UPDATE: My (23F) boyfriend (25M) thinks my dad’s (59M) gifts are “creepy.” Red flag?

After a conversation with her ex-boyfriend, Mark, about his discomfort with the Valentine’s Day gifts from her dad, a 23-year-old woman discovered that Mark had made up a story about consulting his friends for their opinion. It was revealed that Mark had cheated on her with two different girls, leading to the end of their relationship.
Despite his attempts to manipulate the situation by lying and claiming she was the one who cheated, she decided to block him and move on. She remains grateful for her close relationship with her father and looks forward to visiting him soon.
‘Â UPDATE: My (23F) boyfriend (25M) thinks my dad’s (59M) gifts are “creepy.” Red flag?’
I tried having a legitimate conversation with Mark (ex-BF) about why he found the gifts creepy. He is close with his family, they show a regular amount of affection for a close American family, so it wasn’t that. He could not articulate to me why he found it creepy, he just kept saying it made him uneasy. No further explanation.
There is only so much I can do regarding that, so I gave up on trying to find the root issue. He originally said he talked to his friends about it and they all found it weird. Yeah, he never did that. He admitted he made it up. He also confessed he cheated on me with 2 different girls, which took me by complete surprise. (I got tested, all is fine in that regard.)
So yeah. I ended it. He begged me to stay and said I was “the one.” I refused. I said something along the lines of, “You cheated on me, you lied to me, and we have different core family values.” When he realized I wasn’t coming back, he told everyone *I* cheated on *him*.
My friends were furious on my behalf wanted to give him a piece of their minds but I told them I just don’t want to deal with him ever again. I am so done I just don’t care anymore. He is blocked. So basically I still have no idea what his problem with the gifts was, but good riddance.
And for everyone who said I had a good dad, trust me, I know and I am so lucky! I am going to visit him next month and can’t wait.. Thank you all!
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Cultural_Shape3518 −  He also confessed he cheated on me with 2 different girls, which took me by complete surprise. The guy who sees s**ual intent in totally innocuous gestures just because the people involved happen to be different sexes turned out to be cheating himself?  I’m sorry you got blindsided with that, but I can’t say I’m surprised.
No-Pop7740 − Only a guess, but his reaction suggests that he was uncomfortable knowing that he wouldn’t be able to isolate you from your father, and that your father would be protective of you if he (the ex) was a**sive.
Assiqtaq − “You are the one for me! I totally had s** with two other girls while I’m with you. But they meant nothing because you are The One.” Yeah that doesn’t work for me either. I’m glad you figured it out and dropped him out of your life.
At least he knows that cheating is a valid reason for ending a relationship. After all, if he didn’t know that he wouldn’t be telling everyone he knows that you cheated so he ended it. He knows better, he just didn’t do better.
Jen5872 − I used to work with a woman who always got flowers from her dad on Valentine’s Day. No one thought it was weird. If I had to guess, your now ex-boyfriend didn’t like that your dad was a better man than him.
spaceylaceygirl − You dodged a huge bullet. What an a**hole!
ember428 − Whenever someone has to tell you how many other people agree with them, it’s a sure sign that they can’t back up their thinking.
Low_Engineering8921 − I just read your original post. My dad has three daughters and while he never did this for us, I know friends who experienced it! There isn’t really a “daughter’s day” and international women’s day was less of a thing when we were kids.
So I know dad’s that use valentine’s as a way to celebrate all the sweethearts in their life. It’s only weird and creepy if you or your dad make it weird or creepy. It’s just a normal and lovely family tradition if otherwise. I’m so glad this entire interaction enabled you to learn the truth about your partner though.. Congrats on that.
JipC1963 − Please give Dad a {{big hug}} from this Internet Grandma, he’s a marvelous father and someone you should measure future romantic interests against!
In regards to Mark and his insane abhorrence of your father’s Valentine’s tradition, it MAY be that he was trying to ISOLATE you so you wouldn’t find out he was unfaithful.
Best wishes and many Blessings for you both!
fakerton − Fathers, treat your daughters well and they will kick bums like Mark to the curb!
FeralSquirrels − He begged me to stay and said I was “the one.” So that made the others “the two” and “the three” right? I’m sorry, terrible pun I’m sure but I tried. for everyone who said I had a good dad, trust me, I know and I am so lucky! I am going to visit him next month and can’t wait. He’s a definite good one, keep him close and best of luck going into the future!