[UPDATE]: AITAH for yelling at a person with special needs at the gym?

Had a lot of people asking for an update so here it is. Original link: https://aita.pics/UyRVL
‘ [UPDATE]: AITAH for yelling at a person with special needs at the gym?’
Thank you everyone for the advice. I’m a stress head, so I was playing the events over and over in my head all last night. Your comments helped keep me calm and feel more positive about the whole thing So for the update. I went by the gym this morning and asked to speak to a manager about what happened yesterday. They agreed to see me.
I explained everything as I had in my post, and asked if they could review the CCTV to see what actually happened, and possibly reinstate my membership. I said that I believed the trainer yesterday had misrepresented what happened, as a lot of you pointed out, to hide the fact that she was not neglecting the guy she was meant to be supervising.
Surprisingly, he said that this wasn’t the first time they had received complaints about that trainer. He said she’d only been there 2 weeks, and has already had a complaint from both a client, and another trainer from the gym. Though, he didn’t go into detail about what those complaints were. He said to leave it with him, and he’d get back to me.
About an hour ago I got a call from the manager, saying he’d reviewed the footage and it was consistent with my story. The first two interactions I had with him (with the dumbbells and on the bench press) were clear in the footage. The third time was apparently obscured by some other equipment, but he said it was enough to see the guy approach me from behind without the trainer, and he was willing to take my word about what happened next.
My gym membership had been reinstated, and they’ve given me the next 2 months free. I think I’ll be putting that money I save towards a nice bottle of whiskey. He also said not to worry about the trainer – “she won’t be around anymore”. So I think it’s safe to assume she lost her job. Hopefully this is a wake up call for her, and she won’t be putting anyone else in harms way in the future. Thank you again all for the support and advice.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Milkegguk − Let’s gooooooooo, justice is served.
Secure-Cry4135 − Good on you for talking to the manager! Sounds like the CCTV footage helped. Good riddance to that trainer, and free gym for 2 months? Nice! Enjoy that whiskey.
Queen_Cheetah − Thank you for not letting this go, OP- that trainer was putting multiple people in harm’s way by not doing her job!!
Oddly-Appeased − Glad it turned out okay for you. From my experience it’s all too easy to hurt yourself at the gym even when you are fully aware of how the equipment works. Also glad the guy the trainer was supposed to be supervising didn’t get hurt.
ivh016 − Maybe some of you will disagree with me, but if possible I’d make sure any other local gyms and neighboring gyms know how p**s poor of a job the trainer does. Someone could’ve gotten seriously hurt because she’d rather be on her phone.
bishopredline − The other trainer owes you an apology.
ArreniaQ − Hope the gym lets the guardians of the people who are hiring these trainers know the story too. Whoever is responsible has a serious potential lawsuit on their hands; 2 months free wasn’t much for what could have cost them.
1quirky1 − The gym needs to meet with new caretakers and trainers to review their responsibility for the safety of who they support. Then they need to review it quarterly thereafter.
Redrum0725 − I have a special needs bro that goes to the gym. He needs to be supervised at all times. The trainer is aware and leaves his phone at the front desk to focus on him. The gym can be a very dangerous place for someone who doesn’t comprehend danger. Sucks you yelled at him, but for his safety it had to be done.
I’m glad you spoke up and corrected the situation not only for yourself but for the special needs person as well. They need someone who is going to be responsible & respectful of others in the gym as well.
AdMurky1021 − What pisses me off is they already had problems with that trainer, so when this incident pops up, do they do due diligence? F**k no. They were going to sweep it under the rug.