Update to AITA for not tell my Dad he isn’t getting the inheritance he is expecting?

A Reddit user (M) shared an update regarding their inheritance situation after revealing to their dad that he wouldn’t be receiving the amount he expected from their grandparents. After hearing concerns from commenters, the user had a family meeting with their grandparents, their dad, his wife, and the lawyer.
The outcome was that the dad would receive a smaller share, and the user would inherit the majority. While the dad’s wife reacted emotionally, the user stood firm when she insulted their mother. The user feels relieved by the resolution, but the relationship with their dad remains strained.
‘ Update to AITA for not tell my Dad he isn’t getting the inheritance he is expecting?’
A lot of people have asked me for updates so I thought id make one.. It was kind of positive? I agreed with many comments in my first post where they said my grandparents were setting me up for drama. I talked to my grandparents and shared these concerns.
They were understanding and setup a family meeting with them, their lawyer, my dad, his wife, and myself. I was secretly hoping that my grandparents would get over some of their issues with my dad and his wife but nope.
My dad’s wife actually started crying and wailing when they revealed that I would be getting most of the inheritance. I could see my grandmother almost exploding. My dad to his credit, looked disappointed but said it was their money to do as they wished.
The new agreement is that my father will receive $75k, and each of my younger siblings will receive a 50K education fund. My dad’s wife did call me a few days later and acted really foolishly. And she somehow thought that insulting my mother would help her.
I told her that if she ever said something bad about my mother again I would tell my grandparents about it. That seems to have shut her up. My relationship with my dad was never the greatest. But I haven’t really seen any further decline in the relationship. But I feel a lot of relief now. Thanks everyone!
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
ollieclark − Thanks for the update – I’d been waiting! Sounds like it’s worked out pretty well. Your father’s now aware of how much he’ll be getting and can plan accordingly (he shouldn’t have been relying on his inheritance anyway). You don’t have this bombshell hanging over you.
frygod − My dad’s wife actually started crying and wailing when they revealed that I would be getting most of the inheritance.
Whelp, that’s her plan/motivation out in the open for all to see. I kind of wonder how long she’ll stick around at this point.
YouMadeItDoWhat − Be VERY prepared for all hell to break loose when your grandparents pass away and make damn sure your father and step-mother do not have a back door way into your finances. They will try to guilt-trip you, so be prepared for that too.
[Reddit User] − Tell your dad at least about what your dad’s wife said. He is obviously with a horrible woman but thinks the pros outway the cons. He needs to actually know about the bad stuff when it happens. People like her know which persona to show to which people to try and get what they want.
[Reddit User] − Your grandparents handled it perfectly!!
tierhunt − God being old sucks being treated like a wallet more than a human your poor grandparents
rbaltimore − Get a lawyer NOW and specify to whom you plan to will **your** estate. I’m not really suggesting that your stepmom and/or your half-siblings would hurt/kill you for the money (although that does occasionally happen) but your grandparents clearly don’t want your father/stepmom/half-siblings to have their money and if something tragic happens to you, they could fight and the money could revert to them. Or if you are injured, they could seek to have power of attorney and then spend your money instead of using in to provide for your care. As a social worker, I’ve actually seen that latter situation happen more than once.
DocGrammercy12 − Thanks for the update. Not a fun situation, but it was handled right.
JG1991 − By the sounds of it, you won’t have to deal with your stepmom for much longer. It really sounds like she’s with your dad because of the prospect of soon becoming rich. I mean, she apparently took this much harder than your dad did.
Dogsarefuckinggreat − Actual wailing and then insulting your mum? She sounds fab, your dad’s a lucky man!