(UPDATE) I had to kick my girlfriend out of my house because she was scaring my brother.

A Reddit user shared an update about his breakup with his girlfriend after she repeatedly scared his blind brother despite being asked to stop. When confronted, she revealed that her “advice” came from a Facebook friend and showed no remorse.
She even called the brother “crippled” and expected him to “just deal with it.” After reflecting on their one-sided relationship, the user gave her a final chance with conditions—but she refused to compromise, leading to their breakup. Read the original story below…
‘ (UPDATE) I had to kick my girlfriend out of my house because she was scaring my brother.’
This OP: I had to kick my girlfriend out of my house because she was scaring my brother.
I would like to start by saying that I decided to get in contact again with my girlfriend, and I decided to talk to her. Of course I didn’t let her back into my home and I wanted to talk on any other place than there, she called me to go to her house.
I started by asking her where did she get the “advice” that she saw on the internet that said that scaring blind people was a good thing to be done. She was very reluctant to tell me, but when I pressured her a little more she ended up telling me. Apparently there’s is no article, no research, no elaborated study, nothing…
The advice she got came from a friend of hers on facebook chat, and she just went along with it. She also told me she lied about her mother telling her that, to clarify, her mother is a social worker where we live, so she thought that if she said that her mother had also said that it would maker her “friend” advice a little more credible because she couldn’t find any article or study.
I tried to ask her about why would she think that her friend advice was good when she could nothing to corroborate it, she didn’t want to answer. I asked her them why would she ignore me when I told her to stop and kept scaring my brother. She told me that she didn’t thought that I would find it that bad,
and that if I really loved her I would just ignore it because she was trying to help and that she feels that I don’t love her because I would choose my brother over her just because now he is a “crippled” (her own words) on something so “trivial”, and that he should grow up and deal with his problems himself, and I as her girlfriend should be on her side allways.
Of course I was very angry at this answer and we ended up getting on another fight. On her words I shouldn’t have asked my brother to come live with me, but as I ended up asking he should just be quiet and obey and accept what we do because we “know better” for being adults.
Before going to her house I took some people advice and I decided to ponder abour our relationship until that moment. And looking back I could see a lot of things I believe I didn’t want to see. First, every single approach on our relationship was taken by me… want a date? I was the one inviting her, let’s go see a movie? I allways had to be the one to invite, romantic time?
I had to start allways, looking back the entire relationship look’s one sided… Second, she doesn’t look like she care much about “boundaries” from the start, she disregarded every single boundarie I’ve had before, I never took much action about them because they were small things, I believe that if I had made myself more clear before it wouldn’t get to a point where it would cause problems to my brother.
I made a decision, I didn’t want to break up, but if we were to continue a relationship with her, all of this would have to change. I talked with her and told her that I didn’t want to break up, but if we were to continue a relationship, first she would not be allowed near my brother and wouldn’t be welcome to my house when my brother is there,
second she would have to apologise to him and promise and this time respect that promise, that what was done wouldn’t happen again, and third she would have to go to counseling with me. Those where my terms and if we were to continue together things had to change.
She got mad at me, cursed me, told me I was and i**ot to choose family over her, and that I was crazy to end a relationship over this, I talked with her about those things I mentioned earlier and she call me stupid, that this is what a “good relationship” look’s like. Of course we got on another fight.
In the end she wasn’t willing to compromise and make the relationship work. So, I decided to end things… yep we broke up, of course I left her house being called a lot of names, I blocked her on both my cellphone and social media, and right now I’m focusing on my brother.
It hurts a lot that the person that I’ve been calling the love of my life recently could be that cold but I guess it was for the better. A lot of you recommended therapy and counseling for my brother, he is already on it. Before coming to my house he already was on it. I would like to thank you all for advice,
I don’t think I would have ever looked back at my own relationship if I haven’t got to that point and I don’t think it would be safer to continue in that relationship anymore, she already disregarded boundaries with me, I didn’t do nothing about it, and it got to a point where it ended affecting very bad my brother and I feel very guilt for that.
