(Update) Step-father [44M] slapped my sister [14F] across the face and I [16M] shouted at him. Now mom [42F] wants us to apologise to him.


After the incident where the stepfather slapped the 14-year-old sister, the 16-year-old boy refused to apologize and reached out to his grandparents, who were furious about the situation. They confronted the mother and stepfather, leading to an apology from the stepfather to the sister.

Despite this, the mother remains upset with the boy for not following her request to apologize and end the “rebellion.” The boy feels that he was right to protect his sister, but tensions with his mother are escalating.


For those who want to read the previous part: Step-father [44M] slapped my sister [14F] across the face and I [16M] shouted at him. Now mom [42F] wants us to apologise to him.

‘ (Update) Step-father [44M] slapped my sister [14F] across the face and I [16M] shouted at him. Now mom [42F] wants us to apologise to him.’

I called my grandparents on Saturday afternoon and told them everything. I had taken a few pictures from my sister that night and emailed them those pictures as well. They were pissed off and angry at him and my mom for not standing up for us.


They told me to stay upstairs and don’t apologise and they will come over on Sunday morning. So we did that. My mom came to talk to us again on Saturday evening, insisted that we can go apologise and we can all forget that it happened, but we kept refusing until she gave up.

Later that night my mom came back up to talk to me again and wanted me to end this “rebellion” as she put it, saying that it won’t lead to anything good and it just makes things worse. I told her that I’m just protecting sister. She said “it’s my job not yours”.


I said “clearly you’re not doing it well enough so I’m gonna have to do it”. She gave up again. So grandparents came over on Sunday morning. Mom and step father were home as well. We were upstairs and couldn’t hear what they were saying but I could hear that my grandparents were very angry.

I don’t know what happened but after a while my mom came up and asked us to come down. We went down and Stap-father apologised to my sister and said it won’t happen again and that he will make it up to us. My grandfather told me to let him know ASAP if something like this happened again.


After they left my mom looked very angry at me but didn’t say anything. P.S. I didn’t call the police in the end. I was afraid to make the situation worse and make a much larger mess. I though involving grandparents is enough and they know better whether to call the police or not.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

Melika-TA −  Way to go. Good you took pictures. Do it again if something like this happened and let grandparnets know immediately. They seem like very nice people who care about you two.


[Reddit User] −  Great ending, thank God for the grandparents! She said “it’s my job not yours”. I said “clearly you’re not doing it well enough so I’m gonna have to do it”. You’re an amazing brother. Major props to you.

sayaandtenshi −  Good job but I do warn, please be careful. It sounds like your step-father may have been just saying that to get the grandparents gone. I’m glad you are protecting your sister, though. You keep doing the right thing.


StyxFerryman −  Sounds like you handled this perfectly and quite professionally. In the UK it is (currently and a controversial matter) legal for people with parental responsibility to smack (I don’t think a slap falls into this category), but step parents don’t have parental responsibility unless it’s been granted by a court.

RomneywillRise −  I’m proud of you, but please be careful from here. Also, you and your grandparents rock!


[Reddit User] −  You made the right call, OP, and thank goodness your grandparents have your back! You’re very lucky to have them! It seems like your stepfather’s behavior has been escalating for the past 6 months (from grumpiness to yelling and then to physical violence)

but now he knows that you and your sister aren’t afraid to stand up for yourselves and that you have other family members in your corner who aren’t going to tolerate his mistreatment of you. It’s just a shame your mother isn’t willing to protect you.


WowUsernameMuchKarma −  This was an excellent solution for him doing this once. Lets see how you do if it happens again. Make a backup plan with your sister NOW.

flsr −  After the first time my step-father hit me, I warned him- “do it again, and I’ll put a claw hammer into your skull as you sleep.” and that was that.
I also called my mom out for being a selfish turd who couldn’t properly finish the most important job of her life- raising her kids.


I’m sorry you have one of those moms too. Stay close to that Grandfather- you’re gonna need him.

blaktron −  If every 16 year old behaved the way you do, ‘teenager’ wouldn’t ever be said negatively. Bravo sir, keep it up.


tentativesteps −  Your sister will always remember this. She is really lucky to have someone who would protect her. For those of us who didn’t have someone to protect us even in this stalwart way, your story makes me feel that there is real justice in the world.

The boy stood his ground, but the situation remains unresolved with his mother. How should he continue dealing with this family dynamic, especially when his mother is still upset with him? Should he continue to stand firm, or try to bridge the gap with her? Share your thoughts below!


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