UPDATE: Coworker (M) is almost certainly recording myself (M28) and other Coworkers in the men’s restroom. Not sure what to do.


A Redditor shared an update about a disturbing situation involving a coworker who was allegedly recording others in the men’s restroom at their workplace. After consulting coworkers and using the company’s anonymous reporting hotline, the issue was swiftly addressed. Within a month, the coworker was terminated, bringing relief to the team. Read the full story below.


‘ UPDATE: Coworker (M) is almost certainly recording myself (M28) and other Coworkers in the men’s restroom. Not sure what to do.’

So it’s been awhile since my original post so I figured I’d give a quick update. I took some advice I received on this post and decided we needed to take action. I couldn’t stand having this guy be around anymore, receiving praise from his coworkers while none of them know what was truly happening.

I talked with a few of my coworkers about it and we started looking into our options. Our company offers a hotline to report incidents just like this, completely anonymously. Finally, after a little bit of debate, one of us called the hotline and reported the incidents. We waited to see what would happen.


Eventually the security team reached back out to him and asked him for more information. They said they are building a case and they need as much information as possible. After hearing this, the rest of the us decided to report our cases to further aid in the building of the case. I remember the security officer telling me that things are going to “move quickly.”

Well I guess in a big company they don’t f**k around with this. Less than a month after the initial report was filed the creepy a**hole was fired. The entire department was told to meet in a meeting room real quick for some news and management laid it on us that he was gone. He was a highly respected coworker who was really good at his job.


The news was met with shock, especially since some layoffs had occurred recently. I remember my heart absolutely racing when the news was being given. I couldn’t believe that it was happening. I really didn’t think some anonymous reports would lead to action so quickly.

The creepy guy was friends with some of the women in our department, and he was texting them constantly saying that he was innocent. He quit pretty quickly once they weren’t having any of what he was saying. The rumors of why he was fired spread really quickly around the office, but fizzled out faster than I was expecting.


I really thought this would be going around the office for months, but after two weeks or so people stopped talking about it and things returned to normal. I really appreciate the advice on here. It was extremely helpful in my decision, and it worked out for the best.

TLDR: If you want to take pictures of your coworkers in the bathroom and you like your job, then maybe reconsider. Coworker fired for this very thing after being reported.


Check out how the community responded:

TE1381 −  Good call, I cringed when I read the other comments saying to try to find a way to check his phone. Going to management was the right move.

DistantKarma −  The rumors of why he was fired spread really quickly around the office, but fizzled out faster than I was expecting. I really thought this would be going around the office for months, but after two weeks or so people stopped talking about it and things returned to normal.


I see this reaction is some people who get upset over some such reason and their response is… “Well, I’ll quit, and then what will they (upper management) do?” I always tell the person, “Here’s what will happen.. You’ll quit and two months later we won’t even remember your name.”

myobviousthrowaway12 −  I’ve been waiting for this update for like 7 months


littlestray −  Shouldn’t this also be followed up with the police? Like great, he’s out of your workplace, but he could still have footage of you and just repeat the offense elsewhere.

DiTrastevere −  Holy s**t this was therapeutic to read. Results like this are so g**damn rare. Thank you for organizing your colleagues and reporting him.


biwwy911 −  Good job OP. It’s always the kiss asses and highly respected ones that are douchebags. Glad he got his. Score one for the real good guys!

Grautumn −  Im glad it worked out, its nice to see s**ual harassment being taken seriously by the workplace.


cmlea1 −  Did they find recordings?

sirwinkalot −  Did they find evidence of what he was doing and why he was recording??


iSoReddit −  My first month into my job i went into the big stall to use the bathroom. While I was in there a person entered the small stall next to me. Once they sat down i glanced over and noticed their phone was in their pocket, positioned in a way where, if it was recording, it would have a full view of me in the stall. I’m confused by this description though, are there no walls between the stalls?

How would you handle a situation involving such a severe breach of privacy at your workplace? Have you ever used an anonymous reporting system for a workplace issue? Share your experiences or thoughts below!


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