UPDATE. Dad (62m)won’t spend Christmas with BIL (28m) and mum (60f) is blaming my wife (36f)?

The situation has continued to escalate after the original family conflict, with a series of dramatic events leading to a shift in family dynamics. The grandparents, usually neutral, decided to visit another relative instead of spending Christmas with the mother due to Steve’s behavior.
The situation worsened when Steve and Sarah demanded a public apology from Kay. However, a pivotal moment came when the husband’s young son, Jack, made a comment about Steve being a “bad man,” which helped open his mother’s eyes to Steve’s toxic behavior.
This led to a significant rift with Sarah, who responded with homophobic slurs, ultimately causing the family to distance themselves from her and Steve. Despite the ongoing drama, the family has decided to spend Christmas without Steve, and the husband is focusing on the positive aspects of the holiday with his wife and child.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/bFBxj
‘Â UPDATE. Dad (62m)won’t spend Christmas with BIL (28m) and mum (60f) is blaming my wife (36f)?’
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Flibertygibbert − May small children playing recorders with more enthusiasm that skill follow Steve everywhere.
cassowary32 − Sarah wasn’t a good person because she let Steve terrorize every gathering without intervening. She was okay with how he treated your family. Did she ever apologize for his behavior?
Steve and Sarah are two terrible people, she just let Steve do the dirty work for her until there were consequences and she couldn’t hide behind him anymore. I’m glad your family is rallying around you. It’s also funny that Steve and Sarah threatened not to come without an apology. Classic don’t threaten me with a good time.
Plus_Data_1099 − I am sure Sarah has known all along what a ao Steve is but she’s too deep into him hopefully this will give her enough doubt to leave that dirtbag
Sea-Command3437 − Jack is a hero – he got through to your mum! Surely this is worth a little off-key recorderage? I hope you and Kay and nice family members have a wonderful Christmas.
VictoryShaft − Updateme. I don’t think the dickish BIL and Sarah saga had concluded. I’m glad you’ll have a peaceful Christmas in theory. I just think the pair of them are not convinced yet that they’re shut out.
FairyCompetent − I encouraged my child to have any and all musical instruments- violin, guitar, harmonica, drum set, cow bell, slide whistle- I drew the line at recorder. It’s an instrument of torture, I cannot be convinced otherwise.
Beautiful-Elephant34 − Honestly, Kay sounds like the hero that saved Christmas. Steve was hurting the whole family and nothing was being done about it until Kay said something. Now Sarah gets to live with the consequences of her actions/inactions.
Let the two miserable people be miserable together rather than make everyone else miserable as well. It’s unfortunate, but it is Sarah’s choice. She is an adult with agency and is capable of making her own bed, now she can lay in it.
New-Comment2668 − Going to have to agree with you on the recorder issue. Whoever invented those is a horrible, horrible person. So glad that your Mom’s eyes have finally been opened to what a s**t person your sister married. I hope you have a very merry, peaceful Christmas!
AffectionateBite3827 − The third thing that happened was Jack getting home from after school club with a recorder that I am sorely tempted to shove up the teachers backside
Congratulations on this thrilling parenting milestone!
BisquickNinja − FYI