[UPDATE] How do I [32 MtF] say thank you to my (foster) parents for being so amazing?

A heartfelt update from a trans woman who wanted to thank her foster parents for their unwavering love. She created a handmade journal filled with memories, gratitude, and photos, sparking emotional conversations about adult adoption and embracing their bond. Read her uplifting journey and the beautiful connections she shares with her family below.
‘Â [UPDATE] How do I [32 MtF] say thank you to my (foster) parents for being so amazing?’
Sorry for not responding to any of the original comments. Reading the comments ended up being very emotional- full throat constricting, tears and I had to take breaks because I was getting a bit o**rwhelmed with the advice.
I did take many people’s advice and sort of made it my own. I took a week off work and read /u/Palavras and /u/riendlymarmite suggestions in particular about a memory jar and childhood milestones. Thank you guys and everyone else who mentioned a letter/adoption etc.
I ended up writing a journal that was addressed to them. Once I started I had a really hard time containing how I felt so the letter became quite long. So being the over the top person I am, I ended up on Pinterest, found a tutorial on making your own paper/ 101 book binding and basically wrote a mini journal/letter and then bound it. I also put photos in as well.
I would post pictures but it’s a bit unpolished. I didn’t want to commission art work or a quilt because I wanted to do it myself but my SO does embroidery and she says can do a little pixel persong a cross stitch portrait so we’re looking into that too – after our children enter the picture!
I gave them the journal last weekend. They spent Friday/Saturday reading it, we had a very emotional dinner on Saturday especially after I asked them about adult adoption and changing my surname. They were thrilled! They had thought about it too but didn’t want to feel like they were taking something of my identity away or pressure me.
Cue more tears to the point of my SO joking about gluing tissue boxes to her person. This has been a very dehydrating week. Thank you so much reddit, I am so glad I posted here! This was seriously an amazing experience.. — **tl;dr**: Crafts, adoption and electrolyte replacements.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Th3ChosenFew − This is amazing, I’m so happy things have turned out well for you. Much love.
[Reddit User] − I remember your original post. So glad you took the time to yourself and it all worked out. Congratulations on moving forward with the adoption <3
DiTrastevere − Welp. I think I’m done with internet for today. I’d like to end on this high note.. …-sob-
AnthroposMetron − That tl:dr….. GET THE ONIONS OUT OF HERE
leecheese − Thank you for the update, I’m glad that your gift was well received! Wishing you many happy years with your wonderful family 🙂
birtardedest − I’m not crying at my desk, YOU’RE crying at your desk.
DeseretRain − That’s great! How did your parents manage to convince CPS to let you go on hormone blockers and transition 20 years ago?
are-you-sitting-down − Heartwrenchingly beautiful update. I’m so glad you found a means to express your gratitude.
[Reddit User] − “This has been a very dehydrating experience” are the most beautiful words I’ve ever read on this subreddit
AngryTortorella − As much as I love all the crazy drama this sub has to offer, posts like this one is why I keep coming back.
This story is a beautiful reminder of the power of love and gratitude in strengthening family bonds. Have you ever created or received a heartfelt gift like this? Share your experiences or thoughts on the importance of family, whether chosen or biological.