[UPDATE] I [25ftm] am about to come out to my parents [46m&49f] as transgender and I’m kinda freaking out.


A 25-year-old transgender man shared an update after coming out to his parents as transgender. Initially, he planned to break the news at a family dinner with his supportive sister, but his mom’s impatience led to an impromptu conversation over the phone.

To his relief, his parents reacted with humor, love, and acceptance. Now, they’re preparing to share the news with his younger brother and have even been asked to help pick a new middle name. With hormone therapy on the horizon, he’s feeling optimistic about the journey ahead. For the full story of courage and connection, read below…


For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/dFqiQ


‘ [UPDATE] I [25ftm] am about to come out to my parents [46m&49f] as transgender and I’m kinda freaking out.’

My OP didn’t get much of a response, but I appreciate those who offered support/advice and wanted to give an update in case anyone was wondering.
Originally, my weekend got a little more busy than I had planned, so I decided to move my coming out day until Tuesday.

So, on Sunday, I called my mom to set up dinner (if I hadn’t, I knew I would back out and not tell them) and my mom was feeling impatient I guess, because she was just like “let’s talk about it now” and put me on speaker phone with my dad right next to her. So, I told them. And it went great.


The first thing anyone said was when my dad immediately asked “is that why you’ve been so damn weird the last three weeks?!” Lol. Followed up immediately by a dad joke. We are all going to talk to my little brother about it (probably today my sister, partner, and I are all still going for dinner.)

And I asked my parents to pick out a new middle name for me (I’ve decided to stick with my given first name, it’s androgynous). My dad’s immediate response was “Alwayswantedabeard Man Lastname”So I decided to let my mom have the final say in my middle name lol.


I also set up an appointment to start hormone therapy in two weeks (and my insurance covers it!) So I’m pretty stoked about that. I hope you guys all have a great week!

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

Sommiel −  Edit: to everyone PMing or leaving comments calling me a “sick f**k” or any other derogatory term, I hope you realize one day how hurtful and wrong you have been.


Especially if you ever have kids that end up struggling the way I did. Take a screen shot and send it to us. We want to know who they are.

qlanga −  I think it’s very sweet and thoughtful of you to include them in the process by offering them the chance to give you your middle name. I *absolutely understand* that is not an option for most people who are transitioning, but you seem to have a good relationship with your parents and you suggested it yourself, so I think it’s really cool.


You get to keep your autonomy and do what makes you thrive, but also let them know that they’re an important part of your life and identity. Or at least that’s what I get from it.. Congratulations! 🙂

stillbarracuda −  Yay! Glad it went well! My parents were similarly jokey when I came out to them. It was a relief, but I was also a little mad, because it had SUCH BUILD-UP in my head that their reaction felt anti-climactic. (My mom said “Oh, I thought so.” But then whyyyy did you never talk to me about it? So many years of agonizing, lol.)


thoughtsforgotten −  my day was made while in the gym locker room I overheard a lady saying hey to a friend she hadnt seen in awhile lady asked “how’s your daughter” and the friend replied “my daughter is now my son” in an enthusiastic and nonchalant way-

like matter of fact and it’s all groovy and I felt so happy for that human child who would never know of the exchange but that his mom was so supportive and upfront even in “private” company


TheAverageChameleon −  Awesome stuff, OP! Congratulations on your 600 lb weight loss!

trytryagainn −  Congrats! Also, I think it is very nice to let your parents (mom, lol) pick out your new middle name. One of the hardest things for me wasn’t the name change but that I had no say in it. The name I originally picked was a gift (that didn’t fit, and I am ok with that), but I didn’t get to help pick a new one.


[Reddit User] −  Glad it went well. Your dad’s hilarious.

grossthrowaway1234 −  I’m sooooo happy for you! My sister (mtf) is transitioned and came out at around 30 years old. I had never actually seen her happy until she finally started hormones and therapy.


She would always tell me how much it means to her that my mom and I were so supportive of her which to us was a given, we just want her to be happy and herself. When she changed her name she asked if I would mind if she shared my middle name and I was happy to agree not that she needed my permission.

We got our middle name from our late grandma. Our dad didn’t have the same reaction not that we were suprised. He told my sister he didn’t have a son and that I was his only daughter,


but now whines and crys and uses the proper pronouns now that my sister moved away and doesn’t talk to him anymore. Anyways. I just wanted to cheer you on and say I’m happy for you!

DamnPurpleDress −  I think it’s so fantastic that you’re allowing your family to help with the name. I just do not know how I would feel if my kid decided they needed a new name, and like,


I was stuck with whatever they picked. I get that THEY are stuck with what parents name them, but I feel that I would want some input. So from a Mama, it makes my heart so happy that you feel better, and you are living your best life, but that your folks get some input in your name.

damnit_darrell −  Welcome to manhood! Seriously dude congratulations and its awesome your folks were so supportive of you!


How would you react to such an important revelation from a loved one? Do you think humor and support can make tough conversations easier? Share your thoughts below and join the discussion!

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One Comment

  1. Jennie C. 2 weeks ago

    Let me (try to) get this straight. You’re a lesbian, so you’re attracted to females. Now you’ve decided you’re a male, so you’re going to identify as a male, attracted to females, even though you’re actually female yourself. How do you folks keep your minds? And yes, I can hear the hate coming.