UPDATE: WIBTA if I sue my SIL for stealing my book and making a huge profit from it?

After taking legal advice, the woman decided to move forward with a legal battle against her sister-in-law (SIL), who allegedly stole her book and published it for profit. Despite her family’s disapproval and threats of disownment, she managed to secure a compromise where SIL would publicly acknowledge the theft and grant her royalties. Now, she’s feeling more free from the toxic dynamics with her family, though the fallout continues. Read the full story below.
‘Â UPDATE: WIBTA if I sue my SIL for stealing my book and making a huge profit from it?’
After speaking with my pre-law friend, I decided to go the legal route. I reiterated my compromise with SIL and my brother, but he has fully taken her side. My parents warned me that I’d be disowned and I’d be dead to them if I’m willing to stoop so low.
I hired a lawyer and given all the details on my side. My lawyer said she needs my unedited manuscript for the book and my SIL’s published book along with the copy SIL sent to have it proofread and edited.
Because the published book has different parts changed, my lawyer needs the unedited version which SIL should still have in the transaction she did with her editor and proofreader.
We took the risk to ask SIL for the unedited copy she sent to her editor & proofreader despite the chance of having her feign “I don’t remember their names, I don’t have their contacts anymore, I don’t want to, etc.”
I told SIL that we will go through the route of having to use third-party notarization to ensure no foul play on either part (have 1 individual look at my unedited manuscript and the one she sent to her hired editor + proofreader).
Once I told her that, she must’ve realized I was not bluffing. SIL and my brother accepted the compromise (I take the pseudonym, the royalties: with evidence of sold copies). I stipulated that SIL must put a message out to her followers on her blog that she stole from me and not a single word in the book is hers. I thank the Redditors for suggesting that.
She is clearly pissed off and disgusted with me for doing this to my own family. I threatened her with further legal proceedings if she doesn’t do it. No lawsuit happened, but I’m glad I got a professional option just in case. As words got back to my parents of what I did and how dare I got a lawyer to punish SIL because her blog followers will surely lose trust in her and future revenue.
I told them and my parents that if they have anything to say, use my business email. I’m done with them. They treated an outsider (SIL one month into dating my brother) better than they ever did to me. I don’t need that negativity dragging me down.
I’m happier, more free with my opinions, and I don’t have to feel the need to compete with everything SIL does just to get my parents to love me a little more than a daughter in name.
I have my friends; they’ve always been more of a family unit to me than my biological ones. I knew I was going to lose something coming out of this, but I didn’t expect I’d be okay with the disappointment and hurt.
Thank you, everyone. And no, I will not be telling anyone what the name of the book is because I only came here to get a moral judgment and update everyone on what happened. Please don’t think I’m using this for clout. The book will not be promoted on Reddit: not then, not now, and not in the future either.
**New Edit (11/18/20)**: Things did not go as planned. I can’t give you an update now, but soon. Really sorry.
**Little update on the apology**: it’s not out. She said she needed more time to prepare her emotional state and she’s overworked with their child, but she’ll let me know when I can have the apology..Â
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
MoodyBloom − As someone who’s aspiring to publish in the future, I’m so angry reading this and I’m glad you didn’t take this sitting down. So many artists, whether it be music, classic art, or writers, are taken advantage of like this and many of them can’t do a thing about it. Seeing justice like this is very cathartic. I hope you’ll publish your book some day, despite what your sister in law did, and I hope it’s a HUGE success.
1peacenik − Remind Me! 14 days
MiaGrecia − Good for you! Thanks for the update.
riritreetop − So are you getting royalties from the book now? I sincerely hope so!. NTA, of course.
[Reddit User] − Congrats on the huge win and dumping the extra weight. Also, it wont be the last you hear from them. The minute they need money, they will crawl to you. Good on you for cutting them off
HisuitheSiscon45 − have you checked out r/raisedbynarcissists?
oldcreaker − *She is clearly pissed off and disgusted with me for doing this to my own family.* Your family seems to miss the point that you’re family and she did this to you. Congratulations.
Bagel600se − Glad to hear it worked out, OP. Sucks family didn’t side with you over SIL, but family isn’t necessarily blood these days, and I hope you have your own support network of friends or will one day. Keep writing and always seek more to life.
nekrobatu − My english isnt that good so idont understand are you going to get the full profit from the book?
Zedaraby − Good job.
Standing up for yourself and pursuing justice often comes at a cost. Would you have taken the legal route or tried to resolve the issue differently? Share your thoughts below!