What did I (23M) do that was so bad to my girlfriend (F19) to justify this reaction?

A Reddit user shared a puzzling experience with their girlfriend, who accused them of lying after they said they’d return to bed after taking out the trash. The situation escalated when they stopped to make food in the kitchen before heading back, leading her to declare she was “done cuddling forever” and calling them a liar.
The Redditor is baffled by the disproportionate reaction and wonders if they did something wrong. Read the full story below to find out what happened.
‘ What did I (23M) do that was so bad to my girlfriend (F19) to justify this reaction?’
I got of bed and told my girlfriend I’d be taking the trash out she asked if I would be coming back because sometimes I have to do yard work when I go out and I said yeah I’d be back
When I came back inside I was hungry so I made some food and after eating I was going to come back into the bedroom. She is now saying she’s done cuddling me forever and calling me a l**r for this
And I think the amount of anger I received was uncalled for. Take in mind the bedroom and kitchen are connected if she had opened her eyes once or even tried Litsening she could both see and hear me in the kitchen so because I didt add in that I was going to make some food which I didt even plan on till I got back inside I’m somehow a l**r
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
T_Meridor − I feel like there’s more to the story than what’s being shared here
JamieLee0484 − There was a reason she asked you if you were coming right back. You said you were, so she was just laying there waiting for you to “come right back” like you said you were. Not only did you not come right back, you made yourself some food and ate it without even asking if she was hungry, too. I can’t imagine doing that to my guest.
While she overreacted, it sounds like she feels like you’re inconsiderate. It could be a culmination of things like this that made her explode. Who goes and cooks an entire meal for themselves without even asking if their girlfriend, who is laying in their bed waiting for them to come right back, if she wanted anything to eat? That’s pretty rude my dude.
MobilePop2498 − This seems like either a massive overreaction on her part and a significant maturity issue…or there’s something deeper here that’s bugging her and this is just the issue that made her snap. Definitely seems over the top. If she’s unwilling to discuss it rationally, then I’d say it’s the former not the latter, and probably best to walk away with your sanity in tact.
MajorNutt − Yall have a lot of growing up to do.
Ambitious_Doubt_1101 − You probably said you’d be “right back”. You went out, made food, ate food… THEN came back. Maturity level aside, she’s mad cuz you took some time AND didn’t ask if she was hungry too. Stick to your word- AND- cmon man – if you make some food to eat , she may like something as well.
Brohma312 − I feel like you’re leaving out a part of the story. That reaction is out of left field.
Sandy0006 − Did you offer to get her something to eat?
wetcherri − You’re dating a 19 year old teenager and are surprised that she’s acting her age? Shocking
oxymoronDoublespeak − This relationship isn’t one with two rational adults, and it will not end well.
whittenaw − Sounds like she thought you’d be right back and was expecting more cuddle time and was extremely disappointed when she thought you weren’t coming back to cuddle her. A healthy adult conversation should work this one out but if it doesn’t, be careful. Miscommunication can happen to everyone but it takes two mature adults to stay in a healthy relationship
Do you think the girlfriend’s reaction was an overreaction to a simple miscommunication, or could the boyfriend have been more considerate in this situation? How do you handle small misunderstandings in a relationship before they escalate? Share your thoughts below and let us know how you’d approach this scenario!