UPDATE: AITAH for moving across Canada without telling my parents after they missed my High School Graduation?


In a surprising turn of events, the Redditor returned with an update after her bold move across Canada. Following her parents’ apology and a flood of messages from family, she faced a difficult decision about whether to reconnect or stick to her new independent life. Read the update below to see how the situation unfolded! Original post: https://aita.pics/dVsCA


‘ UPDATE: AITAH for moving across Canada without telling my parents after they missed my High School Graduation?’

I answered the call. I know I shouldn’t have, but I did. Mom made small talk for a while before informing me that she had done a deep dive into Mike (my boyfriend). I had already known that his family was *very* well off, but clearly she didn’t as she made it seem like I had struck gold.

She then began to trauma d**p about her life since I left. James broke the living room flat screen TV, Dad lost hours at work, Mom had to get a part-time job… I felt like she thought I was now a money machine, like wtf?
Just for context, me and Mike are both studying engineering, with James planning on going to med-school. I left the call after she asked if I could sponsor her and my dad’s trip to visit me.


**NOW** Christmas is quickly approaching, and she email me James’s CHRISTMAS LIST. Like no, I’m not spending that kind of money (2000$) on that b**t. Mike pays for almost everything, and he insists he wouldn’t mind if I used his credit card for gifts, but I’d feel terrible.

I’m also trying to decide who to spend Christmas with. Thanks Everyone! EDIT: I’ve bought James things from his Christmas list before, I stopped once we stopped spending as much time together due to studying and he’s been an a**hole these past couple years.


Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

MachineLordZero −  NTA.. Mike was right, they s**k. Sending you the christmas list like that? Nah, they’re not sorry.

JMarchPineville −  NTA. Don’t give them anything. Not a single thing.


Present-Background56 −  She contacts you with no apology but instead to woe about their financual situation and wants to cash in on your relationship? Guuurrrl, you dodged a bullet by moving as far away as you did. Cut them off and consider it a blessing that you did.

Material_Cellist4133 −  Umm why are you such a doormat? Just block your parents. You know they don’t treat you like their child – just an ATM. A lot of this headache you are bringing it on yourself since you never cut them out.
Your boyfriend told you they wouldn’t change…and surprise surprise…they didn’t. So why do you continue to be stupid and being a doormat by allowing any form of communication?


OoohItsAMystery −  NTA. Don’t buy the gifts, your guy is right. They don’t care about you, they care about the potential money they seem to think you can give them or spend on them. A lot of people say you can’t choose family, but you can, and these people don’t act like family. I’d wash my hands of them for good.

aquavenatus −  Your parents s**k for ignoring you; and, your parents are terrible people for believing you’re going to fund their lifestyles. Block them and your brother while you still can. Otherwise, they won’t stop until they wear you down. It’s NOT worth it! Stick with those who care about you genuinely!. Good luck with your studies!


Fantastic_Mechanic73 −  So why don’t u just go completely NC with your parents like your sister did ? These people clearly don’t care about you at all . What is it going to take for u to see that?

AdAccomplished6870 −  You are still trying to hold on to the family you wish you had, and they are using that connection to try and drag you back in and use you. Cut ties with them. Treat them as if they were distant relatives. Send them a card and a fruit cake, and then spend the time with your BF or your sister, or if that isn’t possible, alone. It will be better that the bucket of leeches.


NTA, but you would be the AH, to yourself, if you let them emotionally abuse you any more. I know you are holding on to hope that they can the parents you want, but they won’t be.

No-Resolution713 −  Why are you still in contact with them when they didn’t gave F about. Like girl have some self respect your not important to them as a person If someone give them 1000 buck and tell them to spend on your family you will never even know about it.


AeriePuzzleheaded675 −  NTA. do the following: 1. Get a therapist for yourself.
2. Go NC or LC with all your toxic family
3. Be frank with Mike that his generosity will not be abused by your family
4. Focus on school, Mike, and yourself

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