UPDATE: AITAH for kicking out my dad after he said he “couldn’t afford to feed me anymore”?


A Reddit user recently shared a major turning point in their life after asking their father to leave, following years of strained relations and difficult conversations around respect and financial support.

The update describes how, rather than a confrontation, the departure turned out to be surprisingly calm, leaving the user with a renewed sense of freedom. Read the full story below to see how they’ve found peace and are moving forward.


‘ UPDATE: AITAH for kicking out my dad after he said he “couldn’t afford to feed me anymore”? ?’

He moved out today. Sorry to disappoint y’all, but the process was surprisingly peaceful. The day of the last post, my dad told me he needed to talk. I braced myself. What he said was totally unexpected and welcome for me.

He said that he couldn’t bear the disrespect I’ve shown him, and he was never going to contact me again. His words, “You failed me as a son”. I told him if he needed help in the future he could contact me, but he must abide by some conditions.

He scoffed and said he was leaving soon and didn’t talk to me again. He left today. As I said earlier in the first post, he had little to pack, and had most of his possessions in storage. He didn’t tell me where he was going, and didn’t bid adieu. Ngl I was comfortable with it.

A toxic part of my life was being erased. I’m feeling a different kind of freedom, which I haven’t felt even after I left home. Where he goes now is none of my concern, although I would have liked to atleast know where he’s going.

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

ConsiderArson −  We can only be thankful when the trash takes itself out. Grats on your newfound peace

DetroitSmash-8701 −  Actually, I’m glad that it was a peaceful exit. I’m even more glad of how you stood up for yourself and didn’t fall for the okeydoke he tried to hit you with.

You did a lot of growing to refuse to fit back into the box of being a child in regards to dealing with him. You’re an adult, and if he has a problem accepting and respecting that, then leaving was what he needed to do, and it’s good that he did.. Bravo.

WhatHappenedMonday −  Change the locks.

wanderer866 −  On the contrary, I am very happy this is how it ended for you OP. Congrats on the freedom you gained.

CocoaAlmondsRock −  Don’t ask around about him — he’ll be asking people whether you’ve reached out to them in order to convince himself that you’re regretting your actions.

If people offer information, don’t prod for additional info. Just say, “I see. That’s too bad” or “That’s good.” And then change the subject. If you show interest, it’s going to get back to him that you were asking about him.

Effective_Brief8295 −  Lock down your credit and go through what is out there now in your name. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

TabbyTuxedo06 −  Glad you’re able to have your space back! Make sure to change the locks just in case. Maybe consider a camera if you think he could go far in desperation

gringaellie −  Change your locks! You don’t want him keeping a key and moving himself back in!

The_London_Badger −  Change the locks, don’t fall for any guilt tripping or g**lighting. Don’t get baited into going back and forth, just grey rock him and leave him on read if needs be.

RumblinWreck2004 −  Change the locks and freeze your credit with all 3 credit bureaus.

Do you think the user’s actions were justified in this situation, or could there have been a way to repair their relationship with their father? How would you handle a similar situation with a family member? Share your thoughts below!

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