UPDATE: Is a picnic basket too much on a first date?


A Reddit user shares a glowing update about their first date, which turned out to be a huge success! After debating whether a picnic at a waterfall might be too much, they went ahead with the thoughtful plan—and nature, charm, and a bit of luck made it unforgettable.

From scenic views and salmon leaping at the falls to a creative woods-side sandwich prep, the date was filled with unique and personal touches. To top it off, a surprise stop at a casino led to an unexpected win for their date, rounding out an incredible day with fun and laughter.


‘ UPDATE: Is a picnic basket too much on a first date?’

UPDATE: The date went really really well! Nature helped me out a little bit and it was extremely nice out. The drive was about an hour to the falls through a pretty remote part of Oregon and was super scenic. We only saw two other cars. When we got to the falls we were the only people.


Chinook Salmon were attempting to leap up the falls so it was definitely a cool thing to watch. The bottle of wine came out early and we consumed the entire thing sitting at the bottom of the falls. I kept our picnic simple and made her a sandwich. I think I did good by bringing whole vegetables, a cutting board and knife and half ass chef’d it up in the woods.

We stayed until it almost got dark. I did another smart move by having our meeting spot be at this Indian Casino. She said she had never gambled in her life so I brought her in and we had a drink and I gave her 20$ to spend. She found this bee slot machine (my last name has Honey in it, so the bee was appropriate) and ended up winning $150!


At that point it was getting pretty late so I walked her to her car gave her a kiss and said goodnight. I am going to see her this weekend again. Definitely STOKED!

Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

forshamesir −  Good job! Congratulations!


ronoc720 −  Bro I would let you take me on a date and I ain’t even gay. You killed it.

nostalgeek81 −  This is so cute! I’m curious though about the gambling. Did she keep the money? Did she split it with you?


LovelyeFleur −  *leaves phone unlocked “accidentally” on this post so boyfriend can read it*’

Ilikecats3220 −  I want something like that!!! That’s so cuteee


succulentsucca −  I can’t believe any woman would allow a guy she’s never met drive her an hour into remote woods for a first date. I would NEVER do that. Good for both of you!

SleepyCriquet −  Swoon!


[Reddit User] −  Now you’ve got me trying to guess what names have honey in it. Are you Mr. Jar?

Allecia −  Just had to comment, that the Bee slot machine is my husband and my favorite! We always win money on that one! Plus the special game that pops up on occasion (it’s been a long time since I’ve been to a casino, I forgot what those are called) are SO FUN!! I’m so glad your date went well! It sounds super amazing! I know I’d have been impressed, wow! 🙂
Enjoy your time with this new relationship, it sounds awesome!


kalleskalasklister −  Drinking and driving, celebrated as always

It sounds like the thoughtful picnic and spontaneous casino stop were the perfect combination to make this first date stand out. Have you ever been on a first date that turned out unexpectedly perfect? Share your favorite first-date stories or tips below and join the discussion!


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