Update on AITAH to leave my husband because of my step daughter

The woman returns with a shocking update: her husband, who had claimed he didn’t know about his 12-year-old daughter, had been lying all along. He knew about her from the start, had his name on her birth certificate, and had even been paying child support. Now, she’s left her husband and moved in with her parents, determined to move forward without him.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/fQWEz
‘ Update on AITAH to leave my husband because of my step daughter’
I posted yesterday, then deleted my account because I was so upset and emotional. But I just wanted to say thank you to the person who DMed me and said Jake probably already knew about the baby and was just acting surprised—spot on!
He did know about his daughter way before meeting me. His name is even on the birth certificate, and he’s been paying child support this whole time.
Turns out, he cheated on the mom while she was pregnant, and that’s why she left him.
All these years, he straight-up lied to me. The whole “nice guy” act? Total facade. He’s a l**r and an absentee father. He’s apologized a million times, but I’m done. DONE. He lied to me for years and acted like,
“Omg, I have a long-lost daughter!” Nah. He is making all the excuses in the book to justify his lies! I don’t care ! I’m done I’m staying at my parents’ house now, and I’m furious. I wish I had never met him..
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
WeAreAllMycelium − I’m all for hiring a private investigator for vetting unknown people nowadays.
afirelullaby − Omg. Wow. I’m so happy you know the truth and can get away from this guy. This guy was such a snake. I’m happy to hear you have a supportive mother and have a safe place to stay. Be gentle with yourself. You have been through a huge shock. Sending cyber warmth if you want some ✨
Alladin_Payne − File for an annulment and sue for fraud.
UncleNedisDead − Damn what an a**hole.
Sugarpuff_Karma − And doing the same to you now, leaving you with a baby onboard ..
JaneAustinAstronaut − I’m sorry OP. I wish you had known this before you got pregnant. Now you and your kid are going to suffer the same way the baby momma and stepdaughter have suffered. Yet another reason to side-eye age gap relationships. Too many older men are looking for a naive younger woman to raise his kids for him.
Warm-Bison-542 − I am so sorry to hear this. But I am glad to know that your baby will be safe. I was honestly worried about a defenseless baby around a clearly jealous older sibling.
MommaKim661 − Wow. A bunch of us called it. I’m sorry he’s an a**hole, you deserve better.. Updateme
SweetBekki − Yikes, If he cheated on his ex then I wouldn’t be surprised if the daughter assumed that you’re the AP that’s why she was being such a b**ch to you.. – I also wouldn’t be surprised if history is about to repeat itself. What are the chances that he’s cheated on you and not going to be involved in your baby’s life now that you’ve left him like his ex did.
Ok_Passage_6242 − The love of God, please post about this guy on all social media and about what he did to you because people need to know about men like. I personally don’t believe in nice guys. Anything nice is fake. Call him out so he can’t do it to another woman.
Dealing with betrayal like this is never easy. Do you think she made the right choice to leave? How would you handle such a revelation? Share your thoughts and support in the comments below!