UPDATE: I[19M] recently found out that my older sister[34F] is actually my biological mother.

A Reddit user shared a heartwarming update after confronting his sister, Rose, who revealed that she is actually his biological mother. After months of confusion and secrets, they had a deep conversation about the past, and he learned the truth behind her decision to raise him as her brother. Read the original story below.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/ooRBH
‘ UPDATE: I[19M] recently found out that my older sister[34F] is actually my biological mother.’
So after a week of avoiding I came to her house with a picnic basket by surprise so ill have a chance to speak with her. She was happy to see me and I told her to sit down because we need to talk. I started things with saying that I know that she has a secret that she’s been hiding from me for years.
Her face turned red and she started crying like hell. She knew what I was talking about. I told her the story about the DNA test, about Jennet and basically what I told you guys in the last post. Well after she calmed down a bit she told me the truth.
She told me how she got drunk at a party and slept with one of the jerks who does nothing but weed every day. He didn’t really care about a future kid and was like “yeah whatever”. Apparently she found out that 10 years ago he was stabbed in prison after sitting for d**g dealing, assult and armed robbery.
She told me how her mother used to convince her father to talk me out of the idea of keeping the baby. they would constantly fight with her. When the baby was born they told her on the spot that she brought shame upon the family and they will not help raising the baby in any way, meaning she will have to work meanwhile to have money for her baby and sometimes for herself.
After a couple of months of loaning from her friends and juggling between working and taking care of me she had a huge fight with her parents and told them that if they are not helping financially and barely in any sort of way, she and me are better off without them.
As they sent her to her room she escaped in the middle of the night, hitchhiked to a neighboring country and by morning she was there already. She tried to take care of me for a few days, she found an old abandoned house that used to have homeless people coming around every now and then, and she took me to the mall when I started crying.
She started crying too. The couple that adopted us immediately came to our aid and asked if \_we\_ lost our mother. Rose jumped on the opportunity and came up with a story and an alias. Police figured out we are not in the system for multiple reasons.
We were raised in foster care for a year and a half until the couple that helped us decided to make the effort and adopt us so we won’t be separated. It took them a few months and a couple of lawyers but they managed to adopt us both.
Rose knew all along that her parents are looking for her(They came to their senses after a day or so). She reached out to them and told them in a letter that she is fine and is taking care of herself and me, she is not homeless and found a nice couple to help her with the baby.
She made it clear for them that she is never coming back and they should stop looking, and a month after that they stopped. A few years later her father went on a quest to find her(she was after 18) secretly. After so much time searching he found her and apologized and after a while she forgave him and kept secretly in touch with him.
He met me a few times and I knew him as one of Rose’s old friends from the park. He helped us a few times and apparently they would meet up once every two months secretly. Ironically I’m glad I got to know him before he passed, even if I didn’t know who he really is.. ​
BTW, the adoptive family never found out about the whole thing.. ​So after hearing this I told her we missed a lot by not knowing she is my mother and I told her I understand she did the right thing. I pulled out an “It’s a boy!” sign from the picnic basket and some snacks for a late baby shower and we hugged for an hour or so, had a lot of fun,
watched a movie and I headed off to my parents(ADOPTIVE) house to have dinner with them.. ​ I’m glad she is my mother. I feel for the first time in years – complete.
I don’t care she lied because she did it for the greater good and I honestly can’t imagine my life right now if she didn’t. Thanks Reddit for helping me getting my feelings straight and helping me out mentally to coop with everything that happened!
Check out how the community responded:
TheOmerAngi − I’m so glad to hear that everything turned out well!. ​ By the way, this could be a sick movie script ya know.
RickyNixon − I’m not crying you’re crying thank you so much for the update OP
Trekpunk − what a satisfying ending. cheers
Ty-Tea − Did you get to see your grandmother or did she not bother to patch things up? I’m glad your grandfather did and respected your mother’s secret of keeping it a secret.
zombienugget − I’m really curious as to how you were not in the system…? Surely the police would be more suspicious especially of a 15 year old who is more than old enough to know her identity, instead of just shrugging and throwing you in foster care.
gyaradostwister − So this whole thing was fake, that was fun. I guess she claims she gave birth with zero witnesses and nobody cared about where an infant came from if it was in OMG another county. Assuming you are in the US, this is a lie.
[Reddit User] − Nice story
GrimlySaged − Cute bit of fiction, sorry the karma wasn’t as high as you wanted.
Valendr0s − Okay… I have to say one thing that shows this story is either completely fabricated, or you both don’t know everything about it. You don’t adopt children without knowing who the children ARE. Your adoptive parents know Rose is your mother. AND your ‘real’ grandparents would have been contacted by the lawyers and SIGNED OFF on Rose’s adoption.
*AND* ROSE would have had to sign off on YOUR adoption. Don’t you think it is strange that your adoptive parents would have signed the mountains of paperwork required to adopt you, and didn’t notice “MyLifeAreABrokenMess, son of ROSE and DrunkGuyAtParty” on the birth certificate?
And didn’t notice that the lawyer slid the paperwork over to Rose to sign off after they signed? You don’t just go… oh… well the kid says her parents are junkies, clearly that’s true, just let them be adopted.
No need to look into it further. Every single party in this story knows 100% of the story except YOU. Of COURSE the adoptive parents know. Of course your grandparents know. And Rose would know they all know. Thank you for the story, but please post stories to the correct subreddit.
[Reddit User] − You’re really good at writing semi-realistic fiction.