UPDATE to ‘Should I (27/M) tell my friend (25/M) that I didn’t realize we were dating?’

A 27-year-old shared an update on his amusing yet heartfelt journey of discovering he was unintentionally dating his 25-year-old friend. Their honest conversation cleared up misunderstandings, leading to an official relationship. Read the full, touching story about navigating new emotions and breaking through personal and societal barriers below.
‘ UPDATE to ‘Should I (27/M) tell my friend (25/M) that I didn’t realize we were dating?”
So we had our dinner/movie night yesterday and I was very nervous. Mostly because I was scared that how new it was to me was going to be a deal-breaker. But Erik came over and I think he instantly realised I was acting weird. He didn’t say anything while he was helping me cook but then when we sat down to eat he almost immediately asked what was up.
So I basically said something like “I really like you and I wanna see where this goes, but I want you to know it’s very new to me and I’m not sure you’re cool with that”. And he asked what exactly was new to me and I said I’d only dated girls before. Which then lead to a conversation where I couldn’t avoid telling him that I didn’t realize we were dating until that lunch.
He actually got really quiet for a few seconds after that and I was scared he was upset but then he just laughed. Basically, he thought I’d been flirting with him for quite some time (looking back I probably was, just not intentionally) and all of his friends had been saying like “he seems so into you, it’s really obvious, he’s probably just too shy to make the first move”.
He even mentioned some other stuff we or I had done that I gotta admit definitely doesn’t sound platonic when he retells it, so I can see why they thought that and ultimately they were right I guess.
And during that lunch he’d apparently thought I was reaching to grab his hand so he reached out too, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have done it because he said he’s never been good at making the first move physically. He said when he asked me to dinner that was a huge deal and his friends had tried to hype him up for a while and that’s probably why I didn’t realize that he was asking me out since he was super nervous.
Anyway, we ended up talking *a lot* after dinner. He didn’t come out publicly (aside from a few close friends) until a year or so ago either, so he definitely understood that I don’t have a lot of experience. He hasn’t had a lot of relationships in general (at least not any proper and public ones) since he hadn’t come out and it’s a pretty conservative area so there aren’t a lot of guys who’re out of the closet here.
He actually admitted that he’d even been nervous to talk to me that first time we met since I looked kind of lumberjack-y (his words not mine, though the day we met I think I hadn’t shaved in a while so I don’t doubt it) and he also knows rumors travel fast here, especially when someone doesn’t really fit in, so I guess he was worried that I’d fit the small town conservative type or have heard all the gossip.
The whole ‘it’s a date’ thing for example would never happen between two guys who are just friends here. I’ve definitely noticed the culture and it’s something we talked about too since being out here isn’t always easy, so we might try to keep it lowkey at first and mostly tell his friends and some of mine.
I could probably ramble on about him and what we talked about for a long time, but to keep it short it was a really nice talk and we want to take it slow but we also realize we’ve basically been half-dating since May, so it felt weird not to make it official. So I guess I’ve got a boyfriend now, thanks guys 🙂
TL;DR The talk went great, we discussed all the misunderstandings and he had no issues with me never having dated a guy before, especially since he hasn’t been out for long. So we’re officially together now!
**EDIT:** I really didn’t expect this to get as much attention as it did, but I truly appreciate all the kind words and I’m really happy you found some joy in this story that just started with me being oblivious and confused. I might actually have to show this to Erik because all the support is making me really emotional over here!
**EDIT 2:** I’m kind of shocked at the number of comments on here, I thought there were a lot just when I went to bed a few hours ago. It’s overwhelming in a lot of different ways to say the least.
I only started using Reddit for renovation advice and that usually gets me a few helpful comments, so I guess that’s what I thought would happen here too. Thank you for all of your love though. I’ll try to respond to a few questions later when I’m not feeling as o**rwhelmed, but I’m sorry that I can’t answer you all.
**EDIT 3**: Okay, last update before I logout. I’m very o**rwhelmed in a lot of different ways and I think it’s best for my anxiety to exit this now. I know it sounds silly since I posted on here asking for comments but I’m just not good at getting attention and I didn’t expect more than a handful of helpful comments since that’s what I usually get on my main account when I ask about renovations.
