WIBTA for leaving xmas if the whole fam is sick with the stomach flu?

A Redditor and their partner traveled out of state for an early Christmas celebration, only to find that multiple family members, including their mom and sibling’s kids, are sick with the stomach flu. The Redditor, who is concerned about catching the illness and has a strong phobia of vomiting, is considering leaving early to avoid further exposure. The family is pressuring them to stay, claiming it’s “just a bug” and not a big deal. The Redditor wonders if leaving would make them the asshole. Read the full story below to decide if the Redditor’s decision is justified.
‘ WIBTA for leaving xmas if the whole fam is sick with the stomach flu?’
Gonna keep this as short as possible. Partner and I flew in out of state to visit family for an early Xmas celebration. After we land, 20 mins into the drive to the house we’re staying at, we get notified that mom’s down and sick. Turns out, sibling’s family (with 2 very young kids) came down with something n**ty late last week. They were very ill for 3-4 days. Since then, dad got sick on the 4th or 5th day. 2 days later (the day we arrive) mom gets the bug.
We booked a hotel and are not staying with them, but since we’ve been here another sibling has caught it. We’re not happy about the sitch. We have jobs and responsibilities at home. We took time off work to make this trip happen and don’t have the luxury of taking off more time if we catch the bug, nor do we want to possibly spread it by flying. We are thinking about cancelling the flights and renting a car and getting the heck out of here.
Family thinks we’re over reacting because it’s “just a bug.” They decided not to tell us about the situation until after we arrived because they thought it was no big deal and would be cleared up by the time we arrive. It’s now spread to 7, and another sibling arrives tonight and has opted to stay at their house. The last sibling + partner have decided to stay at another relatives house to avoid any contamination.
So would we be the a**hole if we pack up and leave despite family pressure to stay and celebrate the holidays? Ps. I have a major throw up p**bia. Everyone in my life knows this. Stomach flu is at the very tippy top of p**bia.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
Forward-Dingo1431 − NTA Although I’m wondering how so many people got a “stomach bug”? like, is no one washing their hands? Anyway, it’s ridiculous to expose yourselves if it can be avoided. If you are there long enough and were planning on staying in a hotel anyway, you could wait it out until everyone has recovered and everything is sanitized. Happy holidays!
snarkness_monster − It sounds like “just a bug” didn’t clear up. It was a blowout that took down 7 people. I suggest you stay clear. Unless “you’re one stomach flu away from your goal weight.” NTA.
AttemptNo5042 − NTA! Sounds like maybe it’s norovirus. Norovirus BLOWS and it’s very contagious. It is not “just a bug” try shitting like a rhino and puking for twenty four hours and losing your appetite/feeling like hot s**t.
Guilty-Company-9755 − NTA. We learned nothing from covid. Make sure to let them know you won’t be returning and if they want a visit they can shell out for travel expenses and get a doctor’s note to do so.
EirlysElyria − It is very rational to seek to evade a viral gastroenteritis ordeal, particularly when evident hazards are present. Prioritizing health must take precedence over social obligations—viruses are indifferent to holidays.
Outrageous-Inside849 − NTA our family did this last year at thanksgiving and didn’t say anything and we had to stay there, I escaped it but my husband didn’t… it sucked. There’s no reason to expose yourself and knowingly risk being absolutely miserable. Plus, of all the sickness, stomach bug?! Hell no, those are another level of rough, if you haven’t already been exposed, stay at the hotel and enjoy your time together while staying healthy.
TinaTurnersWig10 − Pretend like it’s Covid. Drive by, drop off gifts/collect gifts — no contact from the front of the house (if you’re doing that) – order yourselves some food and open gifts and visit on FaceTime. Then go do something with your spouse and the kids and leave town as scheduled. It sucks that the trip wasn’t what you all wanted it to be but you’re there so try to have some fun!
CrazyOldBag − NTA. Your family sucks. Misery loves company, and I guess they felt that this bug could be the gift that keeps on giving. You are absolutely in the clear for heading outta Dodge as fast as you can. You don’t want their crud, and I’m sure your coworkers would be DEEEEEEE-lighted to have you bring this back to them. (massive eye roll, followed by jelly roll and possibly Tootsie Roll). Have a wonderful (and disease-free, Dog willing) holiday!
otisandme − NTA and your family are jerks for not telling you .
Scenarioing − No. Expecting you both to be saddled with pestilence and a suffering miserable and potentially grave illness is more than ridiculous. NTA.