UPDATE: My [29M] former FWB [25F] claims to be pregnant. Feel sick, don’t know what to believe.

A 29-year-old man shared how his former FWB fabricated a pregnancy to get his attention, leading to a year of manipulative behavior and stalking attempts. Through firm boundaries and seeking support, he managed to cut ties and regain control of his life. Read his harrowing update below.
‘ UPDATE: My [29M] former FWB [25F] claims to be pregnant. Feel sick, don’t know what to believe.’
At the time, lots of you saw many red flags that I didn’t and you were pretty sure she wasn’t actually pregnant. You were right, she wasn’t! After telling her I’d only continue talking to her when there was a paternity test, she initially agreed.
She then made up more stories about hospital visits, problems with the pregnancy and got angry that I wasn’t being supportive. I held my ground and told her I wouldn’t communicate further until the paternity test was done.
About a week later, she finally admitted it – it had all been a lie to get my attention. I sent her a message asking her to get help and never contact me again. Blocked her everywhere.
That was over a year ago, and I’ve had occasional messages (from other numbers) since then, either asking for forgiveness or getting angry with me for not offering forgiveness. I generally ignored them, though she did get in my head once by sending a message that she was so worried she’d damaged me and I replied telling her that I’d moved on and forgave her.
About 2 months ago, she text saying she was visiting the city I live in and wanted to meet up for a chat. I ignored it and blocked the number. Didn’t think much of it. Then, 1 month ago, while I was on holiday, the receptionist at my work sent me a text.
Someone had enrolled in a course in the where I teach who was asking about me. 27-year-old Russian. Holy s**t, it was her! I had to tell my manager the story and she agreed to me taking some extra holiday and working remotely to avoid any unpleasant situation.
I received a few texts from her, telling me she had enrolled in that school by coincidence (no chance) and finally one to ‘congratulate me on avoiding my idea of hell’. Her course finished last week and I found out from some social media stalking that she’s now in another city. I think (hope!) that’s the end of the story.. Thanks for the help reddit.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
p0isonfrog − This is actually stalker behaviour. I hope you haven’t responded to her since you’ve said you forgave her. I hope you’ve blocked her number everywhere. And when you get texts from random numbers that are clearly her, take a photograph, block and move on.
The photographs will come in handy if you ever need to get a restraining order against her. I doubt that this is gonna be the last of her b**lshit. She came all the way over from Russia to see you and enrolled on a course where you teach. Depending on what kind of school this is, she could do this again and again.
(But that also depends on any visa she holds – that’s an area I really don’t know a lot about). Make sure all your doors and windows are secure at night and don’t hesitate to call the police if she tries anything. I’m sorry dude but I really doubt this is over. But since she’s Russian, she’ll have to go back to her own country eventually. Just be wary until then.
[Reddit User] − God damn she sounds crazy. Glad you’re finally moving forward!
FaceofAfrica76-com − Sounds like a p**cho to me. If she keeps popping up get a restraining order. Good luck.
ananonh − Some advice for next time, don’t continue casually f**king people who you have no intention of dating after they’ve told you they love you. It will really help you avoid these sorts of “crazy” situations and people in the future.
Cha_Cha_cho − talk about clingyness level 100000
a176993 − Went through the same thing, she still contacts me till this day and I have literally blocked 10 of her numbers, blocked her on all social media and blocked her through email. It’s been 2 years now and she’s married and has a kid 🤦🏻♂️😂
inse0f − Damn, she is crazy Russian girl, who want to marry you in case of her pregnancy. I am from Russia too, and I knew some of that sort girls. No one should believe them. They make this case to catch up the men. You managed this well. Great.
panic_bread − I am glad that you manage to avoid her. But I wish that your job’s solution to the problem would’ve been removing her from the course rather than making you lose money and change your life over the situation. Why didn’t they kick her out of school? She was clearly stalking you.
llamaonrollerskates − Dude you got golden balls or something?
[Reddit User] − I somehow feel like this is just the beginning…
Manipulative behavior can have a profound emotional impact, but setting boundaries is key to healing. Have you ever dealt with someone crossing the line to hold onto a relationship? Share your experiences and advice below.