Update: My sister (F22) ripped up my(F19) Stan Lee autograph and I haven’t forgiven her even tough our mother (F46) is pressuring me to?

The user shared an update about the aftermath of her sister destroying a cherished Stan Lee autograph. After using her sister’s car down-payment funds for restoration, the user faced further ridicule from her sister.
However, their grandmother and the broader community stepped in, with the sister facing backlash after her dismissive comments were leaked online. This prompted their mother to confront the situation more sincerely, leading to a heartfelt apology and serious discussions about accountability. To learn more about how the situation unfolded, read the full story below…
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/ftmVh
‘ Update: My sister (F22) ripped up my(F19) Stan Lee autograph and I haven’t forgiven her even tough our mother (F46) is pressuring me to?’
Thanks for the great advice. So a lot has happened after mom and sister left and we took the money that was menat for my sister’s car down payment for the restoration. My grandma called me and asked what was happening. I explained to my grandma what happened and tried explaining who Stan Lee was.
Surprisingly she understood just perfectly. I was relieved. For a moment I thought that my dad and I would get s**t from everyone. My sister started giving me s**t about telling our grandma and being a “snitch”. I told her that she asked me and I just told the truth.
But what took the cake was that my sister apparently ranted in her friend group chat about me and how she couldn’t understand my behavior. She again ridiculed my hobby and so on. One of the dudes was really pissed and they had a big argument in the gc.
The dude was so mad that he posted the screenshots in his insta story and they spread like wildfire. She is now being ostracized by our community with a few exceptions. My mom and sister came back in the morning. They didn’t talk much to us .
My mom came in my room and asked if we found somone that restored the picture. We had a short dry conversation till she asked me why I was making such a big deal about it. And I shut her up like you guys told me to.
I started by explain who Stan Lee was, how long the painting took me, how much it meant to me, equated it to the monetary value and ended it with “it is not only about the autograph. It’s about the disrespect you both showed me and how little you seemed to care about me.
You said that it was not worth it to destroy family over materialistic things but your daughter destroyed my most valuable possention because I didn’t lend her my jacket ” Ya’ll my mom cried. She apologized profusely.
She said she just didn’t know how to deal with it and just wanted the tension to be over and as I was more cool headed than my sister she selfishly expected me to be the bigger person. My mom and dad are now talking to my sister very seriously because she has yet to apologize for everything.
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
[Reddit User] − I’m glad your mom came to her senses. I hope they stop supporting your sister and make her act like an independent adult.
Redd_81 − I am glad to hear that your Mom came around and that your artwork is being restored (somewhat at your sisters expense). The next step your Mother needs to take is to stop enabling your sister’s spoiled behavior and teach her to start acting like an adult and take responsibility for her actions and life.
If she is suffering from some mental health issues (which I think is a possibility) then they need to take her to get some professional help. But if it isn’t a mental health issue and just her personality,
then your parents need to create a timeline for her to get a job, pay for her own car, and move out of the house as she has shown that she has no respect for you or the rest of her family.
vodka_philosophy − I’m glad your mom at least pulled her head out of her ass and is trying to make things right. Unfortunately it sounds like your sister may have a bigger underlying issue (npd or similar) and will never understand or feel remorse. I hope they’re able to restore it.
[Reddit User] − I’ll never understand parents who “just want the tension to be over”. One of your children is in mental distress, who gives a s**t what small or big reason caused it, you as a parent should care enough to want to resolve the issue correctly, not to end tension.
Ending tension just creates resentment and teaches the offending party that their actions don’t have consequences while also teaching the victim that their feelings and thoughts/opinions don’t matter. What kind of fucked up parent is okay teaching that to their kids?
i-want-more-sleep − You need to post this in the r/Marvel subreddit, everybody would lose their mind reading this. Good thing your mom came to her senses, i hope everything goes well OP
[Reddit User] − … is it bad that i want to see these screenshots? Seriously though, I’m so glad that you stood up to your mom like that. From what I read it seems like there’s more understanding now, even though your sister is still a raging b-word, at least the parents (and grandma!) are on your side.
But also at this point an apology wouldn’t mean much. I read someone else suggested you get a lock for your room and I think that’s a great idea, wouldn’t want the restored piece to mysteriously go missing because it was paid for with “your sister’s car money” :/
In4mation1789 − Therapists today say that forgiving people who have done nothing to deserve it is a bad idea. You don’t need to forgive to be happy.
Honestly, if forgiveness is easy, that’s a sign you should do it. But if it’s not? Don’t! Don’t push yourself.
Your subconscious mind knows when forgiveness is not the right thing for you to do, that it’s not honest — don’t ever feel you have to do it. As I said, you don’t have to forgive to be happy. Be true to yourself.
[Reddit User] − It seems like your sister’s desire to be the seen as a “victim,” to her own friend group was her own undoing. Hopefully she’ll understand that she did something wrong, since almost everyone is taking your side.
QTFsniper − Holy crap. I had to go back and re-read this post because I thought I was in r/justiceporn .best thread of the week. I felt so mad reading through the first post and felt the hype reading this follow-up