Update: I [25M] got ghosted by my girlfriend [23F] of 2 years.

A Reddit user shares an emotional update about a sudden breakup after being ghosted by his girlfriend of two years. He unexpectedly runs into her at a social event, reopening old wounds and prompting a conversation about what went wrong. Read on to see how he confronted her and processed her reasons for cutting ties.
‘ Update: I [25M] got ghosted by my girlfriend [23F] of 2 years.’
Thanks everyone for your support. I actually bumped into my ex-girlfriend at the birthday party of a friend a few days ago. I didn’t know she’d be there. She said hi to me like nothing was the matter. Like we hadn’t spent 2 years of our lives together. She looked great and I wish I hadn’t gone to the party.
I was healing in my own time, just going to work and focusing on friends and family. But seeing her again was like opening an old wound. After the party, she unblocked me and sent me a very long text. She said she was sorry for how she acted, that she just woke up one day when I was gone and realized that she didn’t want to be with me. Just like that.
She said being in a relationship just exhausts her (she’s an introvert). She said she likes being by herself, without any drama or tears or stress. I said that’s fine, but she could have at least told me. She apologized to me again and said she was being a c**ard. She said she hates breaking up with people and said she was waiting for me to break up with her first.
I just think she got tired of me and didn’t even care enough about me to end it properly. So she just decided pretending I didn’t exist was the best way to do it. I can’t say hearing all this helps. I don’t really even have much closure. But people wanted me to update and so I did. Thanks for all your help guys. Wish it was more interesting than it really was.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
pointlessly_pedantic − That’s f**king rough. She sounds like she has major issues with communicating her emotional needs. That will really f**k up her ability to maintain healthy relationships.
It’s best for you that you’re not with her, even if the way it went down was complete s**t. That’s about the closest you can ever get to this myth we call “closure”. \-Sincerely, a guy who has had issues communicating his emotional needs and continues to be in therapy to work that s**t out.
[Reddit User] − Going through the same thing currently. She dumped me 4 months ago out of the blue we lived together and had a dog. She said I had to be out by a week. Now she’s dating her coworker literally days after she broke up with me.
It hurts but time helps and seeing her definitely does not. I saw her at a bar and it fucked me up, best thing for you is to keep her blocked. I literally just woke up from having my ex in my dream which sucks she still has such a large imprint on me.
everyting_is_taken − Well, at least you’re not dating a f**king robot anymore. How can anyone be that cold? You’re better off, my man.
kdropk − You’re better off. What a peace of s**t. Who unblocks someone to tell them they didn’t want them anymore after ghosting them? You’re only fault is that you replied back to the heartless woman.
FatalTortoise − She said she hates breaking up with people and said she was waiting for me to break up with her first. What she really means is she wanted you to be the villain in this story.
Daintyoaktree − Ghosting really is the c**ard’s way out. Good riddance, there’s no excuse to do something like that because you’re “*shy*”. Better it happen 2 years in opposed to 10 years in. It can be hard to see it, but you’re better off now.
I’ve been betrayed before and it was such a visceral pain, but given time I realized it was the best thing that could’ve happened. You’ll come out on the other side a stronger person. I’m of the opinion you’re not a man until you’ve had your heart broken at least once. This is a great opportunity to re-invent yourself.
[Reddit User] − what she did is so cruel. Anybody who ghosts someone after being in a relationship for 2 years has to have some major mental issues. It’s a bit absurd really. I’d suggest you just block her and don’t respond in case wants to be friends or anything. She’s not worth it at all.
up3k1 − liar translation: being in a relationship (with you) exhausts her
[Reddit User] − Hello OP, I’m so sorry for you. This is an absolutely unacceptable thing to do. You don’t just run away from a relationship, you don’t exit it like some kind of game. This is a relationship, a situation between **two** people. She has a responsibility to terminate the relationship, she can’t just run away.
I hope you can make your own closure. Being ghosted is absolutely terrible, and I can’t sympathise enough. Please understand that we all have the choice to act like a decent human being, and don’t beat yourself too much. You deserve basic respect. No doubt about that.
madevilfish − Props for not going completely going up the f**king wall when you ran into her at the party. Most people I know (me included) would not handle that very well. I think it speaks to a level of self awareness that you didn’t blow up at her in front of everyone. Best of luck OP in a few years this wont look so bad. A good story to tell over a few drinks with close friends.. Edit: A word.
Breakups are rarely easy, but being ghosted by someone you’ve shared years with adds an extra layer of pain. While closure might remain elusive, healing comes from prioritizing yourself and moving forward. How would you approach a conversation with someone who ghosted you? Share your thoughts and advice below.