I guess I should’ve prepared for the small chance that a lot of people saw this but after my original post got about 10 or so comments I didn’t think much of it when posting the update.
I looked through some of the comments and messages though and I wanted to answer some of the main questions at least:
– I’m not American and no, English isn’t my first language. The only reason I added that to my main post is because sometimes on my main account there would be phrases or names of tools I just don’t understand or know the word for. I see now maybe that wasn’t needed here and I’m sorry if it confused any of you.
I studied English for many years but school English is very different from internet and every day English. I know my grammar pretty well and basic vocabulary, but I couldn’t do my job in English.
– Some people asked where I lived and how it could be so conservative. It’s just a small town culture that I can’t quite explain. Everyone knows everyone, false rumours spread easily, there are some people who’re known to cause trouble who grew up here and think they own the place. On top of that just the general attitude towards everything is very old-fashioned. It’s not hard to avoid, but still worrying.
– I don’t use this subreddit. People have mentioned like 5 different posts that are apparently very similar, but based on how many people in the comments have also been in this situation maybe it’s pretty common. I genuinely don’t know what you want me to say to that except I haven’t read them and I can’t seem find them either. I can only speak for myself and you can choose to believe me or not, that’s up to you. I got the advice I needed and that’s all that matters to me at least.
– I know this might sound very love-story or movie like, but in reality it’s just me realizing I like someone and wanting to start a relationship with him. My life isn’t very exciting and I prefer it that way, which is why I’m very happy I made this a throwaway account so I can go back to my regular stuff haha!
And while this is making me quite anxious, I don’t regret posting it. Reading other people’s stories has been very emotional and I wish I could handle going through all of them, but I don’t think that would be good for me right now. Just know I appreciate all the advice and love.
I didn’t want to bring this up because it seemed irrelevant, but after my last breakup I was probably at my absolute lowest point and I never expected that I would get to a place where I’m feeling this hopeful, at least not this fast. So again, thank you so much and maybe I’ll update this in the future if something happens, but right now I’m happy to leave it at this!
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − This is super adorable. If you guys end up together for the long haul, this will make a great “how we started dating” story. How did you two start dating? “By accident.”
cardiganhoax − Hey came over from Twitter to say this is the sweetest dude, I think most of us wouldn’t mind if you rambled haha
[Reddit User] − I’m saving this story. You met in a queue at the pharmacy, became best friends, and accidentally started dating. This is the stuff of romcom dreams we modern day mortals dream of.
A real life meetcute in this day and age is practically unheard of. And his reaction was to laugh and not be upset just shows how great a guy he is. This is a perfect update to a perfect post. I seriously wish more posts here are like this.
twttrxo − Sry if this is too personal, you definitely don’t have to answer. But did you guys kiss? Or just hold hands and stuff? This is the cutest story ive read in a while and I think we all just need some more love stories in our lives. saw this on twitter btw I just needed to come over and send u my love
Robotgirl14131 − I didn’t read your original post until just now, but I’m so happy things have worked out for you! I hope you both have a long happy relationship. Even if you just end up back as friends.
[Reddit User] − Wow, thats gay. Happy for you bro.
PlatypusLegos − Best.story.today.
ThatBlueSwan − THAT’S SO CUTE I ACTUALLY SHED TWO WHOLE TEARS. I wish you both the best dude. That’s lovely. That’s how love should be, just naturally drifting closer to someone and realising afterwards. Uuuugh I have butterflies in the stomach just by reading your story! May your love drown out every bs all around you.
[Reddit User] − It’s amazing what can happen when adults have a “conversation”. Best wishes.
whyisitabigdealthrow − Congratulations my man! I’m glad it all worked out perfectly for you guys. I wish you the best.
Sometimes love finds us in the most unexpected ways. This story reminds us of the importance of open communication and taking chances. What’s your favorite moment of serendipitous connection? Share your thoughts below!