Update: My husband (29M) knocked out my brother (28M) for calling me (26F) a whore, and my parents want me to choose, what is the right choice?

A Reddit user (26F) updates on the situation where her husband (29M) physically confronted her brother (28M) after he called her a “whore” and insulted her relationship. The family has since demanded that she choose between them and her husband, with her parents failing to defend her.
The user shares that her husband stood firm in protecting her and refused to apologize to her brother, further complicating her relationship with her family. She has now decided to go low contact with her parents, and is struggling with the fallout of this situation. Read the original story below for further details.
‘Â Update: My husband (29M) knocked out my brother (28M) for calling me (26F) a whore, and my parents want me to choose, what is the right choice?’
First i would like to thank everyone and i want to apologize as well for the way i worded my post, it’s no excuse but my emotional state isn’t the best. Unable to link my previous post, just look on the account. My husband is my choice and i have no intentions of leaving him at all, never had.
I know it’s early for an update but I’m more confused now about what is going on. My parents invited me over to have a talk with them but they wanted me to come alone as they didn’t want my husband at their house. My husband refused to let me go alone and said if he isn’t going then he won’t allow me to.
He basically said with you alone there they will just pile on you and that i won’t let happen, so we went together. My parents wasn’t happy to see him and my mother wanted to say something untill my husband told her he isn’t there for them but me and if he is forced to leave i will leave with him, i agreed with him. Reluctantly they agreed, my brother was there as well.
He has a broken nose, and chipped teeth and refused to look at me or my husband he just kept looking at the ground even while talking. Apparently what happened with my brother is that he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago. It’s more like she broke up with him don’t know the reason don’t care.
I wasn’t aware of this as we aren’t close like that. According to him the reason he had a go at me this weekend is because my life According to him my perfect life with my husband kept popping up on his feeds and he got jealous.
Everthing on my social media is with my husband, i don’t really use it for anything els but his feed was full of my posts and that set him off as i had something that he didn’t.
If got worse when he overheard me and my mother talking when i had a discussion with her over children. Me and my husband is currently trying to have a baby and that just made Everything worse in his head, his life was falling apart and mine was going perfectly and i had and was trying for have what he wanted with his ex.
He said he didn’t take my husband seriously when he pulled him aside and my husband warned him. I seriously don’t know why he went after me as nothing he said was true in any sense and i did ask him why he said those things. He refused to awnser me.
I asked him why the whore comment because he knows my husband was my first in everything and it has only been him all these years he refused to awnser. I asked him if trying to have a baby with my husband makes me a whore as it involves s** and he just left the room.
I asked my parents why they didn’t step in and tell my brother to leave or stop my dad said he wanted to but my mother told him to leave my brother be as he is not actually hurting anyone. The same with the ultimatum, the wanted to protect my brother, i asked what about me and they were silent. All my father said was the ultimatum was my mothers idea and he went along with it
This is basically where we are at the moment, alot more was said but i don’t think it’s matters. My husband did apologize to my parents for what happened but refused to apologize to my brother. When my mother asked him to apologize to my brother he outright said no.
He won’t apologize for standing up for me and my brother got what he deserved he was warned and didn’t listen. My mother said it still doesn’t excuse him for hitting my brother, my husband asked my dad what will he do if someone called his wife a whore, my father said i will have a talk with that person, but will never hit someone.
My husband laughed and told my dad he is a weak willed, spineless man if he allows someone to demean his wife like that. That got my mom red in the face i could see her get angry, that is when i told my husband it’s time to leave.
I told my parents that i will be going low contact with them and the ultimatum they gave me broke the trust i had in them, i understand they wanted to protect my brother but in doing that they hurt me, this seemed to take all the anger out of my mother.
They asked if i will be cutting them out completely and i told then that is up to them. I don’t want anything to do with my brother at the moment as he can’t even apologize for what he said to me. I told them if they can respect my wishes we will see.
When we got up to leave my husband went over to my parents and actually still greeted them politely but told my dad it’s time grow a back bone. I don’t know what i saw but i think it was shame in my mothers face because my dad looked at my mother and she looked away from him.
This is were we are at the moment. My husband on the way back home apologized for possibly escalating things but told me it was time someone told my dad the truth. He said what ever punishment comes he will take and deal with any fall out. I don’t need to worry or stress about anything..
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
anglflw − Your parents s**k, as well as your brother.
Ashamed-Director-428 − The fact that brother openly admitted he didn’t take husband seriously when he told him to wind his neck in shows that brother has never met a consequence in his life. He’s used to getting away with whatever he wants.
Mysterious_Book8747 − Your husband is right. Sounds like your dad has been letting your brother run roughshod over everyone for years. Poor girl was smart to get away when she did if this is how he’s treating YOU can you imagine how he treated HER? And your dad did nothing to shut it down for years.
stellaluna29 − I doubt this is the first time your parents have chosen your brother over you, no way this behavior comes out of nowhere. I’m sorry for you but I’m very glad you have a stand-up husband!
Adorable_Work_349 − Your husband is a keeper that’s for sure. Your family have got to have real good look at themselves because they have enabled your brother to demean his own sister, their daughter.
They allowed it to happen and if your dad wouldn’t even stick up for his own wife by his own admission he certainly wouldn’t put your first either. Be rid of them and enjoy your life with your amazing husband because you deserve it!
WinterFront1431 − Your husband is amazing. He is 100% right. You are his wife, his other half, what kind of a man would stand by and let someone belittle and call their wife names.
All I read was that your parents care more about your sad sack, brother, for being dumped. I would 100% cut brother off even if he apologies and let it be known to the whole family that any event he is at you will not be and that goes for your future child too, and if anyone ever make your husband feel unwelcome again they’ll be cut off.
Summer_is_coming_1 − Am I the only one who thinks this is fake .. ofc you will have update
johnthes − The more you say, the more I want to buy your husband a drink. The guy has done everything right. Your parents are not very good people who obviously favor your brother over you. Probably always have but you were so blind to see or conditioned not to notice by your parents. Focus on your husband and creating a great family with him .
dllimport − I sort of think everyone sucks here. Your brother obviously sucks as do your parents but what is with your husband physically punching someone? “Not letting” you go alone? Calling your dad weak-willed for not wanting to a**ault someone. You are the only person in this story who hasn’t done something f**king terrible but you read as someone who just kinda lets life push them around…
anitasdoodles − You stick with your husband.
What would you do in this situation? Would you support your partner’s actions, or try to mend things with your family? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below.