UPDATE WIBTA For planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbours kids from my property?

I was asked for an update on: https://aita.pics/itbCy
‘Â UPDATE WIBTA For planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbours kids from my property?’
About a week after my post I planted a ‘wall’ of blackberries and raspberries at the 2 sides of my garden facing the driveway, about 30 cm from the edge so no overhanging branches! On the other side of the berry wall I planted lots stuff like strawberries and tomatoes.
To reach the tomatoes and strawberries from the driveway you have either go through the fruitbushes or walk up to my house, walk about 2m along the side of the house and my windows and then walk into my actual garden. Not something you do by mistake.
For about 2 weeks it was somewhat quiet but I still found the kids on my driveway every single days. As far as I know they did not enter the garden and I hadn’t noticed them walking around my house anymore, so I figured the bushes were working.
About 1 week ago berry season started and my bushes are now full of raspberries and there’s lots of strawberries as well. The neighbours noticed. First I caught the boys picking and eating raspberries so I told them off and dropped them off at home, told their mom I caught them stealing (that’s how I see it even though it’s fruit) and that I’d call the cops next time. She huffed and told me to grow up, but took the boys inside anyway.
After that it was quiet up until yesterday afternoon, when I went out for a while and found the dad and his 2 sons right in the middle of my garden when I returned, clearing my bushes and plants. I didn’t even confront them, just called the cops from a distance as they hadn’t noticed me yet and started filming them after making the call. Luckily 2 cops showed up after 10 minutes or so and they confronted the neighbour as they were still picking berries.
They told them they were trespassing and that the berry picking was in fact considered stealing and that I could press charges. For the first time I noticed a bit of fear in my neighbour, he was having trouble finding his words and kept looking back at his house (I guess hoping his wife would show to yell at the cops). They all went inside with the cops, so I just went home as well.
After a while the cops came by and asked me if I wanted to press charges. I asked them if they felt like they scared the neighbour enough to stay away. I got a small smile and yes about him, but the wife had just kept shouting at them and her husband about the ‘little b**ch’ living next door. I told them no for now, asked them if I’d be allowed to get an extra camera set up on the wall between my garden and the road to cover the entire front garden + driveway, they said that’s allowed as long as it’s on my side of the wall.
So, now I’m getting an extra camera installed, one neighbour knows I’m done messing around but his wife isn’t there yet and if I ever catch any of them again, the cops will be called and possible charges will follow.