WIBTA for telling my daughter to stop being lazy and get her own coffee?

A 72-year-old Redditor is debating whether to confront his 41-year-old daughter about what he sees as lazy behavior. Though he often helps her out with errands, chores, and even her regular coffee trips, he feels frustrated when she wakes him up on his days off just to pick up her favorite coffee.
Now, he’s wondering if he’d be in the wrong for asking her to be more independent. Read the full story below to get the whole picture.
‘ WIBTA for telling my daughter to stop being lazy and get her own coffee?’
I love my daughter but at the age of 41 she is so lazy its unbelievable some examples are. She has delivery job which is nice but when she finishes I asks her to run into the store. She answers no I dont feel like walking.
When we get home I make her food, She takes the food into the room and eats. When she comes down for a smoke I ask her bring her plate down. Then she says I forgot she goes back upstairs. Then later she comes back downstairs for another cigarette With no plate.
I ask her to clean the toilets it takes her three months to do it. She only drinks Tim Hortons coffee. Every Sunday and Monday when im off she wakes me up to get HER a coffee. Im 72 and do everything for her I dont think its ridiculous for me to tell her to get her own coffee and stop being lazy WIBTA if i said this.
Edit: There seems to be a lot of confusion for good reason the story was poorly written. I will try to answer the question here I work with my daughter delivering packages. We go home to my other daughters house of which I split the bills with my other daughter.
My son a recovering addict moved in about 7 months ago. Every day i get my daughter a coffee three times every day. But what annoys me is that she wakes me up on my days off to go to a restaurant called Tim Horton to get her a coffee. She does not have any illnesses or anything.
See what others had to share with OP:
[Reddit User] − NTA but you raised her (presumably) so partially your fault. She’s 41 though, she should have moved out 20 years ago. Stop making her food, stop making her coffee. Unless, she’s the one housing you and paying the bills and then I might feel a bit different
jiujitsucpt − YWNBTA for that, but YTA for enabling her to be like this. Sounds like she should have been told no a not more in her life before now.
iheartwords − INFO: Why have you been enabling your middle-aged daughter?
WhatTheFluff22 − NTA, my favorite response is, “do you have a piano tied to your a$$” or “is there something wrong with your legs” but that might be my Gen X snarkiness. 😂
Rohini_rambles − Ask her gently how she’s going to manage when you’re not around. She needs to be able to function alone, and have some friends and family she can be around.Â
If she is very forgetful or finds it hard to do basic stuff for herself, maybe she needs to be evaluated and see if she needs help to learn how to manage herself.Â
Natural_Sky638 − This has to be f**e!
KateNotEdwina − Oh my goodness! She wakes her 72 year old mother to get her a coffee. No. Just no. Stop doing it all and make her grow up!
BagelwithQueefcheese − ESH were you involved with raising her? Did you correct her bad behavior along the way? Was she always like this? Does she have a mental disability? Is she depressed? At some point you will pass on and she will live in disfunctional squalor.Â
stroppo − NTA and you should stop catering to her like that. She’s taking advantage.
jinxx_thinxx − YTA. You raised her. You’re the one spoiling her. You are the reason she acts like that.