Update – Really New GF (27f) invited me (29m) for Christmas. What are your thoughts?

A man (29M) shared an update about spending Christmas with his new girlfriend (27F) and her family. Initially unsure whether to go, he took advice to bring gifts and a bottle of wine, and it turned out to be the best Christmas he’s ever had.
Her family welcomed him warmly, making him feel like he belonged, something he never experienced with his own family. Meanwhile, his mom called during the celebration, sounding disapproving, but he chose to enjoy his time instead. Now, he’s hopeful about his new relationship and realizing he deserves more love than he’s been receiving. Read the full heartwarming story below.
‘ Update – Really New GF (27f) invited me (29m) for Christmas. What are your thoughts?’
First thanks for those that commented on my first post. Wasn’t really sure if I should go or not, but it was the best decision I ever made. When I told my GF that I would love to go with her, she was really happy. I did what others suggested and bought a really nice bottle of wine for her family and a few gifts for my GF.
I expected a bit of awkwardness when we arrived but none of that happened. When we arrived and I met her family, I was treated just like I belonged there. I had a great time. We had some really great food and played some games. And over all it was a great experience and much different than any Christmas I ever had with my family.
Speaking of which, they/mom called me while I was at my GFs family. I don’t think they were happy about it by the tone of her voice, lol. When they called, we were in the middle of playing Pictionary, and everyone was having a good time.
She asked where I was, and I told her. I wished her a Merry Christmas and hung up the phone, and then turned it off. I wasn’t gonna let her/them ruin a good time. When it was time to go, everyone thanked me for coming and said they hoped I had a good time. I don’t think I could wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to. It was such a nice and loving group of people.
I know this relationship is still super new, but the amount of love I received from my GF and family really makes me hope that this works out. I’ve never felt in my whole life what I felt on Christmas.
As someone posted on my first post, it felt like a Halmark movie of sorts. I know it’s just all the new feelings, but if anything I’ve learned, I deserve more than what little my family gives me. Thanks again, everyone, for talking me into going. Best decision ever!
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
HyenaShot8896 − I’m glad you went, and I’m glad you turned off your phone. Don’t let the people who have basically ignored you all your life bring you down.
GoldenDragon001 − That’s how I felt too when I went to my girlfriend’s family gathering. I realized my family was toxic and couldn’t tell why until I met hers. They were just so loving and fun. I enjoyed their games, jokes, and how they just treated me like one of them. That’s when I knew that I can fit into this family and this was something I want for my future, a family like hers.
Dabomatay − This made me tear up. Im so happy you went and had a great time. Meeting them so early and seeing how they are with you is reflective of Zoey as a person too and Im so glad she rose to the occasion. Your family has shown you who they are, believe them. Start refilling your cup with good energy this year ❤️
yuva44 − Good for u and i hope she ends up being the one for u
TransportationNo5560 − Good for you, OP. It appears that this was an intended cruelty by your family that they were reveling in. You managed to steal their glee over the intended slight by finding happiness. It’s shocking that a mother could be disappointed that an excluded child found joy elsewhere.
Best wishes with your new relationship and hopefully your new “found” family. You may want to consider going NC as your relationship progresses. I don’t see your Mom getting over this.
zenFieryrooster − Amazing of your gf’s family. This is truly what family and holidays are about. If your family tries to give you a hard time about this (I can picture them flipping this on you, saying you chose your gf’s family over “blood”),
you remind them that they didn’t invite you to the cabin and purposely kept it secret from you for nearly half a year—the secret was only exposed by your nieces who actually cared whether family was together on Christmas or not. Don’t let them guilt you for their failings. Therapy might be good too, my friend. Sounds like a lifetime of your family’s failings to unpack.
Last_Translator1898 − Sounds like you had a great time! I am glad you went. It also sounds like you may need to confront your parents and flatly tell them what they’re doing isn’t right and find out why. I am astonished as an “oops” baby you were so neglected.
It feels as though they aren’t confronting some issue which in turn puts you, an innocent unwilling bystander, in the mix. Like not mention anything about Christmas for months? I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that you are an affair child because they seem to always be the neglected ones.
Good luck with the new relationship! Sounds like you have a keeper! Keep well, and update us from time to time. Yours is a story we want to cheer on. (And jeer your family because they s**k).
KronosCastrate − That sound like a really nice healing experience – I’m glad you went!
PrincessMeepMeep − My family loves loves loves bringing “randoms or stragglers” as my family calls them (people who have nowhere to go for Christmas) just this year a great aunt brought her neighbour. She had a great time!
This year we split our time with my family and my boyfriend and just this weekend my boyfriend’s step mom got me a stocking with the first letter of my initials on it 😭 I wanted to cry. Your gf family sounds amazing you are lucky. The best part about being an adult OP is you get to spend time with who you want too.
OkLocksmith2064 − everyone deserves to be loved.
This story shows the power of finding love and belonging in unexpected places. Have you ever experienced a holiday that changed your outlook on family and relationships? What advice would you give to someone trying to break free from toxic family patterns? Share your thoughts below!