*UPDATE – Don’t want to have a “Click-Bait” Title – Wife’s Wedding Band(s)

A Redditor shared a heartwarming update about surprising his wife with a replacement for her damaged wedding band. With the help of their sons and a thoughtful jeweler, they pulled off a memorable and intimate reveal that left his wife overjoyed. Read the original story below for the details.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/LOcYy
‘ *UPDATE – Don’t want to have a “Click-Bait” Title – Wife’s Wedding Band(s)?’
So, I have just returned from lunch, where my wife received her new bands. We kept it low key, no pictures/video, and semi-private. What we did was planned to take her cut band to a local jeweler after lunch, and invited our two sons to lunch before the “appointment”.
While ordering, Oldest son asks to see the damaged/cut wedding band, saying he might be able to fix it, he takes it below the table and starts acting like he is squeezing and straining, and then places a complete “fixed” band on the table, and asks his mom if that works, she is ASTOUNDED, and places the band on her finger, but….it is too big.
Youngest son says he can fix THAT and asks for the band, wife reluctantly and with a look of “WTF is going on” on her face, hands the band to our youngest, he takes it below the table, and squeezes and strains, and makes it “smaller, but not quite perfect” when she puts it on.
She is now trying to figure it out, and as she takes it off and starts to inspect it, I take it away from her and do the same “act” as our boys, but this time, the band fits PERFECTLY on her finger, and she has quite LITERALLY had enough!
She finally takes it off, and is inspecting it pretty hard, and cannot figure it out…..until My oldest places her cut and older band on the table, our youngest places the too large band on the table, and I place the next size on the table. At this point she’s just staring at all of us, and I explain what had happened, and how I was able to find the jeweler, etc.
I even showed her the Reddit post. She didn’t start crying until reading about the comments and all the caring and support you guys posted. Lunch was ordered, we all talked about everything, ate lunch as a family, parted ways back to respective work, home, etc.
She (wife) did mention that after reading all the replies, she would have KILLED me if I had gone full public display, and all that, so very thankful to those that suggested to keep it low key and semi-private. So, about the jeweler. They responded to my email regarding posting the name/info, and would like to maintain their privacy.
The oldest son IS making jewelry and doing repairs ONLY to catch up previous orders and work requests prior to their fathers passing. Once it is all caught up, they are closing it for good. They sent copies of the drawings and mold for our bands and we placed them in our safe at home in case this happens again, we can get something made/designed.
I followed up asking if there was ANY way to repay their kindness, and haven’t had a response. Regardless, my wife is planning on hitting up some local spots and making them a “Texan” Gift Package and sending it to them.
And that’s it. She is extremely happy and overjoyed. I am really glad it’s “over” as I had NO idea this would garner this much attention, and can now go back to our normal lives. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, and we are grateful to all the outpouring of genuine caring, thank you to everyone that sent Silver, Gold, and Platinum, it wasn’t necessary but greatly appreciated.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
[Reddit User] − What a charming update. I think we all needed this. Congrats to you and your lovely family. <3
Mindtaker − The jewlers children already got an amazing gift from OP. The fact that something their father made meant so much to someone. That they cherished his work so much that they went to so much trouble to find him.
You made their day as much as they made yours. It would have been like having him back for a little while, the looking through files, remembering things about their father, the memories of 17 years ago ETC.
When someone you love is gone, especially that recently, this must have felt like a miracle to those kids. OP you gave them their father back for a breif moment with an adventure, a mystery and getting to do a good deed in his name.. F**king awesome stuff.
GoatWithBeardofGrey − From start to finish this has been such a lovely story and I’m glad you came back to update! It’s unfortunate that you can’t show your gratitude towards the family that helped you out, but I’m happy your wife got her ring back 🙂
Fr3shBread − The remind me bot went off just 3 minutes ago shortly after you posted this. Timing couldn’t have been better. I’m glad it all went well for you. My mother struggles with the same thing and it has been hard on her. So I was happy to see this post. I wish I could show my mom but she would end up crying and I don’t want that.
No_Potential60405 − I needed this today.. ”So Shines a Good Deed in a Weary World”…Willy Wonka..
Ir_Squee − Hey OP! Something you may want to do for your “Texan Care Package” is head over to /r/snackexchange and see what people generally request. (I’ll put a $1 on BBQ sauce being a big one and maybe some spice rubs? But I’m an Arizonian so I am BBQ spoiled as well.) Oh, I bet some good Beef Jerky!
Khajiit-ify − This makes me so happy. I love the way you and your family went about this as well. I also really love the idea of sending a care package filled with local stuff.
ih8makingupnames − This is exactly the kind of positive post that makes me love the Reddit community. Congratulations OP and many more happy years with your lovely bride. Really happy the boys got in on the surprise with you and i’m positive you have made her forget all about the other ring and the traumatic experience of having her wedding band destroyed.
burnSMACKER − What the hell? That was so much cooler than I could have imagined it being! Congrats on pulling it off and congrats on making your wife so happy!
Starchasm − That’s so wonderful! The magic trick was the PERFECT thing to do! (I’m starting to get all misty)
What do you think of this heartfelt surprise? Was keeping it low-key the right choice, or would you have done it differently? Share your thoughts below, and let us know your favorite way to show someone you care!