[UPDATE] My [25F] professor [30M] asked me to go on a date after I graduate next month?

A woman shared an update after her professor, who waited until the end of her studies to express romantic interest, asked her out. Following advice from Reddit, she decided to explore a relationship with him. Now, with a new job, graduation, and an exciting first date, she’s feeling optimistic about her future. Read her heartwarming update below.
‘ [UPDATE] My [25F] professor [30M] asked me to go on a date after I graduate next month?’
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for your comments on my last post 🙂 They really helped me. I was asked for an update so here we go… Anyways, I think I should have worded myself better. I wrote the post on May 30th and my convocation was on June 4th. I put “next month” in the title but realistically, I should have put “next week.” I digress. Looking back, the timeline is probably confusing but this post should clear it up.
First and foremost, I GOT A JOB 🙂 It is at quite a large PR firm within the city and I start next week. They didn’t ask me for references, but instead, told me they looked at my LinkedIn profile and saw that I had quite a few recommendations there, so they were satisfied with that. I’m so excited!!
So I never ended up using Mark’s letter of recommendation. After posting, I decided that I do want to explore something romantic with him. I immediately felt better after getting some third party advice, so the next day, I emailed him (I didn’t have his phone number) and said this:. “Mark,
First off, I want to say that I am incredibly grateful for the recommendation letter you compiled for me. I have a second interview tomorrow at one of the agencies I was telling you about. I’m a bit anxious but also quite excited.
I just wanted to let you know that I will not be using the letter after all. I thought about what you asked me and I am very interested in going out to dinner with you. You have been an awesome mentor this last semester but I am ready to see a different side of you. I promise we don’t have to get Indian food 🙂
I wanted to apologize if I seemed standoffish when you asked me; I wasn’t expecting it and it took me a while to process it all. Again, thank you for the letter. Maybe I will see you at convocation this Saturday? And, just in case you may want it, here’s my number 555-555-5555. “
(The Indian food bit was from when he was sick one day and said he is 99% sure he got food poisoning from trying a butter chicken dish at a dive bar) Anyways, I received a text from him an hour later and we have been talking ever since. On Friday, I found out I got the job and told him. He said he wasn’t surprised and I would do really well there.
Saturday was my convocation. My parents flew down and it was great! I saw Mark at the mixer and he had a huge grin on his face and waved. I was busy taking photos and whatnot and noticed he left later on. He told me he didn’t want to spoil my day and said we would talk soon.
We decided to go out to dinner yesterday (Sunday). To keep it short, it was great, he was great and he walked me back to my condo. We said goodnight and he started walking away. I was kind of disappointed and turned to walk into the door but I heard him call my name and he kissed me 🙂 He said he’s still new at this.
Anyways this post was probably all over the place but I’m actually just feeling really giddy and excited. Between the new job, finally graduating and the lovely date I had with my ex-super-hot-prof, I’m on cloud nine right now. Thanks for everything guys! Your advice really helped!
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
SuperBeeboo − Congratulations on your new job, glad your date went well. It’s wonderful to see some good news on this subreddit!
RememberKoomValley − What a respectful-sounding guy.
Mark_dawsom − We said goodnight and he started walking away. I was kind of disappointed and turned to walk into the door but I heard him call my name and he kissed me. Ayooo! Smooth Mark is smooth! Congratulations!
czhunc − He’s a good kisser.. Go, you! Future’s looking bright.
TwoOranges − but instead, told me they looked at my LinkedIn profile and saw that I had quite a few recommendations there, so they were satisfied with that. I’m so excited!! Post is fake, no one gets jobs off of LinkedIn. (Just kidding, glad it worked out!)
beeegoood − I dated my (ex)professor after I graduated…like we went on our first date the day after graduation. He was wonderful and we had a great relationship. We eventually broke up due to different life trajectories, but I don’t regret it at all and I remain friendly with him and his wife. I’m happy for you, OP!
Jyi90 − Oh wow he reached you at 555-555-5555? You’re too lucky to have that phone number
[Reddit User] − OK, I will be that guy. He sounds charming and you sound like a mature person with a great head on your shoulders. So, my advice is. Go no contract. D**p him. Delete facebook. and ignore my advice.
Asthoughihadwings − Adorable! Congrats and good luck at the new job as well!!
aetius476 − (The Indian food bit was from when he was sick one day and said he is 99% sure he got food poisoning from trying a butter chicken dish at a dive bar) I’ve changed my mind. Any man who orders butter chicken at a *dive bar* is some manner of i**ot. Stay away.
Sometimes life brings surprising and rewarding twists when we least expect them. Have you ever taken a chance on something—or someone—and had it pay off? Share your stories below!