Update- AITAH that my husband is planning to go on a dinner date with a long term ex?

A Redditor shares a heart-wrenching update about her husband, Jack, who had been planning to spend time with his long-term ex, Emma. After a sleepless night filled with anxiety and doubt, she confronted him upon his return, only to learn that he had taken time off work to spend the entire day with Emma.
Despite her efforts to believe in their marriage, Jack revealed that he felt a stronger connection with his ex and ultimately decided it was best for them to part ways. Read on to understand the emotional turmoil she is going through and the choices she’s now faced with.
‘ Update- AITAH that my husband is planning to go on a dinner date with a long term ex?’
Original post : https://aita.pics/vITqM
It’s 4:45 am, and I didn’t sleep last night. I thought I’d post an update. I decided to stay awake and talk to him when he came home. When he did, I told him, “I could have tracked your location, shown up at the restaurant, and done so many things to get my answer.
But I’d like to believe you have enough respect for me to tell me. Were you on a dinner date with your friends or Emma?” He showed me pictures and said, “No, it was all of us—me, my friends, and Emma.”
I was stupid enough to feel relieved, even feeling bad for accusing him. Then he told me to sit down because we needed to talk. He said that after seeing Emma at the gala, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He decided to take Monday and Tuesday (yesterday) off and SPENT THE WHOLE day with her (while I assumed he was at work).
He went on about how strong their connection was, how they couldn’t stop talking, and how much he enjoyed being with her. He told me I’m a sweet woman, but he never felt that “spark” with me.
He said that at dinner, Emma was laughing and having fun with everyone, and it felt like old times (compared to me being quiet and uncomfortable around his friends). He said it’s best if we go our separate ways. I asked him if they had s**, and he didn’t reply.
I asked again and again, but he still wouldn’t answer. I was so upset and asked, “Why did you marry me if you’re not over her?” He said he thought I was the one, but these past two days made him realize there’s no spark between us.
He kept going on about how sweet I am and that I’ll find someone too. I told him to shut up. I said, “Emma knew about your cancer treatments—where was she when you needed a friend? Why didn’t she ever call you back then?” He went quiet. I feel stupid for ignoring all the red flags over the years and wasting six years of my life with him.
My next step is hiring a lawyer and finding my own place. I feel so numb right now. I’m going to contact my brother to help me. Thank you, everyone.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
lilmanfromtheD − Your husband and his friends sound like complete ass holes. “The rebound girl” at the wedding is so disrespectful and not funny. Then the ex-coming back into play and him rubbing it in your face.
The guys weren’t kidding when they described her, the audacity of this girl…. This guy is a total j**kass. Sounds like they deserve each other. You have deserved someone better for a long time.
CyberArwen1980 − He will regret. He will find that she was an ex for something. It wont work and will come looking for you,time to time. So sorry.
SummerTimeRedSea − Girl it may seem hard but… at least you are not the one who will live with someone who did not bother to just call when you had cancer. The moment he has a problem she will leave him. I hope you ll have enough selfrespect to never take him back tho.
better_as_a_memory − The fact that he wouldn’t answer, tells you they had s**.
Divorce and take him for all you can.
Bfan72 − He spent a couple of days with her. If she didn’t respond when he had cancer, she won’t be the partner that he thinks he’s getting. That “spark” will die down and hopefully he will be left with nothing.
Only a l**er pulls crap like this. If she was willing to spend time with a married man, she will do it to him. Once you are divorced please cut him and his friends and family completely off. You need to be able to move on and talking to any of them will pull you back to a painful place.
Panaccolade − Emma didn’t care about his cancer. She doesn’t truly care about him. If she did, she’d have been there. He is a fleeting fancy who believes he’s something more.
He will find that out when whatever he has with her crashes and burns, which is inevitable. You, however, deserve better and now that this wetwipe of a man isn’t standing in the way, you’ll have space to get it.
bizianka − You stayed with him when he had cancer and she didn’t even bother to call. You deserve better.
Ashamed-Director-428 − Just wait til he tells AP that’s he’s left his wife, I bet the shine rubs off really quickly when the excitement of sneaking around and doing the forbidden isn’t there any more.
These people thrive on what they aren’t meant to have. As soon as it becomes the everyday humdrum, I hope she loses interest and he tries to come crawling back. At which point you tell him to bite you.
CantaloupeMaximum660 − Something similar happened to me. It’s awful at first. Everyone says time is the answer and you will wonder how much time, but I found myself starting to get better at three months and then at six even more and a year later I’ve moved on and am happier than before. Hang in there. You lost NOTHING with this person.
Quiet-Hamster6509 − File for divorce citing infidelity and go to town.
I know the inclination is to say you don’t need him or anything from him, but you soak him for everything you can in spousal support. Him and his dipsh*t friends disrespected you over how la-de-da-damn important he is, let him help make up that difference now. Adultery isn’t popular with most judges, so if you can get him to at least tacitly acknowledge that in a text, more so the better.