UPDATE: I got out of the friendzone?

A Reddit user updates their story after confessing their love to their best friend two years ago. Following an honest conversation and some time apart, both realized they wanted to be together and are now happily dating. They express gratitude to those who encouraged them to take the leap. Read the original story below to hear more about their journey.
‘ UPDATE: I got out of the friendzone?’
Two years ago I made a post that I was in love with my best friend. I was encouraged to do the dangerous thing and talk to her. We had a very honest conversation and she was very sweet about it and admitted that we did have something between us but we remained friends, with not speaking for a little while to begin with.
As the months went by we both started seeing other people although I was still very much in love with her. Eventually both of us realised that we didn’t want other people but only each other and a short time after that we got together.
We have now been dating for 10 months and we are both extremely happy and are very much in love. Just wanted to make an appreciation post for the ones who made me talk to her and to anyone who is in a similar situation as I was, it actually is possible!
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Farahild − This is a great update 🙂 Congrats and I hope it remains good for a long time!
i3igNasty − Love the story, congrats on it working out! My own story was somewhat similar, albeit a different ending: Strong connection as friends, we did everything together for years. I confessed my love for her one night, she told me she didn’t reciprocate.
Thankfully, it did not make things awkward and we maintained a great friendship. I was 7 months into a new relationship, and she confessed her love for me. I couldn’t bail on my relationship, so I rejected her. I ended up marrying that relationship, having kids. She got married and had a baby recently. We haven’t spoken in at least 3 years.
Jackman1337 − Don’t do that, don’t give me hope
John_Hunyadi − For sure, even if it doesn’t end up with you dating your crush, it is such an unbelievable weight off your shoulders.
meowza93 − The term friend zone is still gross. But congrats
geronimotattoo − I caught feelings for one of my guy friends and blurted it out awkwardly during one of our marathon phone calls. We are in an intense academic program together and he said he wasn’t considering dating until the program is finished.
I have taken that as him letting me down gently but my feelings are still there. I care for him as a human, not only for his D, so I shrugged it off and we’ve maintained our friendship — the more we talk, the more I feel our friendship is growing.
My feelings are still there and they may have intensified with the more I learn about him. I hope that one day I am able to relate to your post, but even if I don’t, having this dude as a friend is honestly such a blessing that I am just so happy to have him in my life in whatever the context. It’s rare to find a gem like that, you know? I’m very happy for you and your partner!
ACardAttack − Yay. Even if it didn’t work out it would have been the best thing to do, knowing and getting rejected is far better than not knowing and wondering
61celebration3 − You did the most important thing after you told her: you gave her all the space she needed to think it through. It took months and seeing other people but if you hadn’t, it wouldn’t have worked out. Good job!
whtmustangt99 − That’s awesome, congrats. Now you have to keep her – don’t ever undervalue her, respect her, listen to what she says (truly listen), communicate often (she needs to know every deep dark void in your head), tell her how you feel every day.. Best of luck my friend!
princegb − The same thing happened to me, but I was the girl. I also admitted my feelings but was ghosted for a while. We just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary in December and we are truly still best friends and very much in love, I wish you both all the happiness in the world.
Do you think the user’s decision to confess their feelings was the right choice? Have you ever been in a situation where a relationship evolved from friendship to romance? Share your thoughts and experiences below!