(Update) My [21M] girlfriend’s [21F] grandfather is a Michelin Star chef and is visiting. I am supposed to cook for them but I cannot cook.

A Reddit user recently faced a daunting challenge: cooking dinner for his girlfriend’s Michelin-starred chef grandfather, despite having almost no cooking experience. Instead of resorting to takeout, the user spent weeks practicing his steak-cooking skills.
The dinner turned out better than expected, and the grandfather even complimented the meal. The next day, they bonded over burgers, hotdogs, and beer, creating a positive and memorable experience. To learn how the user managed to impress his daunting guest, read the full story below…
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/SNZCg
‘ (Update) My [21M] girlfriend’s [21F] grandfather is a Michelin Star chef and is visiting. I am supposed to cook for them but I cannot cook. ‘
Hey guys. Thank you all for your advice. My gf’s grandfather came and we had our dinner yesterday, so this is an update to that post. I just want to say first, I am drunk, so please excuse any typos. Anyway, I was really freaked out all summer about wanting to impress him.
I was seriously considering pulling the Skinner s**m and buying takeout and disguising it, but I decided to just go for trying to make something myself. I spend pretty much all of July trying to make steak. I started with cheap stuff, and it was really, \*really\* hard at first, but I learned from my mistakes.
I wanted to go all out, so I bought really nice steak to make when the day came. I made three. One for all of us, and it ended up being better than I hoped, though obviously not Michelin Star quality.
I also brought some really expensive (at least for a college student) Cabernet to pair, although he actually brought rum, so we had both. It’s around midnight on August 16th here in the Eastern United States; this happened on the evening of August 14th (he came early due to changes in our school schedule).
He said that the steak was nice. He and I went out for burgers and hotdogs the next evening (today, but technically actually yesterday). It was just him and I. We also had a metric f**k-ton of beer. All in all, it was a really positive experience, and we got along very well.
I’m glad I didn’t risk trying to pass off steakhouse food as my own, though I still want to try to see if I can fool my professor’s friend. Maybe after the pandemic has passed (grandfather, gf, and I all got tested before meeting for dinner).. I really love my girlfriend 🙂
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
RheimsNZ − So glad you didn’t try to fake it. Holy s**t that would have been bad, and you would have had to live with the deception. Congratulations, and good work!
[Reddit User] − Learning to cook good food is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. Good on you man!
[Reddit User] − This is so cute ! I cry. I’m glad it worked out :~)
Scanpony − Good on you for cooking your own meal! A proper chef will never berate you for trying to cook a meal yourself. Conning him would have fallen through immediately so glad you didn’t go that route. Cooking is an amazing skill to have and it’s really fun to do, so i’m happy this turned out the way it did! Keep on cooking 🙂
czhunc − Congrats! Cooking’s a lot of fun and it helps that we all have to eat every day, so you can get a lot of practice in if you want to. And making mistakes (or miss-steaks haha. Ugh.) is a big part of that, just like anything else.
YNPCA − Chefs when eating with loved ones would rather have a home cooked meal dont believe me trust Anthony Bourdain!
spyda101 − Am I the only one here that got the vibe that this is 100 % an episode of a sitcom, overstressing over pretty much nothing, and in the end turning out ok? Who the hell cares if he thought you can’t cook?
Everyone else compared to a Michelin chef can’t cook so relax. Also a 21 yo college student again by default isn’t supposed to be able to cook gourmet meals.
ramaxin − Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why he had to cook for them?
IOnlyDrinkTang − Can people please stop using this sub to write weird fan fiction? It’s just sad.
NYTXOKTXKYTXOKKS − Well done! Hopefully, you can ask him how to make a better steak so that you can grill that for your girlfriend. Learn lessons from experts anytime you can – there is no disgrace in this. I am no cook. My dad would have me help him to grill out every weekend to grill steaks or burgers.
His burgers were s**t but his steaks were the best I have ever had – honestly the best I will ever have. Where I am going with this is, every weekend, my kids want us to grill out. We grill veggies (squash, peppers and asparagus – then finish it with mushrooms) that become incredibly sweet because of the grill.
Then we cook the meat – Steaks are my favorite. My kids want grilled burgers, hot dogs, brats. My wife and I want steaks. This is the gift that keeps giving. It creates memories. This is allowing you to explore and create wonderful memories for you, your girlfriend and more.
I wish you the best. I remember your original post. I am glad you are learning. Good luck mate.