UPDATE : AITAH for giving guardianship of my son to my aunt over my mother after I die of my terminal cancer?


Please read my original post: https://aita.pics/FENLV
First of I’d like to say thanks to everyone who gave their suggestions and well wishes, unfortunately I didn’t get to read everybody’s comments as there are too many but thanks to everyone anyway.
Now onto the update.


‘ UPDATE : AITAH for giving guardianship of my son to my aunt over my mother after I die of my terminal cancer?’

I gave my mother a few days to calm herself down before speaking to her again, she eventually came around. She recognises that it’s not optimal for my son to stay with her and that he would be better with my aunt. She knows that my brother is a slob and is giving him a good kick up the arse to get his life together and s**t. I have spoken with a lawyer who has helped me with a lot of things including getting my son legally adopted by my aunt and her husband. He will still be staying with me until i… pass.

As a lot of you suggested I made recordings and videos of myself giving him advice for his milestones. For example: when he looses his first tooth, turning the ages 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, his first girlfriend(or boyfriend if he likes, I’ve made a video in case he is in any way lgbt+) leaving secondary school, going uni, getting married or if he has any kids.


There are also things I’ve put into writing, like how his mother died and that he was supposed to grow up with a twin brother that also sadly passed. I’ve also had my lawyer help me set up a little trust to will him £40,000(from my girlfriends father when he died, she put the money in a joint bank account that I got when she passed) in case he needs help with university or decides to go travelling. All I have to do now is to enjoy the time I have left with him, I’ve moved my younger brother into my flat so that there will be someone to find me everyday for when I go.

When I’m gone I can at least be comforted by the fact that the son I love so much is being taken care of and that I will see the girl I love again and our other angel I never got to meet.. Thank you all again
Edit: this is op’s brother writing this edit, he has since died


Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

dokkane −  Hope you read this. You’re an amazing father.

[Reddit User] −  Whilst this circumstance is so heartbreaking, it is beautiful to see the pure love you have for your kid and family.


FishersAreHookers −  I would also consider making some videos for the bad times as well. First heartbreak, getting an F/failing a class, not getting the job he wanted, not getting into the University he wanted. My father was always there for the good times but when I tended to need him the most was in the bad times to help steer the boat back in the right direction. Also maybe record a video of “the talk” as that’s another big thing.

fliesonmyballs −  I read your original post when you put it up, and it broke my heart. This is an awful situation for you and your family and im so sorry that all of this has happened to you. Im glad to see your mother understands your point of view and i wish you nothing but love and positive vibes for the remainder of your time with your family. Hold your beautiful son tight.


gensleuth −  I have tears in my eyes thinking about the excitement your son will have whenever he receives a new message from you. You are a great dad. Your son will always know how special he was to you. You will always be by his side.

taybo213 −  Sir, I’ve never met you and I wish I could. You are an amazing father and the best parent your son could’ve ever been born to. You are stronger than you know and braver than I could ever be. Your son will grow up knowing he is loved by all of his life. You could leave him this note I use to cope with losing my grandpa:


Talk to me as if I’m there, I will always listen when you call my name. Ask me anything and tell me everything, I’ll never tire of it. When I can, I’ll let you know I heard you.
I still talk to him and wear his flannels.

Godspeed, know you will never be forgotten by me. That your love for your son and strength will never be forgotten.. Edit: Thanks for first Gold! Reading the comments below, I wanted to add, definitely do videos for the bad times as well, his first heartbreak, loss of a pet, etc. Even if you just come up with a little phrase about life, I know itll mean the world to your son as he grows up.


And remember, just because someone is gone does not mean the love they had for you and you had for them is gone. You can still nurture it and love someone until you see them again on the other side.

Notborntodrown −  Original Post for anyone who missed it: https://aita.pics/FENLV


zgenz −  Wishing you so many positive vibes and great times with your son. You’re doing this in the absolute best way I could think of for him. He’s lucky to know how much you love him. Best wishes!

acuaticyasTRADING −  You, sir, are Atticus Finch… I am taken aback hundreds of miles away, in the dark, watching my computer, reading words on a dark screen by your kindness; your story bleeds love–I have no words other than that some random teenager has an immense amount of respect for you…


dexterdarko2009 −  I’m so happy that your mum came around and that you made the recordings. Enjoy your beautiful son with what time you have with him. All my love to you and your family.

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