[Update] AITAH for breaking up with and kicking my girlfriend out because she went to an afterparty without me?

A Redditor returns with an update after breaking up with his girlfriend, who went to an afterparty without him and with a co-worker. After some time, the Redditor discovers more about what happened through social media and gains validation for his decision. Now reflecting on the situation, he shares what he learned and thanks the community for their support. Read the full story below.
‘ [Update] AITAH for breaking up with and kicking my girlfriend out because she went to an afterparty without me?’
About two weeks ago, I came here for moral guidance after breaking up with and kicking my girlfriend out for going to an afterparty with her male co-worker, who outwardly stated that I was not invited.Just about everyone in the post was convinced that Anne had cheated on me with Joe.
The moment she left, I felt as if I had lost interest in her, Joe, and both of their lives forever. But a couple of days later, m**bid curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to find his Instagram through Anne’s. I don’t know if I was looking for closure or validation for refusing to even discuss the issue with Anne, but I found both.
First, a few hours after Joe drove Anne back to my place, he made an Instagram post about potentially doing a cover for Scotty Doesn’t Know by Lustra. The comments were full of people saying he was “going to hell” with laughing crying emojis and the shushing emoji.
I recognized some of the commenters as people who had attended the party. At first, I didn’t know what it was about, but after looking up the lyrics, it became clear. Here’s the first line of the song: >*Scotty doesn’t know that Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday.* So yeah. Class act, he is. Catchy song, though.
But it gets better. I know this wasn’t healthy, but I kind of kept up with Anne and Joe’s social media. They went full mask-off. Another few days later, Joe posted a picture of Anne sitting on his lap. I could tell that based on the sofa he was sitting on, this was not even taken at the afterparty, but *at the party that I went to.*
I must have been talking to someone else or in the bathroom when it was taken. I will say that I was severely depressed and, on a certain level, probably still am. It wasn’t even really about Anne, but that literally nobody from the party was willing to give me a heads up. Anne and I were publicly dating. We showed up together.
People knew I was her boyfriend. But I guess when my back was turned, they were laughing at me. The only thing that doesn’t make sense to me at this point is why she even wanted to keep me around as a partner. When I kicked her out, she was legitimately upset.
Was this a pride issue where she wanted to be the one to d**p me? Was it the thrill of screwing around with her co-worker behind my back? Or was this some logic that only the human equivalent of a dumpster could understand? I may never know.. It doesn’t matter anymore.
I want to thank everyone who responded to the last post, and I really want to give a special thanks to those who posted or DM’d me with similar experiences. Without exaggeration, I don’t know what I’d be doing right now if it weren’t for your comments.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
angga7 − I’d bet $20 bucks that in the near future, the relationship between Joe and Anne will crash and burn; either Joe gets bored and d**p her, or the other way round .
North_Sand1863 − If that d**k comes at you to make fun of you, brag or for whatever reason. Just tell him congratulations on winning your perceived competition. Enjoy your prize of a cheating woman, and enjoy your leftovers, as crumbs are the only thing he’ll ever be able to get.
While it’s an a**hole thing to say, this is in fact the reality of the situation, and it’ll drag both him and your ex back down to Earth, and show that their actions has no effect on you.
He’s getting off on making you a cuck, as hinted by the song he wishes to cover. I won’t be surprised if he switches Scotty’s name with yours or dedicates it to you. Doing this will take away his perceived power over you.
Jokester_316 − Her reaction was out of self-interest. With you kicking her out, she had to find someone else to live with. Joe won’t want anything more than no strings attached s**.
Remember, those were her friends and coworkers. Not yours. It shows who she is by the company she keeps. I’m proud of you. You were quick not to accept her disrespect or g**lighting you. Onward and upward.
scotswaehey − Buddy the Type of d**k Joe is He will be the guy who likes the chase and power of sleeping with women who have partners! I am 99% certain he won’t actually want her now she is single and available and he will move on to his next target soon enough.
People like him just enjoy the sneaking around behind the partners back and the power plays that come with flaunting it under your nose. By kicking her out you have done the one power play he can’t handle mark my words 👍
MrsJingles0729 − I mean – she lost a genuinely good person. You lost a weak, s**fish c**ater. You won!
aforntaz − Okay, pick up your big boy pants. You have mopped enough. Block them on social media and everywhere you can think of. Go for a run, clear your head. Write out a to do list and follow it up. Clean your house, be productive. Think of intricate things you wanted to do and do it. Make new friends.
I can’t over emphasize you getting a dopamine boost through exercise. You don’t need all this negativity. It’s only going to affect your future relationship and turn you into a controlling twat. Let go and rebuild your life.
Take your time in going into a new relationship and have a healthy boundary.. Goodluck. Stop looking them up on social media. Call your dad or a father figure and just talk. Do anything to get you out of this funk
Gain-Outrageous − So in the film eurotrip (that the song is from), the guy in the band (matt Damon in his most random cameo ever), was like 40 banging a 17 year old. So sad and pathetic. Meanwhile Scotty went on an awesome trip round Europe making memories with his friends and ended up living happily ever after with his blonde German penpal.
Xeroid − Did she seriously think you would put up with that kind of treatment? Doesn’t make sense. She abandoned you and refused to answer your texts and was surprised that her behavior was not ok? I would have also been furious.
GrumpyGirl426 − She might have been upset because you messed up her housing and she knows Joe doesn’t want her to move in with him. Maybe you make more money than Joe, or will soon enough and thus you are the better bet long term. She was a fool to mess that up if she is mercenary about her relationships though, wait, we know she’s a fool already.
Forget about them. I too had a breakup that was done emotionally in an instant when he betrayed me in a completely different way, but I did want to know ‘why’ on a few things, just for my own growth in understanding other people. Let the curiosity go, block them on all platforms. It won’t be good to think much about them, they really aren’t worth your time either.
Ok-Interview-6642 − They are both known cheaters. They eventually will cheat on each other. You got a win when they hooked up.
Do you think the Redditor handled the situation well, or do you think he could have approached things differently? How would you have reacted if you were in his shoes, discovering more about what happened through social media? Share your thoughts below!