and getting them buckled in was taking too long for their liking and they just decided to go while the red lights were still flashing and stop sign was deployed.
I asked my boss what the procedure for this was and she said there’s a police report to file but not much usually comes of that but since it was kids at the school we service their parking pass will get pulled.
Normally I’d be 100% for f**k around and find out, you’re breaking an important traffic law that is literally in place to save kids’ lives, but the only thing that’s kind of hanging in the back of my mind is that what they did literally wasn’t dangerous, just illegal.
My student was already on the bus and we were at the very end of a cul de sac so there wasn’t any other form of traffic at all. I was given the paperwork to file once I had the license plate, which I will easily get since I see this car every day,
but it’s very unlikely my boss will follow up on what was a pretty quick, informal chat, so it really is pretty much up to me what happens here. I’m feeling kind of guilty because it’s only November and that’s a long rest of the school year for a senior to have to take the bus.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
StripedBadger − My student was already on the bus I mean – your bus is big OP. *He can’t know that.* He cannot see everything because there is a big bus in the way, and so he does not and cannot have full view of his surroundings. He can’t be sure all the kids are on the bus.
He can’t be sure there aren’t other people hanging around to help them get on. He can’t even be sure *you’re* back on the bus either. This was dangerous. He did put people in danger. Yourself included. It’s not safe until everything is completed. That’s why the red light exists. Red is wait because red is danger.. NTA
chumleymom − No I would rather a pass is revoked not some kids life. Great life lesson.
CrowRoutine9631 − NTA. This is a relatively painless way for that kid to learn some g**damn patience. You’ll be helping them, and possibly some other potential future victims of driver impatience/main character syndrome.
Radiant-Walrus-4961 − NTA but you’re wrong: what they did IS dangerous and the reason those signs and lights exist is BECAUSE it’s dangerous.
CandylandCanada − NTA, unless you fail to act. I know someone whose sibling was run down in this exact circumstance. How will you feel if this kid kills someone? It’s not your job to be judge and jury. It IS your job to report violations, and let the proper authorities deal with the consequences.
This is no time to power trip. You aren’t responsible for getting the pass revoked; they are, by their reckless actions.
shoobe01 − Oh yeah, I’d 100% file the police report not just the school report. That results in action around here, just from residents reporting and if they can’t get enough plate there will be police around the next few days skulking. Little gets them out otherwise, but school bus violations are a big deal.
No one wants to explain why there are dead children. It is dangerous, and illegal. Both. NTA… but only if you carry through. Otherwise YTA or maybe get called for a deposition when he kills someone. This is *wildly* unacceptable behavior and should absolutely be reported.
No_Today_4903 − NTA. I am so sick to d**th of watching bad drivers almost running kids over trying to get on and off the bus here. Sick of it. They do nothing here. It’s usually adults running the stop signs too. Turn the kid in. I wish they’d turn in adults and take their license too.
Honest-Row-5818 − The kid driving did violate his driving privilege of the rules of the road, most every driving test books shows all. Being this happened you need to fill out the papers anyway never know if he should feel he done once okay why not again,
being it’s the semi or half way through the year restricting his driving to school should be suspended, if good behavior comes then parking at school before he graduates should he do so. Plus maybe future see if there’s any good place you can pull completely off the road for yourself and the kids on the bus,
I help with disabled people I see it can be a wait but a small waiting they need to ask what if it were them needing help how would the situation change in their minds.?
jensnickers1 − NTA, this kid could hurt someone or worse with his impatience.
SocietyDisastrous787 − Consider this: you do nothing, the kids decide it’s not really a big deal so they do it again. Only next time a child steps into the road and is killed. Would you sleep well knowing you might have prevented a tragedy if you (also) hadn’t treated the first ‘red light run’ as no big deal?
Should the bus driver enforce accountability by reporting this, or let the incident go since it didn’t pose a direct danger? what would you do in their place? share your thoughts below!