Check out how the community responded:
Sfb208 − Wow, I’m so sorry. She is delusional, or perhaps simply self centred and selfish if she thinks a good relationship is just one where she gets everything she wants, and gets to do whatever she wants no matter how it impacts others, so you’re absolutely better off without her. Be thankful that you’ve learnt now, and not later.
x-strongpinkliquor − You did the right thing. She sounds like an a**hole for wanting to be put ahead of your family & the things she said. Just wow!
the_last_basselope − I’m sorry it went down the way it did, but you and your whole family will be better off without her in your lives. This toxicity and entitlement was always inside her, so it would have come out eventually.
LEGOmaniac66 − OP, your ex is a horrible person. As time goes by and you continue to reflect on her behavior, the hurt will fade and be replaced by both anger, and this realization. You did the right thing. Now give yourself time to heal and let this sink in.
It takes time for your brain to make the emotional transition between “love of my life, who I rationalize everything for, so I can see as a good person” to “horrible girl that tortured my disabled brother and took advantage of me”. At first you’ll be sad and miss her. Don’t give in and don’t contact her ever again.
There’s nothing to be gained from it and she doesn’t deserve a second more of your time, let alone a chance to weasel her way back into your life. Once you heal and time has passed, you are going to be soooo glad you made this choice.
I don’t care if she looks like a supermodel, this girl is so ugly inside that she was literally ruining your brother’s life- and yours. Be proud of yourself for doing the right thing. Stay strong and continue to protect yourself and your family. I’m rooting for you.
shadoxalon − On her words I shouldn’t have asked my brother to come live with me, but as I ended up asking he should just be quiet and obey and accept what we do because we “know better” for being adults. She was hiding the truth, here. Your brother, to her, is a second class citizen now. You don’t know better because you’re adults, you know better *because you aren’t crippled*.
She felt okay treating your brother so horribly because she had already dehumanized him in her mind. I tried to ask her about why would she think that her friend advice was good when she could nothing to corroborate it, she didn’t want to answer.
If I had to guess, something horrifying like: “being crippled can be really tough, and he’s going to have to learn how crippled he really is sooner or later. Maybe you can help him accept his new crippled future by like, ripping off the band-aid?” She thought OP was coddling her brother, and he needed a dose of “harsh reality”.
tristonmocke − What a fuckinnnngggg twat oh my god
Cookyy2k − I started by asking her where did she get the “advice” that she saw on the internet that said that scaring blind people was a good thing to be done. She was very reluctant to tell me, but when I pressured her a little more she ended up telling me. Apparently there’s is no article, no research, no elaborated study, nothing…
The advice she got came from a friend of hers on facebook chat, and she just went along with it. She also told me she lied about her mother telling her that, to clarify, her mother is a social worker where we live, so she thought that if she said that her mother had also said that it would maker her “friend” advice a little more credible because she couldn’t find any article or study.
I tried to ask her about why would she think that her friend advice was good when she could nothing to corroborate it, she didn’t want to answer. Well this entire thing is manipulative as f**k.
She unilateraily decided to do something then lied about the source to try and manipulate you into believing her approach was the right one rather than have a discussion about it. You are better off out of this relationship. Thank god she wasn’t willing to “compromise” because otherwise you’d still be stuck with her.
Aeriq − f**k that dumb selfish b**ch. **Never** look back. Keep her blocked.
knoguera − Wow. She’s a f**king psychopath. I don’t believe she even had a friend she chatted with about it. She was scaring him to break him so he left your house. She didn’t want him there. What a piece of s**t.
[Reddit User] − All I can say is you dodged a nuclear warhead. Honestly there is something seriously wrong with this woman. Also I don’t believe any “friend” ever told her that. I think she made the whole thing up. She just saw someone vulnerable that she could mistreat and so she did. Pets and children and anyone vulnerable in any way are not safe around this woman.
That she could put on such a good mask should scare the living hell out of you. It does me and I don’t even know her. Nor would I want to. Make sure you change the locks on the house and tell your brother to not answer the door if he’s by himself.
Maybe put a few people closest to you on high alert about her for awhile. I really don’t trust her not to try to get to your brother and hurt him as a punishment to you. Be safe, all of you, glad to hear you stood up for your brother. This is really troubling.
Did the user make the right decision by ending the relationship? Should love ever come at the cost of boundaries and respect? Share your thoughts below.