UPDATE: My [24F] boyfriend [25M] is being passive aggressive about my injury since it happened when I was drinking and is also accusing me of “overplaying” my injury

A Reddit user (24F) shares an update after breaking up with her boyfriend (25M) due to his lack of empathy regarding her fractured foot. Despite her attempts to communicate her feelings, he dismissed her pain and blamed her for the injury. The breakup was relatively smooth, and she’s now in the process of moving out to stay with family while looking for a new place. She feels relieved and confident that it was the right decision. Read the full story below.
‘ UPDATE: My [24F] boyfriend [25M] is being passive aggressive about my injury since it happened when I was drinking and is also accusing me of “overplaying” my injury’
So first off, I appreciate everyone’s advice. I broke up with my boyfriend! I just couldn’t get past him not taking my injury and pain seriously and basically blaming me for it. It was really hurtful that I was in pain and he didn’t seem to care at all. It was a relatively smooth breakup. There was no arguing or anything. I told him how I felt and all he said was “sorry” but it wasn’t a sincere apology. It was more of a “sorry you feel that way.”
So I’m moving out. I’m in the process of beginning to move all my stuff out which I think is the worst part. It’s especially not fun on a broken foot! My aunt and uncle live about 40 minutes away and they are more than happy to let me stay with them while I look for a place.
Again, I really appreciate everyone’s advice. I’m happy with the outcome and think it was for the best. If he couldn’t take me seriously now, I don’t think i could ever trust him to take me seriously or be supportive in a medical situation again.
TL;DR: Broke up with my boyfriend today after he didn’t take my injury seriously. I am moving out and feel good about my decision.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Wereallgonnadieman − Yeah, he was treating you like garbage, and deserved to be thrown out as refuse in response. Leaving toxicity is so freeing once you’re away. As I said to an earlier poster, when I left that a**hole, I was over it. Almost immediately. Just couldn’t give any less fucks. Good on you.
HorrorConfusion − Oh man. I broke my foot last year on 4th of July and that’s when I learned my ex didn’t care. Kudos to both of us for getting out!! Yay for broken feet? Lol
SkaTSee − Usually I mock /r/relationships for pushing breakups, and honestly I didn’t go through the comments to see if it was pushed or not, but regardless, good for you! Way to have some self esteem, I think you made the right choice!
bionickflipflop − As someone who also broke something on July 4th and whose partner has been the most wonderful angel through it all, well done ❤️
[Reddit User] − I’m proud of you, what an asshat that guy was. I fractured my foot *entirely sober* getting out of a bunk bed, had to wear a cast on it for almost a month. That s**t is a broken bone, and since your ex couldn’t take that seriously I think he might’ve had a broken brain. Congrats on your escape from his toxicity, girl. It’s not easy to call a spade a spade sometimes.
SahjoBai − This is a moment where you can take a whole new road, or stay on the one you’re on. Because he will be super sorry tomorrow and you’ll realize you can maybe work it out and stay together, or really follow through with it. You’re pissed right now (rightfully).
But If you’re like me, that anger will wear off and you might start double guessing this break up. Which might be fine. I just keep thinking of a similar relationship I had in my 20’s and there was a long time of being unhappy, getting mad, working it out, being unhappy (I even had a similar injury/guilt trip thing).
Then one time I just stuck to it and moved out. It wasn’t even that huge of a fight that spurred it, just the realization that although my boyfriend wasn’t terrible, he was just kind of a j**k and even though starting with him was easier, it wasn’t really fun. Anyway, getting out of that cycle was the best thing – I ended up meeting someone way, way more right for me. Good luck to you and I hope your foot heals quickly.
kwagenknight − I can see why he would be a bit down but I wouldnt be upset or mean just a bit disappointed and then move on with life. So him being passive aggressive and being childish kind of showed you who he is at this point in life and you did the right thing by not dealing with that b**lshit!
He should have used his adult conversation skills, said how he really felt and accepted your apology with no more hostility of any kind from him all while helping his hurt girlfriend feel better in any way during and after. Im glad you wont have to deal with that behavior and hope your next SO is more understanding and acts more like an adult! Best wishes!
daeganthedragon − I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing this! Super super proud of you! After your last post, I was worried about you, but you seemed to have a very good head on your shoulders. You’re gonna be just fine! I’m so sorry you had to go through this to get there but one day, you will be in a much better place and you can think of this as a positive experience. Again, super proud of you! Good luck!
laceblood − Good for you! I fractured my wrist while very drunk, at a punk bar, in a mosh pit (I was 26 too, not even a kid 😂) and my husband laughed at me, but was very supportive otherwise. S**t happens, and being salty about it isn’t cute.
BuscemiLuvr − How can anyone think a fracture is minor. It is a literal bone break. I’m glad you broke up with him even if it was just for the fact he is not very smart.
t’s tough to walk away from a relationship when someone isn’t supporting you in the ways you need, especially during a vulnerable time. Have you ever had to make a difficult decision like this for your well-being? How did you handle it? Share your thoughts below!